I‘ve taken a break from reading, but lately I‘ve been in the mood to read some Star Wars/ YA Fantasy #StarWars #MasterAndApprentice #ClaudiaGray
I‘ve taken a break from reading, but lately I‘ve been in the mood to read some Star Wars/ YA Fantasy #StarWars #MasterAndApprentice #ClaudiaGray
I reread this for the first time since it was 4-6 #WhereTheWildThingsAre #ChildrenBook #MauriceSendak
I wasn‘t sure about listening to this because it‘s pretty popular, but I really enjoyed “The Fault in our Stars”. #HazleGrace #AugustusWaters #TheFaultInOurStars #audiobooks
Starting to get a little more interesting #TheDreamTheives #TheRavenCycle #Layline
I‘m excited to start the second book in ‘The Raven Cycle‘ series! #TheRavenCycle #TheDreamTheives #MaggieStiefvater
So this was my 2nd time reading this book since I was 12 and I‘ve just turned 16 two days ago. Now that I‘m older, I notice more things like the fatphobia and quite a bit of discrimination mostly against Slytherin, but Hufflepuff (my favorite,) too. #HarryPotter #Weasley #Gryffindor #Hufflepuff #Ravenclaw #Slytherin #HermioneGranger #RonWeasley #HarryPotterAndTheScorcersStone
Watching the debate and reading Harry Potter #HarryPotter #PresidentialDebate2020 #RonWeasley #HermioneGranger
Enjoying the cooler weather in Florida. It‘s around 75 degrees♥️ #HarryPotter #TheBoyWhoLived #Florida #Fall
Re-reading the book that started me on my reading journey♥️♥️ #HarryPotter #TheBoyWhoLived #Hagrid
Finished listening to this last night. There‘s a lot of details that were left out or watered down in the Disney version of Peter Pan.
#PeterPan #WendyDarling #DarlingSiblings #Neverland #TinkerBellisAVaryJelousFairy
I‘m not ok with Shade‘s death😭 #GlassSword #MareBarrow #ShadeBarrow #VictoriaAveyard #LateNightReading
“The body unsettles Kilorn, that much is clear. I‘m not sure why. We should be dancing on her bones.” Mare Barrow about Queen Elara‘s corpes. #GlassSword #MareBarrow #VictoriaAveyard #RedQueenQuartet #LateNightReading
Been enjoying listening to this while eating dinner. #PeterPan #JMBarrie #WendyDarling #DarlingChildren #audiobooks
I‘m definitely enjoying Midnight Sun so far, but some of the chapters are pretty long. Unrelated to the book, happy Left Handers Day!! 12% of the human population is left handed! As someone who is a lefty, it‘s surprising that I never knew that there is a day. Sometimes being left handed can get a bit interesting with how the world is set up for right handers. #LeftHanded #Lefty #MidnightSun #StephanieMeyer #TwilightSaga #LeftHandersDay #Twilight
The book, (I feel) is more enjoyable than the movie. Bella has more to her character, though by the end of the book she is conterdicting herself because in the beginning she states that she hates characters/people who are so dependent on their significant other. The movie leaves out a lot of fun details that would be great to see on screen, but are in the book.
I‘ve watched The Hunger Games movies already, but so far I‘m loving the book much more. #TheHungerGames #KatnissEverdeen #District12
This took me a while to read, but I enjoyed it
I‘d never given much thought to how I would die, though I‘d had reason enough in the last few months. #Twilight #StephenieMeyer #TwilightSaga
I had fun reading this and I really enjoy Maggie‘s writing style. When I started this book, I found it a bit slow, but once I got more into the book, it just went so fast. #TheRavenBoys #TheRavenCycle #MaggieStiefvater
Almost halfway through and I‘m really enjoying this book so far #TheRavenBoys #TheRavenCycle
I loved reading this book. There were a few things I didn‘t expect and a few I did. Definitely one of my favorites. #RedQueen #VictoriaAveyard