A day late is better than nothing, right? Text only covers - at least pretty close to it - in my collection of Malcolm Gladwells. #booktober
A day late is better than nothing, right? Text only covers - at least pretty close to it - in my collection of Malcolm Gladwells. #booktober
" 'How did I get to be the woman I am today?' It started in the library, in the reading club. That's where I started to be my own person." The grandmother from The Boston Girl and of course the incomparable Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird are some of my literary best friends for #octphotochallenge
Starting a day late on #booktober to celebrate books set in South America. Here are the first few I could get my hands on; my love affair with South America runs deep. Several of my favorites didn't get to make the photo because they're at my work office, but these will definitely do. (And I'm feeling my Sunday productivity fade away into a re-reading future!)
This was a fun book! I had fallen into a slump, so it was a page-turning, easy read (a little sentimental) that got me out of my slump. Would recommend for book hangovers and for flight/car trip reading.