Obsession is the gravity of making. It moves things, it binds them together, and gives them structure.
Obsession is the gravity of making. It moves things, it binds them together, and gives them structure.
I think it's safe to say that if this happens on any account, trust is the least of worries. lol
Let us toast to animal pleasures, to escapism, to rain on the roof and instant coffee, to unemployment insurance and library cards, to absinthe and good-hearted landlords, to music and warm bodies and contraceptives... and to the "good life", whatever it is and wherever it happens to be.
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!
In my life, I have given a fuck about many people and many things. I have also not given a fuck about many people and many things. And like the road not taken, it was the fucks not given that made all the difference.
Let's say you have an ax. Just a cheap one, from Home Depot. On one bitter winter day, you use said ax to behead a man. Don't worry, the man was already dead. Or maybe you should worry, because you're the one who shot him.
Fred said, “Man, I think he‘s gonna make a fuckin‘ suit of human skin, using the best parts from each of us.”
“Holy crap,” said John. “He‘ll be gorgeous.
Won another giveaway from Goodreads! Been waiting to read this one!
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Looking down on it from the helicopter, with a bottle of Jack in my left hand, a bag of pills in my right hand, and a blond head bobbing up and down in my lap, I felt like the king of the world.
We've tried to live in balance with nature long enough. This time nature went too far. As soon as you and your fiance are safely out of here, I'm calling in an air strike to napalm this whole forest.
Got an advanced copy but I haven‘t gotten to it yet. Hopefully soon!
Its not about giving a fuck about everything your partner gives a fuck about; it‘s about giving a fuck about your partner regardless of the fucks he or she gives. Thats unconditional love, baby.
This is an anthology of short horror stories and I have to say they're quite good. Theres a little bit of everything here from werewolves, to sorcerers and witches, to aliens, clowns, and ghosts that want your skin. Did I mention it has some pretty sweet looking artwork too?
Take this book for a ride if you want to relive those Goosebump days. Especially the story, “I'm Not Martin“.
I bought this book back when I traveled to Washington D.C. on a school field trip a long time ago. It is still one of the best books on Amelia Earhart that I have personally read. It not only covers her life, aviation history, and of course her famous disappearance, but it also dives into the lives of the people that were around her which gives a much wider understanding of who she was.
As I‘m getting ready to start the ‘Order of the Sanguines Series‘, I figured to start with this novella as a Segway into the world of Sergeant Jordan Stone.
This follows Stone and a team of forensic scientists to the abandoned remains of a city in Afghanistan to investigate the massacre of an archeological team. After they discover the only survivor they soon discover the ancient past of the abandoned city and what lurks In the darkness.
The Man vs. Wild. The man who drinks his own piss. That's what most people know about Bear Grylls or at least what they think about at the mention of his name. But here we get a good look at who the real Bear Grylls is. The former SAS soldier who (at the time) became the youngest person ever to climb Mt. Everest. The story of the man before he became a reality TV star.
Both sides of my family are from West Virginia and the Appalachian Mountains. I'm no stranger to scary stories told of things hidden deep in those mountains. Stories handed down from generations ago.
These are fun stories that are told by generations of people and their experiences and encounters. Its like sitting around the campfire while grandpa tells you a spooky story!
Yes, there was the poker boom that catapulted the poker scene into a mainstream event but lets face it; without Amarillo Slim, poker would not be what it is today. Along with Doyle Brunson and a slew of other outlaw gamblers, they brought the game of Texas Hold 'em to Vegas where the very first World Series of Poker was held at Binion's Horseshoe.
I read this book back in 2007 when it came out and just read it again after all that time. It‘s a crazy story that pretty much makes no sense at the same time as making all the sense in the world. From the soy sauce and the freezer meat monster, to the bratwurst incident and parallel dimensions, this book messes with your head. Great book!
Leah Remini holds nothing back in this biography. Her upbringing in a Scientology family, to her time in the Sea Org, and her celebrity status in the Church of Scientology. She uncovers the corruption and sketchiness that is the church and all the people she saw hurt and destroyed along the way. Her experiences that would eventually lead her to leaving the church and beginning a quest to destroy it!
This book worked so well that I don't really give a fuck about writing this review right now.
Filled with positivity, negativity, hilarity, and absolutely zero fucks. From things such as emotion intuition, personal values, and all the biological signals designed to nudge you in a direction of beneficial change.
Read this book and stop giving a fuck today!
