Long read and many twists and turns. Read this as part of my book of the month subscription and knew it would be a hit!
Long read and many twists and turns. Read this as part of my book of the month subscription and knew it would be a hit!
Loved this book! Enjoying Kristen Hannah quite a bit, even if she does seem to write really tragic endings.
I enjoyed the complexity of the characters and found myself googling quite a bit of historical references that were woven into the book. Some really tragic moments with an ultimately redemptive ending.
Literally googled books to read in the fall because I wanted something cozy. I didnt realize I‘d be reading the semi autobiographical novel about someone who is considered one of the great modern American authors. I enjoyed its simplicity and sincerity.
Enjoyed the twists and turns of this book, it surprised me in a lot of ways and created a world I didn‘t know much about.
Found myself pulled into the story of women across generations in a time period and geography I wasn‘t super familiar with. Tragic and beautiful.
This was a rom com summer beach read. Light, predictable, and safe. Not a memorable book but a fun summer read.
Found myself thinking so much after reading this book about identity and the micro cultures we create in our communities.
Found the premise somewhat interesting the the friendship between generations endearing, but a little predictable and slow to pick up momentum.
I was pretty surprised by how much I enjoyed this read! I learned so much and thought she was able to put together many stories in a way that created one large narrative.
Found this in my local free library and enjoyed picturing what Lowell looked like a few hundred years ago. Felt a little predictable towards the end but still an easy and enjoyable read.
Really enjoyed this! Lots of twists and turns.
Another one I read for book club and it was a fun christmas time read. She has a fun way of approaching romance in a less predictable but still sweet and fun way.
Loved it. Incredibly sad but amazing the way she wrote about women and the relationship between sisters. Of course a novel set during WW2 is hard to read sometimes but very beautiful.
Read this for book club, and enjoyed the mystery of it but found it a little slow moving at times…or just found me a little impatient! Loved the beauty of the location.
A little predictable but a reflective read, especially around New Years.
Jodi is a masterful writer- I‘ve read many of her books and she writes with incredible knowledge of the world she‘s chosen to inhabit. It wasn‘t my favorite plot wise, but I also couldn‘t put it down.
This sat on my bookshelf for over a year before I really got into it, but once I did I found myself so drawn into the world and appreciated the span of years that the novel covered. The author quickly created vivid characters while covering so many lives and locations.
I‘m a big Jurassic park fan but stumbled across the novel and was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed it! Found his questioning about humans and genomes and how far is too far super interesting.
Actually watched a few episodes of the Netflix series but really didn‘t like it, then a friend gave me the book and that was a game changer. Completely loved the way she writes about women and friendships.
Read this book super fast after buying it impulsively…made for a super interesting vacation read.
Slow to start but really enjoyed it once the story got going. Love the era and the way she builds the romance between the love triangle.
Loved it. Classic murder mystery and fun read!