?11 août 2022
Livre charmant, et doux.
J'ai adoré la suite de petites anecdotes, et l'attention à chaque détail dans la façon de rédiger un message pour chaque occasion.
?11 août 2022
Livre charmant, et doux.
J'ai adoré la suite de petites anecdotes, et l'attention à chaque détail dans la façon de rédiger un message pour chaque occasion.
📅July 31st, 2022
I enjoyed reading new stories about characters that I already knew, even if I gotta admit that I read this book mostly out of nostalgia ^^
📩 July 13th, 2022
Yessss! Just the 2nd book of the series that I needed :)
I think I literally devoured the book and would literally spend every free moment wanting to know what happened next! I saw coming the end of the book, but it still surprised me while reading it.
My librarian told me the third comes out in September… I can't wait!!
📩 July 9th, 2022
While waiting to find the third and last book of the series, I read this illustrated one... wow! The drawings are beautiful, and I finished the book soooo quickly!
It was just what I needed to remember the characters and get off my reading slump :)
📩 July 5th, 2022
This book took me AGES to finish. I found it slow, dense, a bit monotone at times... and then the interesting bits come at the end of the book!
I pushed myself to finish it, since it's a classic, but I hesitated A LOT if it was worth my time and effort to go all the way.
📩 March 2nd, 2022
I watched the Netflix adaptation first, but having read the book I can tell you that the adaptation is reaaaally close to the book!
I liked having more details on Beth, as well as seeing some differences in some scenes :)
I recommend it!
📩February 22nd, 2022
It lacked... something.
Don't get me wrong: the magical realism like Isabel Allende is good, the story is good, but I think that maybe it was the heroine herself that was a bit too unbearable. Some passages were not explored deeply enough, as well.
It was overall good, but not exceptional for the hype I had!
📩 February 5th, 2022
I already knew some of the work of Naomi Novik, and this book is FRESH! It's really the hint of realism and darkness that the Harry Potter series lacked for me.
I will continue reading the saga :)
📩 January 26th, 2022
So I practically devoured this book, because I thought the saga was only 2 books long, and then (after the cliffhanger at the end 😅) I discovered that there are actually 3 + an illustrated book with small stories about Cardan??!!
As soon as I finish with some other books in my TBR list, I will finish the series for sure :)
? January 16th, 2022
Woooow, I now understand why this book is a NYT no.1!
The lore is original, and even though I thought the plot was "foreseeable", I still was surprised from time to time :)
I will continue reading the saga.
?12 janvier 2022
C'est un livre très poétique, même si c'est une histoire de p*dophilie.
Bref, c'est un classique, donc il fallait le lire :)
?January 2nd, 2022
I actually quite liked this book!
If the title wasn't already a big spoil, the protagonist is looking for an "easy" job after quitting her previous job due to burn-out, but she soon finds out that such a thing does not exist!
I think the morale is to find a job in which you can find meaning, instead of one where you do "nothing" :)
?December 2021
I only read the 6th volume without reading the previous ones, but it was really funny : unfortunately, as with all mangas, I finished reading it waaaay to quickly ?
It kind of reminded me of "Ebichu", but in a more serious tone.
📩December 2021
As the previous two books, it's light, it's funny, and it's easy to read :)
No need to overthink to understand the book, and the end of the series was unexpected to me, but it was a fair ending (in the way that everyone got what they wanted/deserved)!
📩December 2021
I finished this book so quickly I was actually astonished!! 😂
Since I was already familiar with the characters, I only had to get the hang of it within a few pages and I couldn't stop.
Such a funny and light book :)
?Octobre 2021
Court, simple, direct.
C'est comme une ode au non-conformisme aux règles de la société :)
Depuis que j'ai lu le résumé, je savais que j'allais apprécier de lire un point de vue et une vision du monde différente à celle qu'on essaie de nous vendre: avoir un travail "respectable"? Se marier? L'homme travaille et la femme reste à la maison? Non aux 3!
? October 2021
A really good read!
It takes on many subjects which I hadn't really thought about before (artificial insemination, plastic surgery, adoption, birth), so I sometimes had to put the book down and just think what my own opinion was before confronting it to the book.
I would say it's a really "womanly" book, as I've seen many men say that they didn't understand the book…
?October 2021
It's just fine.
The most shocking part happens at the very beginning, and then it kind of flat lined.
A quick read, but nothing really extraordinary... some passages are a bit too "fantasy-like" for my liking, specially the ending.
I understand why it shocked in the 90's, but I think that we're more insensitive to violence today, so it was just "ok" for me.
?Settembre 2021
Secondo libro in italiano!
Pensavo che il tema del patriarcato sarebbe menzionato: e avevo ragione :)
Questa è la storia di una donna che cerca la sua indipendenza, e tutte le difficoltà che trova sul suo cammino: è veramente un bel libro da leggere!
Avvolte la protagonista mi faceva disperare, ma alla fine sono stata soddisfatta delle sue scelte.
Bravo e grazie, signora Maraini!
?July 2021
J'ai bien aimé ce livre! Le concept est intéressant, le rythme est bien cadencé, et l'héroïne est crédible (pas trop de passages où elle réussit l'impossible juste parce que c'est le personnage principal).
J'ai juste trouvé un peu dommage que les scenes "romantiques" soient là un peu pour rien, et la fin est un peu expédiée… mais c'est une bonne fin quand même :)
?July 2021
The book is REALLY close to the Ghibli movie, BUT I think that this is one of the cases where I the movie is better than the book!
The story feels a little bit "old", and some passages are not really clear (like the ending!), but it also goes deeper on some other aspects that the movie does not mention…
I would say that the books and movie complement each other!
