‘Feckless,‘ he said. ‘I love Franny, but she can get ideas.‘
Yes, I️ thought, she has a brain and those do perkily tend to make ideas.
‘Feckless,‘ he said. ‘I love Franny, but she can get ideas.‘
Yes, I️ thought, she has a brain and those do perkily tend to make ideas.
Sometimes you read a book, and it resonates so powerfully and unexpectedly and specifically that you can‘t quite put it into words. I didn‘t expect to be so moved by this book, but this one‘s gonna stick with me for a while.
“Make of yourself a light,”
said the Buddha
before he died.
clearly I‘m not needed
yet I feel myself turning
into something of inexplicable value.
“I wanted to tell her that I was getting better, because that was supposed to be the narrative of illness: It was a hurdle you jumped over, or a battle you won. Illness is a story told in the past tense.” (85)
“But I was beginning to learn that your life is a story told about you, not one that you tell.”
Snagged this book at the store today - can‘t wait to settle in and finish it 📖
“Haven‘t you felt it? The loss of autonomy. The sense of being virtualized. The devices you use, the ones you carry everywhere, room to room, minute to minute, inescapably. Do you ever feel unfleshed?”
This is the first DeLillo book I‘ve read. It‘s weird and wonderful and drags a little here & there. But I‘m loving this sci-fi world‘s commentary on morality & mortality & technology.
What a surreal experience to see my literary hero in person! Margaret Atwood is, if possible, even more wry & witty in person than in her books.
I‘m pumped to see Margaret Atwood in person at Notre Dame tonight! It‘s been two years since I picked up my first Atwood novel (The Edible Woman). Tonight she‘s discussing The Handmaid‘s Tale - another of my favorites.
"Still, what I want in my life / is to be willing / to be dazzled - / to cast aside the weight of facts / and maybe even / to float a little / above this difficult world."
I find a new gem every time I re-read Mary Oliver. I read "Strawberry Moon" for the first time last night and it blew me away.
"In my experience, young writers may stumble early on by misunderstanding the basic nature of their talents. We want to be who we‘re not. The badass wants to be a saint, the saint a slut, the slut an intellectual in pince-nez glasses."