Current audiobook 🌘✨
How I miss my reading buddy. Tiger Lily passed on the morning of 17th December, unexpectedly, just a few days before I was to come home for Christmas.
Home will never quite be the same without her.
Such a lovely gift to start off my exciting new job in publishing! I am not a confident speaker at all, so this is going to be so useful ☺️
Couldn‘t help but pick this one up at the library! Such an easy read but brings up some serious questions about how we treat people at the centre of scandals, and when/if we allow them to move on with their lives.
My #12daysofbookstagram #flatlay featuring a book that has been on my TBR for a while. It‘s beautiful and I‘m excited to read it, but a little intimidated!
My #bookstack for #12daysofbookstagram! A bit of a mixed bag 😁
How am I just discovering Laini Taylor now? So far I am loving this, and really dying to go back to Prague now! For anyone doing #12daysofbookstagram over on Insta, this is my Day 1 #currentread.
"The land she tilled and worked had been Indian land. She knew the white men bragged about the efficiency of the massacres, where they killed women and babies, and strangled their futures in the crib.
Stolen bodies working stolen land. It was an engine that did not stop, its hungry boiler fed with blood."
#weneeddiversebooksclub #ownvoices
#litsythisorthat: Tea (but I don't really drink either) 📚 Dogs 📚 Binge read 📚 Salty 📚 Marvel 📚 Beer 📚 Listen 📚 Cold 📚 Treat!
One advantage of being laid up: lots of time to read! I had my second foot surgery this morning and it seems to have gone well, but will be using crutches for about six weeks. Now here's hoping there will be no more! I have a week off work ahead, so I'm losing myself in the Grisha Trilogy to start ☺
This would be a lovely book to read at any time, but was especially fitting before my trip to Rome last week. We stayed near to where Doerr and his family lived during their time in the city and explored many of the same places. So fun to combine my reading with 'real life'! Here's the view from the Ponte Sisto at sunset. And if anyone wants a great B&B near the Basilica, A Casa di Nannali is AMAZING 🙌🏼
I buy way too many books, so I've joined the library! Here are this month's picks. Also discovered inter-library loan so I was able to get my hands on Beyond the Sky and the Earth 😁
Willing to bet I know what this Blind Date with a Book is! #litsyfeature
This month I'm enjoying (not the right word, but you know what I mean) a #slowread courtesy of the very cool #serialreader. #ReadJanuary
Who would have guessed longitude could be so interesting?! Okay, some of the math and science stuff is going over my head a little, but the story is fascinating. My one criticism is that the author relates apocryphal things as being true events, so at times I've gone 'Wow, I want to know more about that' only to discover that the event in question is widely thought to be made up. Still, with a pinch of salt, this is well written and a great read.
Time for a humorous interlude in my #24in48 after finishing My Name is Leon!
Really enjoying my #Audible pick this month, read by the very charming Lenny Henry ☺
My first #BookVoyage arrived! This month it's The Netherlands ☺ I'm looking forward to tucking in to this one and am also going to try the tea... ☕️🇳🇱 #LitsyFeature
Just got my first book in the #savetheculture book exchange! I don't know who sent this, but I love The Count of Monte Cristo and it's been many years since I read it!
"I've always liked rote. The formulaic repetitiveness of filing and stuffing envelopes appeals to me in some fundamental life-affirming way. I would've made a good factory worker, supply-room clerk, or Hollywood scriptwriter." Man, this guy is witty.
Second half of my #2016TopTenBooks! Featuring my favourites, All the Light We Cannot See and The Secret Life of Bees. Both utterly beautiful. The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden was unlike anything I usually enjoy, but was so funny and clever. The Color Purple and The Handmaid's Tale are classics I think every woman should read. #HappyNewYear folks! #TopReadsof2016
The first half of my #2016TopTenBooks. No particular order or genre here. Asking for It was devastating but truthful. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes oddly life-affirming and delightfully morbid. Fried Green Tomatoes and From Sand and Ash made me happy in very different ways. Kitty Genovese deeply sad but fascinating. #TopReadsof2016
This book has changed my life - or, more appropriately, my death. Besides being a fascinating (and funny!) memoir of working in a crematorium, this exposes the culture of 'death denial' that fuels the funeral industry, playing on our fear of dying and decomposing. I have a whole new perspective on death and funeral arrangements and no dread about the finality of it all anymore! Seriously good and important read. #litsyfeature
For #AllHallowsRead I gave Into the Darkest Corner to my 'work wife' because our Friday was HARD and she was super stressed out. This book is awesome and terrifying because the horror is so real; domestic violence is happening every day and Elizabeth Haynes does a disturbingly good job of portraying the isolation and fear that abusers create. The scariest thought is that the worst monsters are among us.
This is my favourite of the Pottermore Presents collections, mostly because it includes insight and backstory for two of my favourite characters - McGonagall and Lupin. Much more satisfying dip back into the world than the Cursed Child for me. And the cover art is *so* beautiful. #harrypotter
Here are just some of my unread Kindle books! Not including author collections, folk and fairytale compilations or paper books 😩 I need to stop buying for a while!
I love Greek mythology, and so far this book is a really fun collection of some of the best tales!
Pictured: Heracles/Hercules
This one is tough going. My faith in humanity and our innate goodness is being eroded page by page. Any recommendations for books to restore it? 😞
Pic: The Book Castle
Happy #NationalBookLoversDay! I read into the wee hours this morning to finish The Handmaid's Tale. I loved it as much as *everyone* said I would, but I didn't sleep well after closing the book. This story chilled me and will play on my mind for days, months even. It's brilliant. Its messages are still so relevant. There are a few loose ends but that didn't bother me (for once). It seemed fitting to the world and the story. 5/5
Happy #NationalBookLoversDay! I read into the wee hours this morning to finish The Handmaid's Tale. I loved it as much as *everyone* said I would, but I didn't sleep well after closing the book. This story chilled me and will play on my mind for days, months even. It's brilliant. Its messages are still so relevant. There are a few loose ends but that didn't bother me (for once). It seemed fitting to the world and the story. 5/5
"Place a beehive on my grave
And let the honey soak through.
When I'm dead and gone,
That's what I want from you.
The streets of heaven are gold and sunny,
But I'll stick with my plot and a pot of honey.
Place a beehive on my grave
And let the honey soak through".
The Lanvin Murders was never going to set the world on fire, but sometimes a light, easy read is just what you need! In the author's own words it's 'good, smart trashy reading' with likeable characters and a cosy, compelling mystery at its heart. It's a treat for those of us who love vintage too!
Surreptitious worktime reading... The writing is so tiny for tired eyes! One thing I love about the kindle is being able to adjust the size and brightness. I also just pressed a word I didn't know expecting the book to define it for me 😂
Who else has to look at all the pictures before reading a history book? 😁 I'm so looking forward to this. Anything Romanov sucks me in and I have a lot of faith in Simon Sebag Montefiore.
Blind date with a book... I love this idea! Turns out I've already read this one but it's nice to have a copy 😉
This seems to be a favourite for a lot of people, so I'm looking forward to reading this next. Also loving the colour your own bookmarks from Book Depository!