Home sick today = watching Women‘s Olympic hockey and reading . I am a supreme multi-tasker.....
Home sick today = watching Women‘s Olympic hockey and reading . I am a supreme multi-tasker.....
“I would be a woman soon and I would have to learn how to live with a divided heart.” ❤️💔💕
After one day of mourning/cleansing the end of novel, I‘ve picked up a new one! Stumbled across my copy at a yard sale in Richmond and got it for $2 - that deal is gonna make my read all the sweeter.......
In present Day backwoods West Virginia the -apocalypse begins. Women are falling asleep and become raging killing machines when woken - the Aurora epidemic. Traveling through past, present, and post-apocalyptic worlds the fate of humanity is left to the women of Dooling, WV. Mystical, somewhat predictable, slightly longer than necessary - it‘s enthralling enough to keep me thinking about it when the book is not in my hands! Between So-So and Pick
Made me pause. Great image - definitely going to become part of my vocabulary.....
That moment when you get to page 239 and hear the women on the other side for the first time!!!!!! 😱
“In Derby Town, in Derby Town, the streets are made of glass; in Derby Town, in Derby Town the girls will kick your bumpty-bump, bumpty-bump, bumpty-bumpa-tee-bump-bump-bump....
In Derby Town, in Derby Town, my brother had a fit; in Derby Town, in Derby Town my sister‘s full of bumpty-bump, bumpty-bump, bumpty-bumpa-tee-bump-bump-bump....” Thoroughly enjoying the suspense of his book......
This story carried me through a magical journey of mystery, excitement, wonder, and love that only the true tales of the Wild West can bring. I was enchanted the whole way through - putting the book down was a struggle and when I did, my thoughts were entirely consumed with Jack, Mabel, and Faina.... MUST read!
Had to cancel going to the gym because I wasn‘t sure if I plugged in the crockpot when I left early this morning..... good news! I did! So some desk time before gym time. My current desk situation. It‘s actually my kitchen table because my desk faces a wall and I feel trapped.... just A CHAPTER of #stephenking before working - I swear! #seminar #peanutbutterandhoney #nerfgun #easeintowork
This book is SO GOOD. I cannot put it down. I am absolutely mesmerized.
FINALLY starting this BOTM I got this summer...... love hair salon time! Perfect place to read.....
I judged this book - harshly - too soon. Yes, it‘s a bit cliché, somewhat predictable, and a bit trashy. But I didn‘t mind! It was full of suspense and the smuttiness wasn‘t too coarse. It‘s a nice fluff read. Recommend as a plate cleanser or if you need something light while traveling/home for the holiday (but read some of those pages in private!?)
This was an extraordinary read. The poetic writing gracefully carried you through the years of relationship and sociopolitical turbulence acknowledging change asa constant the effort towards contentment. I am in love with Smith‘s writing.
I‘m dying. The suspense was good, I suppose still is good, but it‘s definitely soap opera far fetched..... getting a bid if a headache from rolling my eyes at the moments of reveal..... I won‘t quit, though! Can‘t put down a book unfinished - who knows what the unread pages will hold?!
My first Ali Smith and I‘m taken. This “chapter” of Autumn prods into some wounds that aren‘t quite healed yet. I love the resonance in her writing.
“Would you not admit, child, that forty billion deaths are a great wisdom, and those forty billion who shelve under the earth are a great gift to the living so that they might live?” Happy Halloween!!!!!
A whimsical, spiritual, mystic experience of a black girl growing into womanhood through the various social expectations of small-town south, St. Louis, and California. The words flow off of the page and carry you right along through the confusion, excitement, embarrassment and awe of growing up, defining your race, and knowing what it is to be a woman.
I love October and the beauty that it brings - the changing leaves, the cooler temperatures, the earlier eves, the changing light, the deceptive heat of the sun, the chill to your bones that the earth is changing. It is a time for rituals and finding the new within them. So I return to a classic: Bradbury.If I could, I would live every day for the rest of my life in October....
More chapter art! This palindrome means “we go round and round in the night and are consumed by the fire.”
