And it didn't disappoint me. 4/5
When breath becomes air - an autobiography by Paul Kalanithi
And it didn't disappoint me. 4/5
When breath becomes air - an autobiography by Paul Kalanithi
There are two things which are stopping me from reading books now.
1. Exams
2. Not having enough books
Please someone donate some books to me, I will take care of the exams.
Ahh...yes this book. Harry Potter, I am falling in love with this one again, gonna read all of it (Again) This is an Ecopy :( sad.
And the ill fate continues here in "A Life Misspent"
"Set in modern Delhi and at flashpoints from the past four decades, fusing private and political, classical and contemporary thrilling effect"
And thats what gives me goosebumps.
"He was a hero to many young poets and critics. And yet he was living hand to mouth, making futile attempts to solve crossword puzzles in Saraswati (magazine) in hopes of winning a much needed prize money."
And We didn't see him at his worst time. Hatsoff to Nirala.
I came across this book and that was the best thing ever happened to me. Although it is a translated book which is originally written by Suryakant Tripathi 'Nirala' in Hindi language, one of the best poets of his time, and I who has Hindi as her mother tongue, but I couldn't find the original one, so I am going with the translation done by Satti Khanna.
Partition between India and Pakistan and Khushwant Singh's portration on that, loved it. Must read. It is the story of year 1947, story of India-Pakistan division.
"Brave New World"
Loved it.
You are mad. Bonkers. Off your head...but I'll tell you a secret...All of the best people are.
Starting my journey with Stephen King...
I just can't stop appreciating the beauty of this book. #TheAlchemist
This was one of the very first book, which I read after coming to my college (1st semester)(I was not a good reader back then). I completed it in one day, then I read it again, the whole night. There is magic in it, believe me. Yesterday I read it and felt better.
Do read it if you somehow missed it. 4.7/5 🌠⭐⭐⭐⭐
It has been a great day with you, Alaska and Miles and Chip and Alabama and everything. You really made my day. I don't remember how many times I threw the book at the wall. Please, please, please Alaska, don't do it with Miles,that's what my words were. Though everything has ended, I just can't get out of it. John green I will never forgive you for this. Love 👍
4/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Put a cigarette in your mouth just to show it will not kill you until you don't give it power to do so.
It will be in my memory for a really long time.😄😁😄🤗
And there was one boy, who is a wallflower. Tried to become not a wallflower. But find out that its great to be a wallflower.
And I started loving Him. The struggles depicted by Stephen Chbosky are so real, it connected with me so well. Hope you can also connect with it.
"I would die for you. But I won't live for you."
It's wonderful to read Charlie when he talks about "The Fountainhead". I don't know, should I read it or not, any suggestions?
How can someone put this book down and do something else. I can't. Awesome 3 book series based on Hindu lord, Shiva 's life. To present Shiva as just a normal human being like us and his doings what make him 'Lord', #AmishTripathi is going to get 4.6/5.0 ⭐⭐⭐⭐🌠
The world breaks everyone and afterwards many are stronger in the broken places. #AFarewellToArms
This is one of the quotes which I read in the book #AllTheBrightPlaces quoted to Hemingway, and it became my instant favorite.
Ok so I came across this book in my college library and I picked it up because I had nothing to do at that time. I read it twice. And it changed something inside me, deep down. The thing is I cannot exactly tell you what it changed but it did. Holden, Holden, Holden, I know people never notice anything. Always gonna be on top of my recommendation list.
#AllTheBrightPlaces Finch's rules :)
Rule number 1. There are no rules ;)
Wow !! I picked up this book because I thought it is romantic and all but actually it had everything, I felt like home. Theodore Finch I just started loving you, though you are gone ;) A must read book on mental illness if you want to change your perception. 4.5/5
I should have added this in my last post about the wallflower but ... one thing only "We are infinite". Ooh hoo. :P
That is the book, yes much needed. Relevant and everything. Pigs, pigs, pigs (sorry spoilers) ;). Man, man, man (no spoilers) :P
"We accept the love we think we deserve"
Wow that is something I needed to read right now. :)