You never realize how many books you have until you start moving 😭
You never realize how many books you have until you start moving 😭
Vera! Vera! What has become of you? I want to read this book just bc the title and the main characters name is Vera. But I've read some not so stellar reviews and don't know if I should read it just bc the title has lyrics from a Pink Floyd song I like. Does anybody else in here feel the way I do?
Surprised by how much I'm enjoying this audiobook.
And we are no longer friends 😔
When I first read this part I thought it was so messed up, but I thought for a minute and realized how brutally honest it is. We'd all like to sit here and think how much better we are than that. If put in a situation like his, I think this thought would cross all of our minds.
I don't even have words that will adequately describe how I feel right now. I was worried this book wasn't going to live up to the hype, but I had nothing to worry about. It might just be my favorite Colleen Hoover book. I need to get back to my crying now.
I'm always a sucker for a Colleen Hoover book. What I'd really like to do right now is not go to work and finish this book, but alas I must be an adult 😭
I can't believe it took me so long to read this book. Quick but extremely powerful read that I won't soon forget.
It's been days and I'm still thinking about this book. I love it bc there's no deeper meaning or anything to think about or decipher. It was just so much fun!
This book is so much fun! I love the cattiness of all these teenage girls. I've heard this book described as Mean Girls meets House of Cards and that is so accurate. Excited to see where all this scheming goes!!
Not an easy read, but definitely worth it. Cupcake has had a really hard life and overcomes so much. A truly inspiring story.
Took a while for me to get into this book, but once I did I absolutely loved it. Beautifully written with great characters. I love how all the different stores tie together in the end.
Haven't been able to finish a book in over a month! I was long overdue for a reread of this book. Jessica reminds me so much of my high school self. I even did a project in my 10th grade English class with this title (my teacher didn't love it either).
I've started quite a few duds lately. I have a feeling a Morgan Matson book is just what I need to get out of my slump!
My favorite of the series. America seemed to lose some of her America-ness. I was looking for this book in the other two books so I finally got some of the things I was trying to get out of this series. The ending leaves a few things unresolved, but overall I liked it. Glad it's over though.
Perfect end to a beautiful series. I know plenty of people didn't enjoy this one as much as the others. I can understand the frustration. This book was at times heartbreaking, but it managed to rip me apart and put me back together again. Perfect.
Excellent follow up to my favorite book. Couldn't have asked for any more.
This is THE. BEST. DAMN. BOOK. If I had to pick on book to read for the rest of my life, it would be this one. Holy wow!!! All the feelings. Read this book!!
Once again I couldn't stand America. She was so wishy-washy thought the first half of the book that I almost didn't finish. Things started to pick up in the second half, and I look forward to seeing how America's story is wrapped up.
I find it hard to believe that Dave's 11 year old son with special needs smoked his crack, but boy is it making me feel bad for him. Hopefully this will be an eye opener for Dave.
Wow. This is disturbing. Dave is a perv. I know he has problems, but I think I'm going to have a hard time feeling any sympathy for him.
Gah! America, why must you be so annoying? Other than that I really enjoyed this book, and I can't wait to see where book 2 takes this story.
America can't have one single flaw?! She's self deprecating, but I think that's supposed to be a positive attribute. 🙄
America is annoyingly humble, but I'm enjoying this so far.
So completely thought provoking at times, but so completely not my cup of tea. Vonnegut seems to be obscure just to be obscure. There would be a page that would have me pondering the meaning of life, then the next 80 pages would bore me to tears.
Interesting! Perhaps not the best book to listen to. It was very factual and made me sleepy every time I listened to it. Still an enjoyable read, and I can't wait to watch the movie. I think this may be one instance where the movie is better than the book.
What an ending!!! I was worried there was no ending to this series that would leave me satisfied, but I was pleasantly surprised.
I'll continue to read it bc it's John Grisham and his writing is engaging, but I'm about 3/4 of the way done with this book, and I haven't felt like there is any kind of actual story. Some of his cases are interesting, but I don't see this going anywhere.