This a good, old fashioned zombie tale of cults and secrets, however the main character is completely bat shit crazy and obsessed with the ocean. But other than that it was good? 😂
This a good, old fashioned zombie tale of cults and secrets, however the main character is completely bat shit crazy and obsessed with the ocean. But other than that it was good? 😂
This was wonderfully creepy but a couple of plot holes and a lack of investment in the characters earned this a 3/5.
An amazing collection of short stories, perfect for the beach.
Told from the perspective of a 15ish year old farm girl in 1349, this dark tale of The Black Death is gripping, but a little slow for me. It really picked up towards the end!
This takes an old, old formula (someone gets murdered somewhere creepy and the protagonist doesn't believe the Police caught the right person) and does nothing new with it.
So, so good. The writing sucked me in and wouldn't let me go until the very last page. Sarah Jude now has a devoted fan!
This was SO FREAKING GOOD. I was expecting a contemporary and while it has that vibe, there are a few extra things that might surprise you!
Sorry Mr Hopkins but your book bored me to death. The poems were hard to understand and the religious angle wasn't really my thing. Meanwhile the second half's musings on plant life was somehow worse.
This was a strange collection of short stories full of daring escapes out of coffins, ever patient wives and priests who just want to get laid. Yeah. It was fun but I wasn't going crazy over it.
This took a little while to really get into but it really picks up around 100 pages in! It's a cheesy Sleeping Beauty retelling but I loved it.
Parts of this sequel were completely crazy but it did have a good, fitting ending. I connected with the main character better in this book too.
A great, easy read for a sunny afternoon. It took a little while for it to get to the actual ROAD TRIP part but was well worth it. 😊
(This image is owned by Icey Books, who you should definitely go check out)
An amazing ending to an incredible series. I hope I can find a series as good as this again.
Absolutely incredible. Most sequels in trilogies fall into the trap of being incredibly boring in the middle but this was even better than the first. 😭😭😭
I adored the illustrations in this book. The story is good, but I was left a little disappointed by the ending, as it seemed to just cut off, leaving unanswered questions.
Third time reading this and it breaks my heart the same way every. single. TIME. 😭😭😭
A fantasy retelling (WITH DRAGONS) of Snow White, this is an amazing fantasy read (WITH DRAGONS) that you don't want to miss this year (BECAUSE DRAGONS).
I was expecting a cool, creepy read about a girl who was trapped in a cult like family but I was pretty bored throughout most of the book, waiting for something to happen. The ending was a let down.
Second read of this, it's a fantastical, magical mystery story and is just so. freaking. GOOD.
A contemporary story about a girl who's coping with her twin brother's death, and turns to free diving as a way to cope. It's an amazing summer read but I had a little difficulty connecting with the main character.
(The Assassin Game in the US). This one took a little getting into but finished a bang, and I loved it. It strongly reminded me of the Point Horror books too!
This book just got me out of my reading slump! Told from a male perspective it's about the Four Horsemen and is PERFECT for Supernatural fans.
I wrote a really angry review about this on Goodreads last night, as I felt that I'd invested my time into this series only to be disappointed by bad writing and a disappointing ending. Very, very unhappy.
I really enjoyed learning about all the different forms of graffiti found around England's churches, however the author was a little difficult to work with.
Like a mash up of The Shining and Hotel California, this was an amazingly dark read! Best read with (most) of the lights off.
This was so freaking good! About a girl who's train her entire life for the moment when her Valtia does and she takes her magic, the day arrives and nothing happens. There's so much magic, fantasy and great world building in here and it's a serious contender for my favourite of 2016.
This suffered badly from a case of second book syndrome, but the ending was just stunning, I can't wait to read the next!
I wasn't expecting much from this tale of a girl who lives in a village full of mystery but it surprised me by being really, really good!
This one is a favourite of mine! I've read it a few times over the years.
This is an incredible Dystopian novel of what might happen if the sea rises - it was one of the first novels I read and really got me to love Dystopia, before it became as popular as it is today.
Son of a village weaver, Mel is over-awed by his master's richly coloured and vividly detailed paintings. He is particularly amazed by the colours, because there are no colours back home. To have colour in your life, you have to buy the Pleasure.
This is an interesting gothic tale of monsters but is ultimately let down by cardboard characters and a strange plot.
My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people do not know.
Rainbow Rowell is a freaking genius. You don't even have to like or know Star Wars to love this book! My only complaint is that it's not 300 pages thicker.
"At the temple there is a poem called "Loss" carved into the stone. It has three words, but the poet has scratched them out. You cannot read loss, only feel it."