Fun idea with cool characters and a fast-paced narrative.
A sprawling space narrative with a cool idea, but sadly, a bit all over the place on follow through.
An intricate tale of green, corruption, and world domination seen through a shadow cabal and one detective‘s quest to solve a murder hidden behind a curtain of ritual and supernatural evil. Rock on.
Yet another fantastic outing from Kadrey‘s Sandman Slim series. This being the penultimate book, I cannot wait to see how Kadrey ends his run with James Stark.
A story that is rich with intrigue and mystery so far. The artwork is stellar.
Another solid Laymon story so far.
A nice collection of the most exceptional horror writers. Barker and Laymon stand out as usual.
Not very far into this, but Langan‘s stuff hasn‘t let me down yet.
Just starting this one on Brian Keene‘s recommendation. #briankeene #writing
So Litsy didn‘t even have the book cover for this, so I consider it even more special, Frank Frazetta cover and all.
Exceptional stuff from the father of sword and sorcery
Overall, gruesome and entertaining with plenty of old school 80s horror homages. Generally, the characters are nothing special, but likeable for the most part.
A blend of 80s tropes and coming of age concepts with a particularly harrowing event at the center.
The creativity of this particular journey really makes it worth the read. Easily one of the weirdest concepts I‘ve read lately, but that is part of its charm. Character development is a little lax, but the story doesn‘t suffer as much as expected because of it. The stripped down art style really adds a layer of grit to an already gritty story.
I really enjoyed the first two books in this trilogy, even the journal entry style writing, but I‘m not sure it was the best choice for a climactic ending—which this just really doesn‘t have, despite a great build up. As a book, it holds your attention, but ultimately drags and fizzles its way to an okay finish. Still, not too bad.
Stark fights zombies. Enough said. Kadrey awesomeness.
A great book for knowledge on the iconic Spartan culture.
A beautiful statement on who the real monsters are as only Barker can tell it. Midian is NOT where the monsters live 😎
Pretty cool dark and industrial read so far. Picked this up at the library and started reading it blind.
Doing a little delving.
One of Kadrey‘s early novels. A noirish, techno punk thrill ride.
Nothing overtly wrong with this story. The art style is neat. I had trouble really connecting with many of the characters in this, despite enjoying parts.
Don‘t let the title fool you, this is one of the scariest pandemic apocalypse novels you will ever read.
Gail Simone won me over with Clean Room. This team up already had the hook firmly in my mouth because of Conan appearing, but this is just bloody, nerdy fun with some surprisingly deep moments.
An emotional and well-written story about family, humanity, and the struggle of letting go, all wound up in a story of a son and his sick father, who accidentally finds a magic sword. This had me in tears by the end, and I‘m not sorry about it. Best purchase of planet comic con 2019.
So-so is a little harsh since I did enjoy this 1980s trope slasher story, but the ending, I felt, fell a little flat. The lead character is enjoyable, but the book takes too long getting to the actual ‘slashing‘ too. Still, I had fun.
Barker‘s masterful prose is in full effect, and although the story suffers a bit with the choices made in regards to the titular “Pinhead,” the addition of “The Last Illusion‘s” Harry D‘Amour and the shear brutality of events make TSG an enjoyable read for anyone who waited for Barker to follow up his masterpiece, The Hellbound Heart.
A limited edition collection of Conan the Cimmerian from the father of sword and sorcery himself, Robert E. Howard. With gorgeous cover art from writer and artist, Gerald Brom.
I began this when Ellison was still alive and finished it after his passing. To say Ellison‘s work and spoken words had a profound effect on my writing would be selling the man short. He was one of the last great sci-fi writers from a bygone era. Luckily, his words are always there to be read. This collection is filled with many great stories (some shinier than others).
One of the best contemporary YA fantasy/horror novels written to date. Barker‘s writing style is elegant and imaginative as it always is, and the story is relatable to any young adult and adult alike who ever was a kid (that means most us anyway) 😁
An otherwise fun 80s trope/style slasher romp with an ending that is a bit underwhelming. Still a bloody and enjoyable read. Some of the characters are also pretty likable.
Easily one of the best contemporary vampire novels. Interesting and compelling concepts of the vampire mythos too.
Keene‘s definitely at his usual level of horror greatness with this short novella. The payoff is a nice callback to some of his other work.
Easily one of the top graphic novels ever. A uniquely touching and heartfelt story of love, loss, and revenge.
Found this rather tough to find Pinnacle first printing awhile ago. A bloody and delightful read for any Lee fans.
One of King‘s (Bachman‘s) best stories. Also, written in a time when editors weren‘t afraid to chop and cut needless words from King‘s work apparently.
Fortunate to read this in the original 1924 edition I found in a rare books section. A really cool examination of masks in various cultures and some of the occult beliefs surrounding them.
Barker may be one of the greatest contemporary writers period from an artistic standpoint. Nobody quite has the flare for words that he possesses. Having read all of his work short of Coldheart Canyon, this book was so influential on concept alone that one can scarcely discount it, whether you like it or not. A great story of gluttony, desire, and the darkness that comes with it.