Midnights is so cute and Kindred Spirits is perfectly timed for the upcoming Star Wars movie. Love this lady!
Midnights is so cute and Kindred Spirits is perfectly timed for the upcoming Star Wars movie. Love this lady!
This book was a super quick read but it had a lot of punch to it. Kinda had a headache after reading this. But this one part hit home since I am a millennial 🤓good stuff good stuff
As someone who suffers with anxiety, I find this book so friggin' relatable and just REAL. This is my first John Green book and I am not being let down. This man's brain must be a crazy place (in a good way!), but he sure knows how to organize it into an awesome story!
The artwork in the book is so cute! But the story is darker... absolutely perfect for October!
Loving the characters, magic, and kingdoms in this book so far!
I feel like Abbi Waxman has spoken to me on spiritual level with this line about Target.
For those that L-O-V-E Phantom of the Opera, give this book a try! It's doing something rather interesting with the original story!
This was amazing! It's witty, face-paced, and so freaking wonderful! A new version of Holmes and Watson for a new generation!
I was a bit skeptical of this book at first, but I'm slowly starting to want to be BFFs with Holmes and Watson!
Beautifully written and engrossing from the first chapter. Elisabeth is a character that pulls you in and makes you feel as strongly as she does. She is heroine for the modern age. Loved this book!
This was such an amazing read! It short (only about 100 pgs), but it is a sound 💯 in my opinion. The characters are quirky and smart and the plot moves at a wonderful pace. Space places a significant role in this book, but it's not set in space... so, if you like space I think this book could be for you!
Possibly the last "fun" book I'll be reading for a while :/ so far I'm loving the whimsy atmospheric setting; it pairs well with the omniscient narrator. And this cover is just magical!
Hawt damn! Good stuff to read as Halloween looms closer and closer....
Seems to be an appropriate read for October since the accident season for Cara and her family is October. Here's to hoping I don't jinks myself!
This book has emotionally destroyed me (I am a puddle of tears and confusion), but it's the type of emotional wreckage that makes a book GREAT.
This was a such a bloody fun read. Read it in one day. But if you love books about books with a dash of dashing males, a sprinkle of quirkiness, a healthy serving of sass, and an undertone of MURDER then this 👆here book is for you. I'm looking forward to renting the next books in the series from my local library! #booksaboutbooks#mudermystery#supportourlibraries
"No, my life wasn't perfect. But I wouldn't want to leave it behind forever. I liked my adventures to stay where they belonged: in books, where I could shut the cover on them any time I wanted." My god. 5 pages in and this book is putting my feelings into such simple, but poignant, prose.
"Until I moved here, I'd never actually seen two chain-saw-wielding lesbians go to town on a three-hundred-pound hunk of redwood burl." ????
"Until I moved here, is never actually seen two chain-saw-wielding lesbians go to town on a three-hundred-pound hunk of redwood burl." ????
I think all people can feel these words resonate on a deep level. We have all gone through hard times, and even though it is preferable to ignore the pain, it's much healthier to feel it (in all its agonizing glory). Because after we feel it... we can move past it. #harrypotter #wordsofwisdomfromalbusdumbledore #wordlove
"'When in doubt, go to the library.'"
That moment when Harry fires a Filibuster firework in Snape's potion class and Malfoy's nose begins to grow is one of my favorite scenes thus far!!
This is one of my favorite quotes from the book. I LOLed when I read it.
This book was absolutely fantastic. It has magic, it has great setting, the characters are so human and relatable. They ground the whole world so that things don't get too fantastical and completely unrealistic. It was a joy to read and an adventure to experience.
This paragraph right here is great! Certainly induced a smile in me!
This is such a fun book! It has the British classiness that I adore and a interesting protagonists. Honest to God, I think and adult or teen would like this.