It was a really good book. I loved the movie and absolutely loved the book as well.
It was a really good book. I loved the movie and absolutely loved the book as well.
It was a very slow read. I liked the book but was just not able to really get into it.
So I got this book because I loved the movie trailer that I seen for this book. I am absolutely in love with this book. It was so amazing. It made me laugh. It made me cry at some points. It was just overall one of the best books I've read.
This series for me is kind of like Harry Potter. They are books that I never wanna put down and continue to read.
This was one of THE BEST books I have read in a while. It was a definite page turner. I couldn't put the book down. I don't remember the last time I finished a book within a few days like this one. Definitely recommend it.
This book started off a little slow to me. Then there are like two or three different stories that go back and forth so it confused me a little at the beginning as well. But overall, I would definitely recommend it.
Today has been such an amazing day! I've read almost all of The Good Mothers AND I finally got the soldier that I am going to support from AAUSS today! I'm super excited to hear back from the soldier and send out the packages that I'm planning for them.
It's my day off so I'm still in pajamas even though it's noon. Getting a good chunk of this book done today along with a big pot of coffee ❤
This was such a good book. The beginning was a bit slow, but once you got over the first couple of chapters it was amazing and hard to put down.
The only thing that I hate about going to work is that it stops me from reading all day
This book was absolutely amazing! I've been on a bit of a mafia binge and just reading everything I can get my hands on. This is definitely a recommendation.
Having a bit of a lazy day before work tonight, so hopefully I'll be able to make it through at least half of this book while binging one of my favorite shows. Super excited to read it since I've had a mafia interest lately.
I actually watched the tv series with Tom Hiddleston before I read the book because it had Tom Hiddelston in it. I absolutely loved both of them. The book had a lot more details than the show which just made imagining it in my head so much better. I was thinking about the show and adding in the details from the book that were not in the show. All in all I would definitely recommend this book to others.
Such an amazing book. It's definitely a book that I would recommend for someone who likes reading about WWII
This book made such an impact on me more than any other book I've ever read. I actually cried reading this book at some points. When I started reading this book, I never realized how amazing it truly would be. I got the recommendation for this book off of Tumblr from just looking through posts about books. I'm so happy I gave this book a chance.
This book was amazing! It took me a while to actually get into it, but once I did I loved it. I never put it down after I was invested in it.