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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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An inexplicable explosion rocks the antiquities collection of a London museum, setting off alarms in clandestine organizations around the world. And now the search for answers is leading Lady Kara Kensington; her friend Safia al-Maaz, the gallery's brilliant and beautiful curator; and their guide, the international adventurer Omaha Dunn, into a world they never dreamed existed: a lost city buried beneath the Arabian desert. But others are being drawn there as well, some with dark and sinister purposes. And the many perils of a death-defying trek deep into the savage heart of the Arabian Peninsula pale before the nightmare waiting to be unearthed at journey's end: an ageless and awesome power that could create a utopia . . . or destroy everything humankind has built over countless millennia. There are terrifying mysteries hidden deep in the desert sands.
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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Eggs Perfect ⏳ 4w
majkia One of my favorite series. 4w
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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3✨This was a Hometown Bookclub pick. It gave me “The Mummy” vibes and the author seemed to be going for Indiana Jones too. We have a museum curator that is kidnapped to help with a lost/locked city. The kidnappers are up to no good in protecting their historical find so others are fighting to protect the history. While her friend and the adventurer that went with them try to get her back. There is a lot of action and I had trouble following.

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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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Audio reading the tagged while making this cute picture for prompt “Sweater” #OminousOctober @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks #Scarathon #TeamSlaughter @Clwojick

Eggs ❤️💙💚 2y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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This story was full of adventure and felt very much like reading an Indiana Jones movie. It‘s a long book at 699 pages, but I read it quickly because I found it entertaining. Also, this novel is the first in a series, but I think I read that only one character continues on to the next book.

Bklover I really like his books! They are great escapes! I enjoyed 2y
cinda.marie @Bklover yes, definitely a great escape! I‘ll look forward to reading more of his books! 2y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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After two days of thunderstorms and severe weather alerts, it‘s a beautiful day to read outside. ☀️

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 💗 2y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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Well, I'm back. It's been a rough couple of years, making it hard to settle in to any books, and I tried.
I saw a description of this that said "Indiana Jones meets sci-fi" which sold me, for the fun of it. I'm definitely going to try to get here more often.

Bookzombie Welcome back! I haven‘t read any Rollins, but he has been on my TBR for a long time. I believe @Texreader enjoys this series. I think I have the right Litten. 🙂 3y
Texreader @Bookzombie You did pick the right Litten because I always love Rollins! Some books are better than others but they are almost always a rollicking good time! 3y
JoyfulChaos @Bookzombie thanks. Took me a hot minute to finish it, but I enjoyed it. My friend gave me about half the series, but not the next couple. Waiting for #2 to come in at the library for me. 2y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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#20series20days Day 7
The Sigma Force series
In which a group of fearless operatives save the world time after time after time.

Sandstorm | James Rollins
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Enter SIGMA Force!
Sandstorm is a fun ride into the Arabian Peninsula to the lost city of Ubar where SIGMA Force is pursued by The Guild in a race to track down a deadly force. Taking mystery backed by scientific reasoning, the two blend so well. From static sandstorms, to antimatter, to people being burned alive in liquid glass, this book delivers with a punch. I even learned what a buckyball was! lol

Sandstorm | James Rollins
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"She was wasting away inside..."
"... When did love become dust and sand?"

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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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It‘s been a very long time since I last picked up a book by Rollins- but this month‘s #ReadAroundTheWorld challenge country is #Oman and I was delighted to see this title on a list of books set there since I had started collecting the Sigma Force series years earlier in preparation to binge it! So this fun thriller fulfills the challenge and marks my 40th #MtTBRChallenge read! It‘s a bit far-fetched, but exciting nonetheless!

Sandstorm | James Rollins
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This book is such a great start to an epic series! Very well done. Loved it. A definite stack add!

Texreader Yay! Another Rollins book lover! 6y
Charles @Texreader omg yes!!!!! Love it!!!!!!!!!!!! I‘m currently trying to write my own Rollins-esque book!!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 6y
Texreader @CEMolina That‘s fantastic!! I hope you succeed and I‘d love to read it! I don‘t suppose you‘ll share any details? 😁 6y
Charles @Texreader can‘t share a lot yet but I can say the book has been written and it‘s in the first stage of editing. I‘m hoping to release it this summer. I‘ll definitely share more as I get closer to the big reveal. The title is: Preservation 6y
Texreader @CEMolina How exciting!!! 6y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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#getmovin #Sandstorm
Just has to be James Rollins‘ excellent book Sandstorm, which is the first book in the equally excellent Sigma Force Series. Sandstorms are an important and central feature of the book.

