We've tried to live in balance with nature long enough. This time nature went too far. As soon as you and your fiance are safely out of here, I'm calling in an air strike to napalm this whole forest.
We've tried to live in balance with nature long enough. This time nature went too far. As soon as you and your fiance are safely out of here, I'm calling in an air strike to napalm this whole forest.
#ReadYourSign ♋️ Cancer Prompt 13 ♋️
Total asshole is trapped under a car and is being eaten by a bear. Should we feel sorry for them? That‘s what this book makes you ponder. Marv is an utter douchebag but does he deserve his fate? Do we want him to be rescued? Great story that made me laugh out loud. Kinda went off the rails at the end and I understood why but it just didn‘t hit home for me. Still enjoyed reading it tho.
Mr Frank is my annoying and SUPER GRUMPY reading buddy this morning but lookit that face how could I be mad lol for reference, the chair I‘m in is directly in front of a window. He is constantly jumping up behind my head whipping his tail in my face while looking out it. Then when I try to coax him down he hisses and then sits in my lap and purrs and then starts the cycle again every 20 mins. He is a grumpy old man but he‘s my baby 😻 #catsoflitsy
This story follows a guy named Marv. He'S stuck under his SUV and a Bear is eating him. Marv is a real asshole. A selfish prick of sorts and aside the bear eating him, is more concerned as to a missed opportunity to have sex with a girl who is not his wife and in the same stroke, murder his wife. Does Marv really deserve to be turned into bear shit, or does maybe the experience change him in the end? You‘ll have to read and find out.
I‘m looking for help from my fellow Littens. I‘ve taken an unusual route to teaching and am finishing my MSE without teaching certification. Meaning I am teaching high school English this fall on a restricted alternative license. So while I study for the Praxis and finish my final semester, I‘m thinking I should reread some classics in preparation for August. I could really use your recommendations for books currently being taught in HS English.
Without a doubt the greatest book about being eaten by a bear.
Help! I'm in a reading slump to end all slumps. Despite the pile of excellent "literary" fiction I have, I think genre is going to be my best bet. So what's next? Still Life (Louise Penny)? Leviathan Wakes (James A. Corey)? The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (NK Jemisin)? Sabriel (Garth Nix)? The Dark Days Club (Alison Goodman)? Or Sorcerer To The Crown (Zen Cho)? I need engaging characters and good world building.
Please Litsy friends!!!! I need your help!!!! I need GOOD audiobook recommendations!! Ready, set, go! And thanks 😊
Guys! I have an audible credit burning a hole in my pocket! Anyone have a recommendation? What should I listen to???