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Kate is called to a car in a snowdrift with an unconscious woman inside. It‘s Gina, a fellow cop and old friend, and she‘s on the run from corrupted cops…


@Andrew65 @TheSpineView @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

TheSpineView Reminds me of a movie and I can't think of the name. 💜📖💜📚💜 6mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 6mo
Eggs @TheSpineView Wonder what it is? 6mo
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Eggs @DieAReader 🥳🙏🏻😀 6mo
TheSpineView @Eggs It's been driving me crazy!🤪 6mo
Eggs @TheSpineView An Amish Murder? 6mo
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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My results for the #JoyousJanuaryReadathon . Met some goals, still working on others. Enjoyed my reading time. Thanks for hosting, @Andrew65 . Your readathons always help me to be more intentional about my reading. 👍

Andrew65 That‘s brilliant, well done and thanks for playing along 👏👏👏🙌🥳🍾🥂😍 Always glad to hear the readathons help people‘s reading. 1y
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The Drift | C. J. Tudor
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Wow what a great read! Three stories which start off as separate but gradually the reader begins to work out why & how they are connected. They are all set in a post-apocalyptic future when an infection known as Choler has wreaked havoc on civilisation leaving many people dead, the uninfected living in seclusion, & the infected who survive either become outcasts known as Whistlers (due to the noise from the damage to their lungs). (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf The three main characters are all well chosen to allow the reader to become invested in their stories & what happens. It's fast-paced with twists & turns & unexpected deaths. I worked out the long term twist but some of the others came out of left field. It's extremely well plotted & well written. It's the type of book I will reread at some point & probably notice things that I missed before. Highly recommended.

OutsmartYourShelf TW: swearing, scenes of graphic violence, & one brief scene of sexual assault.

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Michael Joseph/Penguin Random House, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4820276017

Read: 19 Jan - 22nd Jan 2023

#JoyousJanuaryReadathon @Andrew65
Andrew65 Wow, you are on fire with your reviews 👏👏👏 1y
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The Wilderwomen | Ruth Emmie Lang
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#JoyousJanuaryReadathon wrap-up:

15 books. Favorites: This Tender Land, Long Bright River, What Lies in the Woods, Circus Train

My goal was to catch up on BOTMs (5) and I finished them!

Thanks for hosting @Andrew65 !!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks How was This Tender Land and The Wilderwomen? 1y
Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks TenderLand was 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟. Wilder Women was ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ -good but takes longer to get there 1y
Andrew65 Another brilliant Readathon for you. Thanks for playing along 👏👏👏🥳🍾🥂🙌😍 1y
Eggs @Andrew65 🤗🙌🏻📚🥰 1y
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In British maritime history of the late 18th century, few events captured the public's imagination more than the Mutiny on the Bounty. There have been at least two films made & these positioned Fletcher Christian as standing up against a cruel Captain (actually Lieutenant on this voyage). This book, based on records & testimonies from the court martials etc, argues that far from being cruel, (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf William Bligh tried to avoid discipline by the usual method of flogging as much as possible which throws doubt on Christian's motives for the mutiny. Plus almost half the crew wanted to leave with the Lieutenant, something unlikely if he was as capricious as reported afterwards, mostly by people who had a grudge against Bligh it must be said.

Despite the best efforts of the author, the narrative unfortunately became a little dry in places.
OutsmartYourShelf My takeaway from this book is that although Bligh had his faults, I tend to think that perhaps his reputation has been unfairly traduced over the years. Overall - good account of the story but can become overly bogged down in the details & academically dry in places. 2.5⭐

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/752122519

Read: 5th Jan - 21st Jan 2023

#JoyousJanuaryReadathon @andrew65
Andrew65 An interesting period of history with conflicting views. It would be interesting to know the real story, I do worry about how much might possibly have been covered up or papered over by the trial. 1y
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OutsmartYourShelf @Andrew65 So do I, especially as it was conveniently held whilst Bligh was out of the country & unable to testify in person. I‘m not saying he is blameless but it seems strange to not have one of the main people involved actually at the trial. 1y
Andrew65 @OutsmartYourShelf They definitely wanted this to progress quickly and punish people so that mutinies didn‘t spread to other ships. The ‘system‘ couldn‘t allow a message to spread and people to go unpunished in the extreme, but it would be good to know the actual truth. Like most things it most probably has some truth on both sides. 1y
Andrew65 Certainly a book I‘d be interested to read and your review does a good job of whetting the appetite. 1y
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Thinking about this time in history gives me the chills. I remember that image on tv where King and his compatriots are standing on the small balcony of a motel room moments before he is killed. Dyson does an in-depth analysis of Martin‘s speeches, his fears, his visions, and their relationship to politics and religion. It is a fact that the FBI made MLK‘s and his family‘s lives a living hell.
Day 8 #JoyousJanuaryReadathon
Day 2 #Sharreadathon ⬇️

Andrew65 Not enough has changed since this period unfortunately. Such a loss! 1y
Eggs @Andrew65 😢 1y
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Long Bright River | Liz Moore
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A compelling read that underscores human frailty and character flaws, the author uses Philly, PA, (the Kensington opioid area) as the setting. If you like Tana French, you‘ll love this. It‘s very well done and until the end, you‘re never sure who‘s the victim and who‘s the perpetrator…
Day 8: #JoyousJanuaryReadathon @Andrew65
Day 2: #Sharreadathon @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
#Pantone2023 @Clwojick

Amiable This is a great book! And it would make a great movie if the casting is done right. Like “Mystic River.” 1y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 1y
Clwojick Loved this one! Great review. 💙 1y
Eggs @Amiable Yes! I kept thinking that while I was reading! 1y
Eggs @Andrew65 @Clwojick Thank You 🙏🏻 1y
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Untitled | Unknown
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(Not in Litsy database)
This is NF; an in-depth narrative of former surfer and Pulitzer winner William Finnegan‘s climbing adventures with his daughter Mollie.
Day 7: #JoyousJanuaryReadathon @Andrew65
Day1: #Sharreadathon @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
#Pantone2023 @Clwojick

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 1y
Andrew65 Well done, sounds interesting 👏👏👏 1y
Clwojick Great job! 💙 1y
Eggs @Clwojick 🤗🤗 1y
55 likes5 comments
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Romance and Mystery makes for a great book. This was the first in 'The Society of Single Ladies' Series. If you like Historical Fiction with romance and mystery, then this book is for you.

Only the second book I have read for #JoyousJanuaryReadathon @Andrew65
#SeriesLove2023 @TheSpineView
#ISpyBingo (Someone's Back) @Clwojick
#Offtheshelf2023 @Tove_Reads
#BookBingo @TheAromaofBooks

#goodreads ARC finally read🙃

Clwojick Way to go! 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
TheSpineView Well done! 1y
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After reading the wonderful 'The Deception of Harriet Fleet' by the same author, I thought it would be a difficult act to follow. I needn't have been concerned, as although this takes place in a different era & a completely different subject, it was just as good. The story takes place just after the 'Great War' (WWI) & Scarlett aptly conveys the grief & the guilt felt by those who survived. (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf The plot gradually unfolds into a story which has many twists & turns & covers blackmail, infidelity, scandal, & murder. There's also a hint of the unknown as Grace is convinced she keeps seeing Robert everywhere but when she chases him down, he has always disappeared. Is Grace imagining things or is Robert still alive? If you enjoy slow burning historical mysteries , then you should give this a try. 5🌟

OutsmartYourShelf My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Quercus Books, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5046443762

#JoyousJanuaryReadathon @andrew65
Andrew65 Excellent, you‘re going well 👏👏👏 1y
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