Cinfhen I‘m slightly excited about this title!! 6y
Andrew65 👍 6y
Melissa_J I think this is my favourite of Rollins‘s books. 6y
Andrew65 @Melissa_J I think my favourite would be Black Order, just! 6y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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#GetMovin So in October 2015 I experienced my first legit #SandStorm and it‘s no joke. This photo is NOT filtered, the entire country was literally covered in a brown haze~ my neighborhood looked like a sepia photo. School was canceled for days, no birds could be seen or heard and the air quality was disastrous. For the first time I realized, Holy Crap....#ILiveInADesert 🌵photo from Google 🌵BTW; tagged book sounds awesome! Has anyone read it?

DebinHawaii That would be scary! I remember when St. Helens blew in Washington in 1980 it dumped a bunch of ash on us in Portland and everything was gray. It seemed so eerie and apocalyptic--this picture makes me think of that. 😱 6y
WorldsOkayestStepMom I've read most of the Sigma Force series and LOVED all of them. My husband and I both love Rollins's writing and buy all of his books! 6y
emilyhaldi Wow 😱 that‘s hard to imagine. Glad it doesn‘t happen too often!! 6y
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Cinfhen Thanks for the feedback @WorldsOkayestCatMom I‘m gonna look out for this book... 6y
Cinfhen I‘ve experienced some wild stuff @DebinHawaii @emilyhaldi since moving overseas😜but I keep telling my son, it makes for good stories (or Litsy photo prompts 😂) 6y
Eggs What an incredible photo! But tough to be in the middle of it 😱 6y
tammysue Oh no I can‘t even imagine 😳 6y
Cinfhen It‘s hard to describe @Eggs @whatshesreadingnow but it felt like one of the Biblical 10 plagues 6y
Kalalalatja I can‘t even imagine! It must have gotten everywhere! 😱 6y
quietlycuriouskate That is frightening! 😨 6y
TrishB 😮😮 makes grey skies look positively inviting! 6y
Cinfhen Truth @TrishB it was horrible @Kalalalatja @River_Voice so eerie 6y
Chellebearss Wow! 😮 6y
Cathythoughts O M G not a good experience 😟 6y
RohitSawant Gosh, that's terrifying! 6y
Centique That is SO scary! 😳 6y
Cinfhen It didn‘t seem real @Chellebearss @Cathythoughts @rohit-sawant @Centique and I couldn‘t explain to people what it felt like to be enveloped in sand & dust. Felt like an ancient curse. 6y
alisiakae I‘ve been caught in a sandstorm@in AZ before, but it wasn‘t on that magnitude! Scary! 6y
DivineDiana What an experience! Did everyone stay inside? Did businesses close like in a snowstorm? And yes, it does make a very interesting Litsy post! 😉 6y
GripLitGrl Wow that's pretty crazy! Glad it's not something that happens too frequently. 6y
Cinfhen They do occur about one a year but 2015 & 2016 we‘re both pretty intense @GripLitGrl @DivineDiana @4thhouseontheleft I can‘t recall businesses closing but we pretty much stayed in for a solid three days, Diana. 6y
DivineDiana Sounds like a wise plan! 6y
TEArificbooks When we moved to the desert everyone warned us about the heat in summer, 3 months 110 plus temps. We adapted, we went to the stores at night after dark and stayed in during the day. We start our car early to cool it down instead of heating it up. No one warned me about the wind and sand storms. We get lots. 6y
TEArificbooks Sometimes it is just windy and it makes you cough and sneezy and you see dust in air miles away. Other times it is strong enough to reduce visiblity to a mile and we can see the mountains a half mile from my house. The epic ones are awful and we don't leave house. We have been in some storms so bad it is like a hollywood movie, you see the approaching rolling cloud of sand coming over mts. Trees and power lines down etc. 6y
Cinfhen What part of the world are you in @mdm139 ??? 6y
TEArificbooks @cinfen, mojave desert 6y
Cinfhen Cool! That‘s really desert!!! @mdm139 (edited) 6y
LeahBergen Wow! 😮😮 6y
Mdargusch Wow! 🤦🏼‍♀️ 6y
Blaire Wow! That looks like a scene out of a dystopian novel/movie. 6y
Cinfhen Yup!!! WOW @LeahBergen @Mdargusch @Blaire felt a little bit like Dorothy when she realizes she‘s not in Kansas anymore 👠😜 6y
TorieStorieS I‘m starting this book now, actually- but what a perfect photo for it! And yikes!! 😬 5y
Cinfhen Let me know how the book is!!! It sounds really good but.... @TorieStorieS #pagecountphobia and yes, that #sandstorm was scary as hell. It was straight out of an apocalyptic movie (edited) 5y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins

