Ohh so many feels and great topics for discussions in this one!!! Definitely picking up the next one in the trilogy this weekend as I have to know how Lou carried on! ❤️📚💪🏽
Ohh so many feels and great topics for discussions in this one!!! Definitely picking up the next one in the trilogy this weekend as I have to know how Lou carried on! ❤️📚💪🏽
My first Neil Gaiman! This story is so good! Loving the writing style and the vibes! Brilliant! ❤️📚
So much hype going around about this book. Let's see if I agree. Do you? 🤓📚❤️ #ww2fiction #ladyspies
This is getting to be an interesting read about a very strange individual ❤️📚 #currentlyreading
This book is so different and beautifully written and thought provoking! Loving it!! ❤️📚 #geeklove
Julie Buntin's writing style is absolutely amazing!!! "Time doesn't belong to you. All you have is what you remember. A fraction; less." ?❤️?? #marlena #juliebuntin #readreadread
#currentlyreading in a mood for some kick ass women characters! ❤️📚
I loved and I lost love; I found new creativity and a sense of belonging. And something deeper happened, something darker, which we have all gone through - and if we have not, it is waiting for us - the indelible moment when we realize we are alone. -- "The Muse" by Jessie Burton ❤️??
Damn! That writing style is on point! Jessie Burton kicking some major butt in this one. Definitely will be reading her first novel as well!👌🏼❤️📚 #readingislife
"Life was a series of losses. It was other things too, better things, but the losses were as solid and dependable as the earth itself." -- Ann Pratchett - "Commonwealth" ? #readingforlife #goodquotes
Reading the very well known "Commonwealth" by Ann Patchett. My first one of hers! Interesting family dynamic. Writing style is pretty simple which makes it a faster read. ??? #booksforlife #complicatedfamily
Trying this out tonight. Heard great things about Prachett and I'm hoping I'll love it since there's so many books in this world! 👌🏼❤️🇬🇧📚 #scifi #weirdworld
My evening reading tonight. Making me cry 😢 so many feels!
Evening reading. Really enjoying this right now especially since I've been very curious about the royalty and queen Victoria lately. Also my souvenir bookmark seems very appropriate 😝🇬🇧❤️👑 #queenvictoria
Wow this book took a turn into something I wasn't expecting! Oh Anne... ❤️📚🇬🇧 #darklit
The world divides, does it not, into those for whom you wish a speedy end and those you want to suffer.
"Love grows where it will and as it wants."
"If you feed it, it does. It'll latch on like a parasite and be all the more difficult to remove." ❤️???
Some of the thoughts in this book.. damn! Eye opening and beautifully written ❤️📚 #notyourtypicalzombie
"Children lived to play. Of course they could be put to work, but in spare moments they took their games as seriously as lunatics did their delusions. Like small gods, children formed their miniature worlds out of clay, or ever just words. To them, the truth was never simple." -- The Wonder by Emma Donoghue ❤???
Advanced readers copy from Random House! Out on the 28th! ❤📚 #arclove
Started reading this book and then I found out there is a diary written in Polish by the zookeeper's wife so I bought that and will devour it first as I really want to experience this story from the person that went through it. So excited for that to come in!! ❤👌🏼📚🇵🇱
"Lightness is essential from the moment you have made up your mind to leave." - The German Girl -- ❤? #somanyfeels
#currentlyreading need to finish this soon as it is way over-due at the library! Loving the story and writing style 📚👌🏼❤ #ww2story #heartsqueeze
Listening to and audio book of Warm Bodies and re-reading it as well so I can read the second book that just came out from Isaac Marion. I'm loving it even more the second time around! Read this 3 years ago and wow, the writing style is amazing! ❤❤📚 #warmbodies #notyourtypicalzombie #r
Waited 2 years for this author to come out with another book after I finished reading "Burial Rites". Can't wait to dive into this! This is the U.K. edition, not out yet in the US. And that cover is stunning! ?❤ #hannahkent #readingissexy
When you wonder something, doesn't that mean part of you wants to believe in it? I think we want to prove things, in life, more than we want to disprove then. We want to believe. - V. E. Schwab
Tearing my heart apart. Everyone Brave is Forgiven. 💔📚
Perhaps this was what love was like after all -- not the lurch of going over a humpback bridge, and not the incandescence of fireworks, just the quiet understanding that one should take a kind hand when it was offered, before all light was gone from the sky. -- Everyone Brave Is Forgiven 📚❤
The worst thing would be to decide that it was love, and then to discover -- after one was taken -- that it hadn't been. No: the worst thing would be to decide that it wasn't love, and then to discover years later -- old and unconsoled -- that it had been. No: the worst thing -- the worst, worst thing -- was this having to decide. -- excerpt from Everyone Brave Is Forgiven by Chris Cleave 📚❤