Plunging in to the second book of the ACOTAR series. This is a re-read, but I‘m still really excited to delve into it!
Plunging in to the second book of the ACOTAR series. This is a re-read, but I‘m still really excited to delve into it!
“It‘s the guy from my vision. Mr Middle-Earth” -Auri
Lord have mercy, I‘m howling. I love Auris thoughts so much.
This has been the worst reading year for me in a long time. I‘ve been so depressed that my normal reading habits are in shambles. I haven‘t actually completed a book since the beginning of the year. I‘m bed-bound today with some chronic illness related problems, and I‘m hoping to finally get some reading done by switching back from ebook to physical books.
Finally charged my kindle up! I haven‘t really been reading much (at all?). Every time I start a book, I end up DNFing it 😭 Hopefully this time will be different? Depression induced reading slumps are the worst.
Revisiting one of my favorite books! I have yet to read the third book😱
(Not my image!)
I went searching for “Shatter Me” on BookSloth, and it isn‘t there. Of course it isn‘t! This new app keeps getting rave reviews, and I‘m not sure how, considering it is incomplete and unstable. I might try to use it again in the future, but it‘s really not THAT great. Just more aesthetically appealing.
I‘ve tried reading this book once before, but had to DNF is for some (forgotten) reason. So far, the writing style really makes me want to take up writing poetry again (I haven‘t written any since middle school).
Too much world building at one time! I am NOT going to remember any of these things 🥺😱
Reading during a tens-unit session is my new favorite thing!
Today was a library day 💕😌 My lovely book model will cooperate for cookies and kisses! I am 1/4 of the way through “Loki”, and hope to finish it soon!
I made Futurama (Fry and Leela) bookmarks out of perler beads and paper clips yesterday! Leela marks my current page, the heart marks my reading session goal, and fry marks my daily reading goal!
After DNFing this on my Kindle, I‘ve decided to give this book another try, via print version! I‘m still trying to solve the great debate over which 📖 style is easier for me to read; physical or digital. I have severe ADHD, and it makes reading for pleasure very difficult.
✌🏻Thre together a quick “Crown of Midnight” page ☺️ Hoping to spend some serious time reading tomorrow!
Starting a new book tonight! I can‘t wait to delve in! But I‘m so giddy that idk if I‘ll be able to focus; my spouse found out earlier today that the military is sending him/us to Nevada!!!
This is the first book I‘ve finished in a very long time. Months. Mental illnesses have this disgusting side effect where they strip away your passions, interests, hobbies. I‘m slowly starting to feel better, and I‘m so proud of myself right now.
Yep. I‘m still on this book. I haven‘t been reading AT ALL. Yeesh. Today is going to be a quiet day, though. Babe is home from work today, in a all-day zoom meeting. So I‘m going to curl up and read most of the day, until he‘s finished!
There are 0 decent tips for how to read when you have severe ADHD. I haven‘t picked up my book in what feels like weeks. I‘m just not interested in reading, but at the same time I really want to? Help me please, I miss being a devourer of books
I‘m going to make a attempt to finish this book before May 1st! 😒 I‘m a very slow reader, and it has been a good while since I‘ve read in abundance. I‘m hoping to get back in to reading after being so slumps the past few months!
I haven‘t quite got the hang of how Litsy images work...😅 I‘ll eventually figure it out!
As you can see, I am not a fast reader. 31 minutes = 26 pages.
Though I have read this before (twice, I think), I don‘t remember the finer details. Time to reread ✌🏻