Great read.

rather_be_reading welcome to litsy!! 📚☕📚 @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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Finished the first book in the Sigma Force Series, which was a #bigbook, taking me 12 hours and 18 minutes of reading time. This was a very enjoyable book but with it being the first in a series some time was taken to set the scene for the series. As with most James Rollins books there was a bit of science, history and possible a small element of the supernatural. Will hope to get to the second book in the series in the next few months.

Meghan1 His books are some of my favorites! 7y
Bks4Wrms Does your Bookout app actually work?! Mine will not work! Getting really frustrated with it! 7y
Andrew65 @Bks4Wrms Mine does work but occasionally goes haywire if use timing facility so I time outside the app and then add reading sessions manually. This then works fine for me. Does yours not work at all? I'm using mine on the iPad. 7y
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Andrew65 @Meghan1 I agree, and have read many of his standalones. Have read a couple in this series previously so thought I'd restart the series and read in order. Have you read the excellent Order of the Sanguines Series he wrote with Rebecca Cantrell? 7y
Bks4Wrms @Andrew65 I use it on my iPhone. The app will open but will not let me add a new book. Any time I try to add a book the app just shuts down and takes me to my home screen. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 7y
Meghan1 @Andrew65 I did read the Order of the Sanguines Series and loved it!! My first book of his was Amazonia and I knew right then that he was one of my favorite authors. I have to get caught up on the Sigma series, though. 7y
Andrew65 @Bks4Wrms I will try to download it onto my iPhone and see what happens. I will let you know. 7y
Andrew65 @Meghan1 Amazonia is one of the best. 7y
Bks4Wrms @Andrew65 Thanks! 7y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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“You‘re going to steal one?”
"Borrow. It is tradition among our desert tribes. A man may borrow what he needs. Stealing is a crime.”

Any thoughts?

Cathythoughts I suppose to steal something is to think we own it. & to borrow is only to have it for awhile. Reminds me of my mother saying about our children - we only have a loan of them for awhile- i. e. We don't own them ( forever) & we can't steal their lives , we only have a loan of them for a little while....... ? Makes sense to me. Hard to put in words here tho 7y
Andrew65 @Cathythoughts Well said! (edited) 7y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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Starting a Group Read of Sandstorm by James Rollins, which is the first book in the Sigma Force Series. I did read this many years ago but starting it as a Group Read of the entire Sigma Force Series, but likely to take us 4 - 5 years to read the entire series! Wow that's a long time but there are currently 13 books in the series with more being written! No problem with reading it again as cannot remember the plot!

Booknerd2 Love this series!!!! 7y
Andrew65 @Booknerd2 I have loved the 2 or 3 I've read in the past. Book 3, Black Order, is one of my favourite books so will be interesting if it still meets that mark when I read it again. 7y
Melissa_J This is my favourite of Rollins novel (and also the first of his I read). 7y
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Booknerd2 @Andrew65 have you read any by Matthew Reilly? His Scarecrow and Jack West series are very similar to Rollins 7y
Andrew65 @Melissa_J For me it would be Black Order but of course that could be changed. Have you ever tried the Order of the Sanguines Trilogy he wrote with Rebecca Cantrell, I LOVED that trilogy. If my memory is correct even Rasputin puts in an appearance. It starts with 7y
Andrew65 @Booknerd2 I agree, the Jack West Junior books are one of my favourite series and pleased to see he has started to write more. Only read 1 Scarecrow book (this Summer) but I will be continuing. All great entertainment! (edited) 7y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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Well, it kept me busy while I was putting up fall/Halloween decorations. But um yeah. This book jumped the shark sooooo far. 📚🦈

LiteraryinLawrence I just learned this phrase TODAY so now I know what that means! 7y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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Soooooo I'm listening to this on audio. And I was fairly into it at first. It's like Dan Brown meets Tom Clancy. Aka fairly brainless, but action-packed, and fun on audio.

