Just a little memoir humor 😁🤭🥴
Just a little memoir humor 😁🤭🥴
Memoirist checklist: Crisp memories, passion, information & self-discipline.
P 165:”For most [memoirists], knowing the truth matters more than how they come off telling it. They‘ve spent lifetimes plumbing the past—weighing, questioning, digging around in the old days long after their former companions have sallied forth into tidy forgetfulness or private versions of personal history in which they star as heroes.”
Starting on a friend‘s memoir project & Karr certainly a model. Straightforward & practical advice, tho sometimes obvious (“Bad sentences make bad books,” “Most memoirs fail because of voice.”) Some wonderful close reads of Herr‘s “Dispatches,” Nabokov, Kingston. Structure somewhat free, taken from her lectures? Obsession w/ past & TRUTH: “I don‘t know if memoirists as children are lied to more often as kids or only grow up to resent it more.”2015
My big sunflowers feed bees and goldfinches and I love them. And I really enjoyed this book. I‘ve been working to carve out more time for writing again. Mary has great general writing advice and great stories in this book on writers.
Snuck away for an hour last night for a glass of wine and this book. I loved Patron Saint of Liars and am enjoying her take on writing memoir.
Exceptional writing advice aside, this is just a really good read. Whether you write memoirs or fiction, this is an essential read, the chapters discussing voice and sensory description some of the best I've come across on the subjects.
This was a solid exploration of what makes a good memoir, with close readings of a number of classics in the genre, as well as considerations of how Karr has approached the common challenges and pitfalls of writing memoir. I wouldn't say it was chock-full of amazing insights, but definitely valuable to those interested in writing memoir.
Memoir fans - If you haven‘t read this, I highly recommend it. And today it‘s only $1.99!
"In my experience, young writers may stumble early on by misunderstanding the basic nature of their talents. We want to be who we‘re not. The badass wants to be a saint, the saint a slut, the slut an intellectual in pince-nez glasses."
"I can honestly say not one page I've ever published appears anywhere close to how it came out in first draft. A poem might take sixty versions. I am not much of a writer, but I am a stubborn little bulldog of a reviser."
Here, #MaryKarr discusses the memoir process — MUCH more complex than I ever dreamed. She sights several authors' works plus her own. My #TBR is now several memoirs deeper and I'm elated. A must-read for fans of the genre.
Continuing my newfound #MaryKarr obsession. 🎧
I sense a trend...So far 20% of my reading this year is memoir-based. And all but one of them audiobooks 🤔
My sister is catsitting while we are out of town. This is how my cat expresses that he is not pleased by my absence. #catsoflitsy
A fun, private lesson in memoir from Mary Karr herself. Any interest in memoir as a form of storytelling or in writing your own, this is a good listen for you. She's a professor so she's pretty good at this: culling prime examples of both far-fetched and poised memoirs. My only criticism is I wish I'd heard more comparisons to her own writing earlier on-because I hadn't read her before (although Liar's Club is on my #TBR)
So excited about all the new memoirs coming out now.
#junetunz day 4 - #beyourself
I've said it before, etc. : I'm not a fan of memoirs. I liked this book well enough when I read it last year, but it had little to offer me of practical value.
I like thinking of it like this: I much prefer someone tell me about themself by way of telling me about something else, rather than just telling me who they are or, heaven forbid, telling me about something else by way of telling me about themself.
About to tackle this puppy....it's been intimidating me for too long 😂
A quick super before my first night at the convent. I am the only one there. I wanted solitude and boy am I getting it in spades! Fortifying myself for a long night of reading/writing with a beer and a bison burger. Wish me luck!
Loving this book today! Although it tackles memoirs specifically, the book is also a meditation on truth in writing and a love letter to the medium. #recommendsday
Love memoirs? You'll love this exploration of how to read and write them.
Lucky old me. Mary Karr did an event in the rare book room at The Strand tonight, and I got a seat. A generous and heartfelt chat on writing and truth.
'We're all doomed to drama...' Yes, this is my beach read, and it's magnificent. I'm underlining every page.
Going away to read for a few days, armed with the most delicious books from The Strand. This one's first, I think.
When today's reading matches your outfit
Whose memoir do you wish existed? Over on Book Riot, we're sharing our wish list.
I haven't read anything else by Mary Karr (although now I want to!) but the honesty and compassion in her voice makes this a compelling read, even for someone who has no intention of writing a memoir.
I loved Mary Karr's recommendations of other memoirs to read. I loved it was laid out like her class she teaches at Syracuse. I loved her personal examples on how to stay true to your story, find your voice and speak your truth. Oh and she's funny and brutally honest.
I keep going back to this book and loving it more and more. For fans of memoirs, you can't beat the "required readings" in the appendix.
Mary Karr is one of my all time fav writers. I always end up "saving" her books in a need for them not to end.
I stumbled upon this in a #littlelibrary. My heart skipped a little beat.