Great history of Italians coming to America and true crime.
This book was amazing! It took me a while to actually get into it, but once I did I loved it. I never put it down after I was invested in it.
Before the mafia was the mafia there was The Black Hand Society whose deadly tactics swept terror across the nation. This is the story of that group and the man known as the Italian Sherlock Holmes, Joseph Petrosino, who helped bring them down. Chock full of info there's a great deal of information about the Italian immigration experience in here as well. Can meander a bit but it's an interesting look into early policing in America.
More #LibraryHaul books. These just came in for me on ebook through OverDrive. Yassssss!!! 🙌🏽
Lunch before library run. Enjoying this book but having a hard time really getting into it and wanting to read.
Two recently published books that sound great. I was unfamiliar with J. Robert Lennon, "Broken River" is blurbed by Beukes & described as "a cinematic, darkly comic, and sui generis psychological thriller." And it is published by Graywolf. Sold!
Evening reading! It's due on Monday and I can't renew. Here's hoping I can power read / not feel guilty for returning it a couple of days late. 🤞🏼