I‘m appreciating Jim Kay‘s artwork - particularly the not-so-hidden tidbits in the chapter artwork...... Googling ‘Somnus Leporinus‘ lead me straight to the history of various cultures‘ rabbit in the moon legends. Note the candy wrapper artwork.....
Happy hump day.....
Guess what came in the post today.........
Not a bad haul at the local farmers market today in Richmond, VA: pickles AND a book on my to-read list! Hello, fall 😍
🙄😐😶 fluffy. I DID shed some tears.... and I did keep reading quickly...... but it was very shallow. Read if you're needing some good fluff! Or don't.....
Set within the span of a week, a remote, Texas commune-of-sorts faces the threat of being wiped out. This is no ordinary "town" - all the people living there have deep, dark, SECRET histories... Overflowing with anticipation, this book is hard to set aside! It's a western meets Black Mirror vibe. It will keep you guessing while reading, and thinking about it when you're done.
"...who is therefore taught from the earliest age to believe that brutality is a force of nature. That brutality exists in the world like gravity, or electricity, or magnetism, in the air, in the walls, flowing all around us, unseen, and that it's simply waiting to be given direction, to be applied to one person or another. And that those who do not learn to apply it to there are thereby condemned to be its recipients." .... took my breath away...
I finished 'Tuesday' over lunch today and I thought the suspense was luring me in..... I made the mistake of reading the first little chapter in'Wednesday' in the few spare moments before restorative yoga class - it took me the whole 60 minutes to shut off my curiosity driven brain! Excited to pick it back up tonight....
"Why the Institute didn't think to put washers and dryers in each bungalow when they built this place, she can't imagine. She wished they'd told her that before she came here--it might have been a deal breaker." ........................ My exact sentiments in apartment hunting.
Starting this one today @wrenaymuhree - better pick it up!
Ever had a book where you feel like you've come home again? Ray Bradbury captures it for me. As summer is showing it's first hints of phasing out, I'm starting this classic to savor the end of it. Cheers!
"......are not ugly to children. Ugliness is a concept that we happen on later and become self-conscious about."
Anticipation, stress, and hope carry you though the novel in its entirety. Joan's train of thought is scattered in a highly relatable way, examining a mother's love of child. Some character stories are left unfinished and it can sometimes come off as more of a character development writing exercise, but still excellent! It's a quick read that's hard to put down - and gets the heart rate up most of the time, so really, a good workout too!
The suspense in this book is as effective as a good workout - my heart rate is up the whole time!
Page 188 you start to stress (more than usual for this book) and when you hit page 193 you go into a full on panic attack!
Can't say I've had much experience with roaches, but replace it with ANY bug and Joan gets me.......
She threw her phone out?! Woman, what is going through your head?! Also: you can turn the vibrate off..... I about had a panic attack with that earlier...... anyone else?
Started a new book on my flight last night and finding it difficult to put down!
A magical tale of when worlds collide - the human earth as we know it is penetrated by the jinni realm with love and hate. An epic battle reigns down on the earth while lovers try to suss out living in their present moment and being tied to their past relationships. Not my favorite Rushdie - really between a Pick/So-So. This dense legend is worth the effort. Don't put it down for too long though, you may easily forget where you left off....
Favorite bit of storytelling thus far.....
"....but she knew it would disappoint him to be disagreed with, so she held her tongue."
A little light reading during our last day in Barcelona....
Half way through and not super wild about it. It's good, but isn't keeping me hooked..... to be continued....... also - reading in the rooftop terrace in Barcelona is the definition of "doing it right"!!!!! #botm
It's been a week since I've finished it and the story line hasn't really stuck with me. The tidbits of science that the main character uses to identify her daily life with have, though! (This bumped its rating up from Pan) The main character is removed from her own life and the narration keeps the reader at distance too. It kept me turning pages to find out what's next, without there ever really being a "next"..... It's a light, very quick read.
I'm going to trust that with the author's undergraduate degree in chemistry and doctorate in public health that the science in this is all true..... because it's continually surprising me with flares if mind blowing tidbits.....