Buuuut it's getting *really* ridiculous. I'm already 11/15 done though. So I guess I'll finish it.

CoverToCoverGirl Oh no! It's on my TBR list. 😐 7y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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Andrew65 Love this series, currently re-reading one of my favourites 6y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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Breakfast and a book. Hubby is at work and kids are asleep, so sadly I had to fix it myself. But, it's pretty easy. #24in48

Sandstorm | James Rollins
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I've been a fan of the Sigma series for years, but when I started the series I started with the fourth one. This year, with finishing and catching up on series as my reading goal, I'm finally going back to read the first book in the Sigma series. It is the weakest of the ones I have read, & the tie to the rest of the series rests on 1 character. I'm looking forward to reading/rereading the rest of the series, to see if they live up to my memory.

Sandstorm | James Rollins
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It was enjoyably fast-paced. I loved all of the scientific chatter, especially in regards to antimatter and the like. The environments were described with such detail, inc. smells and sounds, that I felt like I was adventuring with the characters. It's a nice introduction to the Sigma Force and what they're all about. I loved it (2nd read thru) & recommend to fans of action-adventure-follow-the-clue stories. 4.25/5

#sandstorm #jamesrollins

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 7y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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Some #weather options for you: sandstorm, wind, frost, and snow. #aprilbookshowers

tpixie Loved Snow child! 7y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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With the start of the 2nd quarter of 2017 I decided to start on the second series that's on my Serials to Slay List for the year! #SigmaForce is a wonderful series that I've read a few books for. I'm hoping to read the whole series in its entirety over the next 3 months! If you like action-adventure-suspense then definitely check out the series!!

#jamesrollins #action #adventure #suspense #adultfiction

BiblioNyan Brief Synopsis: After an explosion rocks the antiquities collection at a museum in London, Kara Kensington and her close friend--curator of the museum, Safia al-Maaz--find themselves on an adventure that takes them to the middle of the Arabian desert, where they discover an awesome power of utopian destruction! 7y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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Calling it quits. I stalled out at around 40%. I was looking for a fun action/adventure/mystery series to dive into but this didn't work for me. I felt like I was reading a movie that I would rather be watching. What's a good addictive series to start?? I'm thinking maybe a DaVinci Code readalike. Whatcha got Litsy? #help #recommendme

mischa It's not really Da Vinci code but fast pace and addictive are the Scarecrow (Shane Schofield) or Jack West books by Matthew Reilly. I also remember reading and enjoying a David Gibbons book years ago, but I can't remember what it was called. 7y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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This wasn't for me. It was too long. It had lots of action, but I found it did little to push the narrative along. I could see it being okay for TV or movie (which may be what the author was going for). Basically, it was like the DaVinci Code, Arabian edition. It didn't have enough of the history element I was hoping for. The entire book was Brain vs Brawn, trying to be the first through the goal post. It didn't lure me in, unfortunately.

sherryvdh The picture is one I took at the beach a few years ago. It was the closest thing I could find to sand in my phone. Lol. And it's pretty! 7y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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It is so hard to focus on reading when my husband is watching something with Jason Momoa in it. I think he might be deliberately sabotaging my reading. 😄
#easilydistracted #heknowsmyweakness #needtofocus

Sandstorm | James Rollins
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The last couple of days have been so busy, I've only had time to read 75 pages. We're all feeling worn out, and hoping to get some lazy time soon. I'm kind of jealous of River's ability to nap amidst the chaos. #doggylife #sleepygirl #dogsoflitsy

emtobiasz My Olive is currently in exactly the same position (although she stole a blanket to nest up in)! 🐶 8y
Joybishoptx Sweet puppy! 8y
sherryvdh @emtobiasz She would normally claim any available blanket. Just not when I'm watching. Lol! 8y
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LauraBeth You have the cutest dog ball 🐶 8y
DebinHawaii Sweet! 🐶❤️ 8y
Tanzy13 🐶 8y
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Sandstorm | James Rollins
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Antimatter and Biblical figures...who would have guessed? Good sci fi.

Claireluana I love his books! Read Amazonia if you haven't already, it's my fave of his 8y
Texreader Love him. See my posts about 8y
Texreader @Claireluana He is awesome! 💙 8y
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