That book was a waste of time... I love the author but these short storys are very boring and they do not make any sense ☹️
That book was a waste of time... I love the author but these short storys are very boring and they do not make any sense ☹️
I liked it... but it was not that exciting as many other Agatha Christie books😇
Just started reading this book 😊 it seems to be my kind of genre ... let‘s see 😍
I started this book... and yes this is a Sherlock bookmark 😍 It is just beautiful !! This is my second Tommy and Tuppence book and i like this two characters 🤗
I LOVED it !! Yes... it may not be the most thrilling book in the series but the last 100 pages were amazing 😍 I just think this author does an amazing job every single time 😌
I am halfway through this book and i like it so far... I think it should get more intense in the next couple of chapters. The Setting is cool... the old hospital you know? 😊 Maybe I will finish it today or tomorrow 😊
Arghhhh... Today a new book arrived AND the struggle is real... I have so many new books and can not choose one to read first 🥺😭 This one should be a real quick one... but i already started the Simon Beckett book 😂😂 First world problems 😂
I was suprised... At the beginning it was a little bit boring but then... I could not put it away 😊 The ending was good 👍🏻
Currently reading this one... its a quick read for sure 😊 My first Agatha Christie with Tommy and Tuppence
I liked this last book, but in my opinion it was way to short... Of course I was curious how the series would end but I think it could have been a little bit more exciting 😊
I am currently reading this book... 🙂
I just love all of my Agatha Christie books 🥰
I am reading this book right now... very moving ... but it is well written..
And I am back 🥳 After a couple of months, working way to much, I finally had the time to read this book. Chris Carter is one of my favorites and of course I loved it 😍 Happy Holidays everyone by the way 😊 Christmas is my favorite time of the year 🎅🏻🎁
I LOVED this book so much ... and the end !! I‘ve never expected that... and have you heard about the movie that premiered in September ? I am going to watch that one for sure 😍
It was ok ... I kind of new who the killer was and that made it a little bit boring for me ☹️😊 Es war nicht das spannendste Buch dieses Jahr aber trotzdem unterhaltsam 🙂
I did not like this one that much. Poirot appeared very late and was not that much involved... very disappointing ☹️ It was boring too and the conclusion was not shocking to me 😑
It was a good one! I loved Bobby and Frankie and it was well written 🙂 Right now I just enjoy reading every Agatha Christie Book I can get my hands on 😂📚😍
No words needed....It was a moving Book and I think everyone should read it. Es war ein sehr bewegendes Buch und meiner Meinung nach sollte jeder es lesen ..
This is my entire Agatha Christie Collection! At least for now 😬🙂 @Sarah83
It was a really good book ? I just adore this author and I am happy to read another one of her amazing books in the future ?Nach einer langen Zeit habe ich endlich wieder etwas von Agatha Christie gelesen,und ich wurde nicht enttäuscht ?
Ich bin jetzt auf Seite 153 und langsam wird es interessant 🤔🙂 wie kommt @Moony voran ? #etenyabuddy #readingtoday #weekend
#etenyabuddy #finallytime @Moony mir ist gerade aufgefallen das ich ein ganz falsches Bild hochgeladen hatte 😂 sorry !! Bin auf Seite 100 jetzt!!
Just started this Book 😊🙂#etenyabuddy #buddyread @Moony
In my opinion it was too long ☹️ I enjoyed the last 100 Pages a lot, but 300 Pages would have been enough ? BUT I still loved the Story and this special characters ?// Ich fand das Buch zwar zu lang , aber das Ende hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Ich hoffe das nächste Buch zieht sich nicht so in die Länge weil so vergeht einem ein bisschen der Spaß ?
I read the german Book by the way ? (could not find this version on here yet ?) It was not as good as the other ones, and way shorter, but I enjoyed reading it anyway ? I just fell in Love with the characters !! // Diese Buch war nicht das beste der Reihe , aber ich liebe die Geschichte und die Charaktere so sehr ? Freue mich auf das große Finale nächstes Jahr !! ????
Well ... I love Agatha Christie way to much but this book was not my cup of tea ? It was very boring and it took me ages to finish this one ?? Let‘s start a new book , and hopefully it‘s a good one ❤️ Ich mag die Autorin ja megaaaa gerne aber dieses Buch hat mir leider gar nicht gefallen. Es war sehr langweilig und es hat mir keinen Spaß gemacht zu lesen ? Auf zum nächsten Buch ?
I just loved this BOOK 😍 finally i was able to finish it and it was amazing 📖 its the perfect Time of the year to read good Books and Drink Lots of Tea 🍵 // Endlich habe ich es auch geschafft dieses Buch zu lesen !! Die komplette Chris Carter Reihe, rund um Robert Hunter, finde ich einfach nur toll 😻🍁🍂
It took a long time to finish this book. But I enjoyed reading it anyway ?? Now I would like to read more ... The cozy season finally begins !! // Es hat sehr lange gedauert das Buch zu beenden ? Dabei hat es mir gut gefallen, aber ich hatte einfach zu wenig Zeit ? Aber jetzt wo der Herbst anfängt werde ich wieder mehr lesen ?
The book was better than the first one but it did not impress me. It's a weird Story ... ??But I would like to know how it goes on . // Das zweite Buch war etwas besser als das erste. Ich hatte nur gutes über die Reihe gehört aber so ganz kann ich mich nicht mit der Geschichte anfreunden ?Ich werde aber weiterlesen... ?
AMAZING ! I loved the third book ! It was a little long but still very exciting 📚😍I am looking forward to the next one 🙏🏻Ich habe heute das dritte Buch beendet und habe es geliebt. Freue mich schon auf das vierte Buch !
The second Book of this series was as good as the first one 😍 Let's start the third one ... 📖 Das zweite Buch dieser Reihe hat mir auch sehr gut gefallen . Es ist einfach mal was anderes. 🙏🏻❤️
I loved this Book so much ? It was a spontaneous purchase and I did not know what to expect! Super exited to read the next one ? Mir hat dieses Buch unfassbar gut gefallen ! Es war eher ein spontan Einkauf aber es hat sich gelohnt !! Freue mich auf das nächste Buch der Reihe ??
As usual, the books of Agatha Christie never disappoint me. I LOVE this author and have already read over twenty books from her. It is a relatively short book but at least the story does not drag on forever ?? Ich kann dieses Buch jedem Agatha Christie Fan empfehlen ! Obwohl ich schon viele Bücher von ihr gelesen habe, macht es immer wieder Spaß in die Welt von Poirot einzutauchen ❤️?
I really enjoyed reading this Book !! ? Miss Peregrine's Trilogy has been so good, and of course I had to add this copy to my Bookshelf ?It's a quick read and the Illustrations are beautiful ?I hope the author continues writing about the Peculiars ?// Diese Buch hat mir sehr gut gefallen, ebenso wie auch schon die Trilogie. Deswegen durfte dieses Buch natürlich nicht in meiner Sammlung fehlen !
This was something different. I'm not sure what to think about this Book ? BUT I'd like to try more of this series and see where it goes.///
Ich fand das Buch ganz gut. Die Story an sich war einfallsreich und amüsant aber teilweise ein bisschen zäh. Bin gespannt wie es weitergeht .... ??