Nellie Bly has herself committed to a mental hospital (on assignment by her publisher) by pretending to be “mad“ for a few police officers and a judge. Right off the bat, the author is indeed “mad“ in her own right for accepting such an assignment. The rest is incredibly disturbing. A first hand account at what a mental asylum had to offer its patients and how they were treated in such poor fashion.
Not only is this a great book for those who love to make, build, tinker, and craft awesome things but it is also a peek into the life of Adam Savage. Each chapter talk about various aspects of the world of making and how it relates to Adam's own journey. He gets pretty in depth with each subject. Hell, there's even entire section of the book dedicated to GLUE!
If you are a fan of the SIGMA Series, then this is a must. Although a little dated as it only covers everything up to Book #7, it still holds a wealth of information and backing to the characters and SIGMA itself.
This book was a fun ride!
To set the stage, a strange man steals a pack of gum and in its place leaves a note that reads, “This is my first crime. The next one will be bigger.“ From there, he is pursued by Special Agent Dagny Gray and the escalation begins. Each crime gets bigger and bigger and it leaves you wondering, “what will he do next?“ ....and where will it end?
Enter SIGMA Force!
Sandstorm is a fun ride into the Arabian Peninsula to the lost city of Ubar where SIGMA Force is pursued by The Guild in a race to track down a deadly force. Taking mystery backed by scientific reasoning, the two blend so well. From static sandstorms, to antimatter, to people being burned alive in liquid glass, this book delivers with a punch. I even learned what a buckyball was! lol
I absolutely loved this book! As a fellow adrenaline junkie myself and a fan of skydiving, It was fascinating to read a first hand story of one of the earliest BASE jumpers. Base 66 follows the author Jevto Dedijer on his quest to earn the coveted Base number. A number given to those who have Base jumped from the required four structures.
B - Bridge
A - Antenna
S - Span
E - Earth
Its a true story of fear and determination!
So this being the debut novel of Bear Grylls, I picked it up not really knowing what to expect. What I got was an action thriller that uses hooks based on the authors own personal experiences and knowledge. The main hero Will Jaeger is a very believable character who's not only the “superhero“ type soldier, but also a man who's been tormented by the disappearance of his family.
As a poker player, I always find myself coming back to this book for one reason to another. Although it is very dated now in terms of strategy and current trends, the basics still hold true. It is dubbed the 'Poker Bible' for a reason and a very good reason at that.
If you‘re looking to get into poker, let this book be your starting point.
Dana Loesch delivers hard kick to the groin of all the gun grabbers. While we get a little background of the author, the main goal of this book is to debunk all of the nonsense that has flooded the media and political narratives by left leaning activists by introducing facts and dare I say common sense. Its a dose of reality and Dana certainly delivers.
This story follows a guy named Marv. He'S stuck under his SUV and a Bear is eating him. Marv is a real asshole. A selfish prick of sorts and aside the bear eating him, is more concerned as to a missed opportunity to have sex with a girl who is not his wife and in the same stroke, murder his wife. Does Marv really deserve to be turned into bear shit, or does maybe the experience change him in the end? You‘ll have to read and find out.
Although thought to be a true story at the time this book was written, it is anything but. Even though the Lutz family maintains their story to this day. The reason this book worked so well was perceived truth. Even know now we know the story to be completely debunked, it doesn't take away from the fact that it is indeed a good story regardless. It still holds up as a timeless horror novel and will most likely continue to do so.
Growing up in the era of the infamous Video Store, the nostalgia of this book hit right at home. If anyone has ever seen the movie 'Faces of Death' or have ever gone to the video store back in the day in search of the “white tapes“ that circulated around (that you had to ask the clerk if he had behind the counter) then you will definitely be transported back to that experience with this story. Bravo!
Aside from love, fear is probably the strongest emotion on earth; and for some reason we all strive to be afraid whether its by watching a horror movie, riding a roller coaster, or giving a haunted attraction full permission to fuck with your head. Margee Kerr takes the emotion of fear and breaks it down to a science in which explains why it is we seek out fear, what causes fear, and the positive and negatives of fear.
This is your typical kidnapping story. Truck driver kidnaps prostitute and gets rescued by cop. There isn't really much more to say about this book. It moves fairly slow and I didn't really feel hooked.
If you're going to read C.J. Box, Id say stick with the Joe Pickett series.
Hard to believe this can still be found in the non-fiction section of some libraries...
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Comical at times and all around informative read.