Picked this series up again during a stressful week. It‘s been therapeutic to let Mercy fight battles in my stead!
Picked this series up again during a stressful week. It‘s been therapeutic to let Mercy fight battles in my stead!
Such a great little blurb.
Pretty entertaining lunch time book. It's a slightly new take on that coming of age story based on your first year of college. This was closer to my own story than others I've read.
Picked up from the library one week ago. Started reading it at lunch, returned to reality for a brief interlude of my job, then came home and devoured this story. Complex characters, humor, wit, charm, and just a dash of magic. I will be rushing to the library as soon as it opens in the morning to drop off this one and pick up the sequel.
I picked this up when I was home recently. It had been a rough week and only got rougher. But when I read this book I started to feel better. One of the first "chapter books" I remember being read out loud, I started to hear again the cadence of my mother's voice. The warmth of her words in my head and those on the page had wonderful restorative properties.
It was a good read. Predictable at times, a little too predictable in some cases. I would have liked more stories of the buddies because I do so love sidekicks. I guess I was just looking for more from the plot. I felt like I was reading a draft plot line from "Once" every once in a while. Enjoyable quick read over all.
Meh. It was a nice fast read. I wanted far more character development and the emotional reveal was predictable but I liked it.
MOTHER PUSS BUCKET!!! This book! I finished it in a few days and I'm semi wishing that I had held out longer. However Kim Harrison did it again! She sucked me in with characters (some dead ha ha) that I loved and others that I loved to hate. What I thought was going to be a Prequel turned into so much more. A dazzling deeper look at characters and a story I only understood at its base levels before. I just...how does the real world compare???
I'm only 60 pages in but I couldn't help but squeal in excitement when I saw this name. I am so happy!!!
This is a family I want to be a part of! Snyder once again makes it easy to fall into Ixia and Sitia without so much as a second breath. I almost wanted to put a sneak suit on myself and join the Corps!
Every reader has that one author or series who forever changed the way they encounter the reading world. Tamora Pierce is that author for me. Who was yours?
Parts of this were a little too neatly tied up but overall I love seeing the completion of my family of sneaks. I will forever be searching for my Ari and Janco stand ins while my Valek finally catches up. I'm even proud of the Commander when all is said and done.
I love how now every book about vampires has to address the sparkling fiasco. Not gonna lie. I'm not a scientist but I sort of want to work in Chris' lab.
I loved reading Diana's reaction to Elizabethan historians vs Elizabethan reality. Made my history heart soar. I remembered that I forgot some pretty amazing scenes from my first read and fell in love with them again. I do feel like Will was picked on by The School of Night though. Poor Shakespeare.
Me too Diana, me too! Love this book so much that on the reread I ended up pulling an all nighter because I couldn't stop. Their intricate story draws me in faster than magic enters Harkness' world. If you enjoy fantasy, love, history, and vivid relatable characters pick up this book. You won't regret it.
No Spoilers I promise. You know a book is going to continue to pull you into a trance of excitement and enjoyment when they start with something like this. The third book in the Invisible Library series continues the exploits of our favorite Library Secret Agents as they try to stop yet another evil plot. Can't wait for the next installment.
I devoured this book! I can't believe I have to wait a whole year before I find out how this turns out! The beauty and destruction of this world has be trapped in its hold and I don't want to be let go! It's going to be a long year.
This was an intoxicating read! Librarians as heroes! I couldn't imagine a better fantasy for a bibliophile. I can't wait to devour the next ones in the series.
This book started me on my path to being a bibliophile way back in 5th grade and I've never turned back.
This was a gift and I could not put it down. I was so happy to learn about these pioneering women. I looked for any other story I could find about them after I finished.
I picked this book up after browsing my local library. I'm a fan of sci-fi teen books. This was a good read and kept me entertained. I did not see the twist coming, and it kept me guessing.