I have a feeling this may not need an alternative beginning for murders to occur. Just discovered this thing called the #grimdark genre - I know, behind the times. #andthenthemurdersbegan #alternativebeginnings
I have a feeling this may not need an alternative beginning for murders to occur. Just discovered this thing called the #grimdark genre - I know, behind the times. #andthenthemurdersbegan #alternativebeginnings
Not sure it sounds like there is anyone left to murder?
#andthenthemurdersbegan #alternativebeginnings
I forgot to do this for ages ...
'People do not give it credence that a fourteen-year-old girl could leave home and go off in the wintertime to avenge her father's blood but it did not seem so strange then, although I will say it did not happen every day.' And then the murders began.
#andthenthemurdersbegan #alternativebeginnings
#andthenthemurdersbegan #alternativebeginnings
'Annie Holleran hears him before she sees him.' And then the murders begin.
#andthenthemurdersbegan #alternativebeginnings
'"Follow my lead Miss Rook," Jackaby said, rapping on the ornately trimmed door to 1206 Campbell Street.' And then the murders began.
Well that makes this a very different story!
Ironically the first line of this chapter when I sat down to my lotsa-protein, lotsa-pepper bowl this morning was 'There was no bacon for breakfast this morning.' Getting my #janeeyre any way I can with this retelling.
#andthenthemurdersbegan #alternativebeginnings
'It's Thursday the first time I see it.' And then the murders begin.
Scary (interesting?) idea. Environment influencing genetics influencing environment. Does it explain aspects of our now?
#andthenthemurdersbegan #alternativebeginnings
'My big brother reaches home in the dark hours before dawn, when even ghosts take their rest.' And then the murders begin.
Starting a new book so ... #andthenthemurdersbegan #alternativebeginnings
'Daddy was on the phone, talking soft and low, dropping behind them in the path.' And then the murders began.
#andthenthemurdersbegan #alternativebeginnings
'I looked up because of the laughter, and kept looking because of the girls.' And then the murders began.
#andthenthemurdersbegan #alternativebeginnings
"He was in hell." And then the murders began.
In the corner, a surfboard leaned against a fence, and a pair of wet suits, one bright blue the other bright red, hung from a clothesline. They looked like melted superheroes.
Started this one this week too.
"My hand shakes as I brace myself against the brick wall." And then the murders begin.
#andthenthemurdersbegan #alternativebeginnings
Who started this? My new favourite thing when I start a new book is making the second line : And then the murders began.
"She sits, this odd trophy of war, as neat as an obedient child, on a small stool on the corner of her cell." And then the murders begin.
Later: this phenomenal phenomenon was started by https://twitter.com/marc_laidlaw - awesome idea!
#andthenthemurdersbegan #alternativebeginnings
There is some gorgeous quirky in this book. Loving it!
Thirty-four on the books in my currently reading pile are part of challenges for 2016. I'm going to see if I can't finish them all by the end of the month. 34 to go/31 days.
Half of October already happened without my knowledge! Here's what I managed to finish in September. Some awesome reads!
#augustofpages Green and Pink spines. My copy of Lord of the Rings is looking quite weathered - it was green once. Now it's the colour of sticky-tape and love. Same goes for my Kindle cover.
Day 2 of #augustofpages (all in one day coz I just realised it's a thing) is 'romance'. This is probably the only thing I am reading (beside the adaptation, The Flight of Gemma Hardy) that fits the genre. Love. Love. Love it.
It's a long, complicated story to tell but this is what I am working on to get a couple of challenges done by the end of August. #augustofpages
Latest buys slowly coming in - love that they arrive in ones and twos - many, many self-pressies. How cool are the colour-it-yourself bookmarks. Excitement!!!
I'm not alone at being disappointed, am I? I don't know what happened but it all got messy after Divergent and it's such a shame. Eh, moving on.
Let me just make this perfectly clear: a book challenge asked me to read a book whose cover I found unappealing. I went a little overboard with 'repugnant'. Only saving grace is the word 'ruin'. Mmmm, I am a little scared to start.
You know the problem: Don't want to start the book because you don't want to finish it. *sighs*
Wasted too much time already on this book - only finished it because it was a challenge book. Started okay, ended with me hating it! Obviously not a shared sense of humour. Done. *shudders*
I was enjoying it but weirdly I came back after an interlude into another book-one that is turning out to be awful. When I got back this seemed a bit blah! too. Odd development. Details are exposed to quickly and too matter-of-factly to aid my suspension. I'll keep going but not enthusiastically ...
4th in the series. I enjoyed it but it reminds me of the eternal decision: Aiden or Big. This novel introduces the 'Aiden'. And truth be told, I was always Team Aiden.
Part of me, nerd I am, wishes this was about adverbs. Or semi colons. I liked it moderately, not abundantly; it meandered strangely through linked lives, it acted weirdly and oddly which I would expect from the author but it just didn't grab me fully. A shame. I don't like the wobbly-wobbly hand.
@Nanabug3 "It's not the diamonds or the birds, the people or the potatoes; it's not any of the nouns. The miracle is the adverbs, the way things are done. It is the way love gets done despite every catastrophe." Strange book. A part of me wishes it really was about adverbs. I love parts of speech.
I'm never going to get through this book because I have to google every designer, pattern, design and colourway that gets mentioned. It also makes me want to knit. I wish I liked audio.
ie. Bookshelves? TBR? Story. Of. My. Life? Good to know there is a word for it. This book, by the kindness of Mr Earwig's heart, is the latest of my tsundokus. (From 9GAG on Pinteest)
Next life I want to write wine blurbs. Love that someone thinks they're as funny as I do. The Aussie wine is hilarious: A binky wosgow of keezy plinkers, hoop-daddied for a ‘dillo‘s wink and flappled in a pongo. Hints of sweet bashie, roasted wopabaggle, and frum-dipped mollys. A right chickamoo!
What do you get when you combine maths, anagramming, road trips, oral history, soul rendering sweetness, a straight guy and a funny guy? This book. I chose it because I too was road tripping out of Chicago. I love a pleasant surprise where no expectations existed. Five stars.
Two new books turned up on the pile while I was sleeping. I didn't even have to lose a tooth!