?July 2021
L'enchaînement d'histoires à l'aller-retour du train est faite parfaitement, et chaque chapitre est assez court pour ne pas s'ennuyer, mais assez long pour plonger dans la vie des personnages :)
Encore un livre réussi de Hiro Arikawa!
Ok, so last book of the series.
I had read some reviews (without spoiling myself!) and they were very mixed: I *personally* loved the ending. Why? Because I feel like giving a definitive ending was just not fitting, and the end just fits better with the emotional state of the characters after all that happens!
Anyways: read and find out ;)
?Prix Goncourt 2020
Je dirais que c'est un mélange entre sci-fi et analyse de la société.
Bref, c'est un bon livre, je trouve le concept intéressant et j'ai pas eu du mal à le lire :)
Je recommande!!
C'est un super livre! Facile à lire, et surtout très intéressant: je le recommande à toute personne ayant besoin d'un conseil sur la vie :)
C'est bizarre dit comme ça, mais il faut le lire pour comprendre ;)
I laughed sooo much, and it was very easy to read !! It really portrays well a comedic-romance kind of movie :) Now I only have to watch the movie and see how they adapted it (even though most often books are better than their movies aha!)
I cried at the end.
I got attached at the main character from the beginning, and it was just so fun to read the way a cat would perceive the world that surrounds it, and the humans and animals that it encounters!
A must read, if you haven't read it already!!!
I was expecting a REALLY quick read, but seeing as this book is written from a "dog POV", I often had to stop and think about what was being mentioned haha! ?
The book is really nice, and I recomend it to anyone who likes animals: besides, at least in France, for each copy sold, there is a small donation made to animal welfare associations ❣️
Suuuuch a lovely book! ?
I eatched the Netflix series before reading the book, and I knew that some passages might not be in it, but it's still a really nice, kind of "innocent" read.
The only thing I "regret" is that the story moves REALLY fast at the end, but I prefer this ending to the Netflix ending ☺️
This is the first book… out of 9!! ? Idk if I'll read the whole series hahaha
Mi ha preso 2 mesi, ma ho finito il mio primo libro in italiano! ??
È una storia simpaticissima, sulla montagna e sulla amicizia tra due persone molto differenti ma anche molto simili.
Ho dovuto leggerlo almeno due volte perché ci sono moltissime parole specifiche della montagna e non le conozco tutte anche nella mia lingua materna !
È un libro che merita d'essere letto in ogni caso :)
A nice, light way to start 2021!
I love the humor of these comics because they are literally they way I imagine aliens would describe common things (for us!) on Earth :)
Go follow Nathan W. Pyle on social media!
At first I didn't understand that there was more than one character narrating her own story, but once I got the hang of who was who, it was BRILLIANT.
If you haven't read the Handmaid's Tale, read it, and THEN read this one !
A wonderful continuation of the first book, and so powerful that sometimes I just had to pause and think.
This is a DEFINITE pick!!!
It is a feminist book, but not in an aggressive way that might put anyone off of reading it: it tells the story of a girl (the author!) as she grows up, in an unfiltered and raw way.
It is really impossible not to read it without realizing of what is wrong on the way women are treated even before they are born!
I watched the movie first when I was little (6yo, I think) and now I got to read the book.
Well, first I was shocked at how small it was, but it is a really good thriller ! I was expecting something more on the horror side (since the movie had literally given me nightmares🙃).
It got me questioning my morality at times, since I found the main character too soft sometimes.
A must read, as well!
(I read the French version of this book)
Je trouve que le début est un peu lent, mais une fois l'intrigue bien entamée, c'est un livre assez agréable (bien que classique dans la catégorie de YA).
Je vais continuer la série: on verra bien si l'histoire se complexifie un peu plus au fur et à mesure :)
C'est un livre dans lequel je me suis sentie identifiée plus d'une fois, en tant qu'étrangère en France!
J'ai dû rire plusieurs fois en le lisant, et j'ai lancé pas mal de débats avec mon copain (français) en reprenant des passages de ce livre.
Bref: je recommande à 100%.
I read this book right after "1984", and though I found this book more 'poetic' (in comparison to the essay-like style that "1984" has), I find that they both have the same theme.
It is a short book, but it is also really powerful.
A must read!
Ok, this book got me thinking and putting it down A LOT just to calm my thoughts. I even used some of its paragraphs to start discussions with friends.
It is a really interesting book, and I understand why it is sometimes mandatory to read it at schools.
Having read it: it's a MUST read if you haven't read it yet!
It was reaaaally good (just like the ones before!).
I actually delayed reading it because the French translation for the next book in the saga has not yet come out 😔 so I'll have to wait for a while before continuing... (or I could order them in English 🤓)
I'm ready for the next one!!
I loved this book!
You need to at least have some notions in French in order to get the jokes and/or get why they are funny, but it depicts the struggle of living in a foreign country pretty well (specially when you don't speak the local language!).
(Finished on 03/2020)
J'ai beaucoup apprécié ce deuxième tome! Nous pouvons enfin apprécier les interactions d'Ophélie avec le reste du monde de Thorn... et surtout les vrais sentiments qu'il existe entre eux.
Comme d'habitude, il y a toujours une tournure à la fin qui m'obligera à lire le 3ème tome... ;)
J'aime toujours le style d'écriture d'Amélie Nothomb! Cette fois-ci j'ai été étonnée de me retrouver devant une sorte de fanfic de la Bible... qui décrit les évènements du point de vue de Jésus, qui était -malgré tout!- un humain comme nous!
Un super twist à une histoire classique.
I wasn't really expecting much, but OMG this book is gold ✨✨
The writing style is simple and quick to read, and the story is clear although it talks about the controversial theme of p3dophilia from the victim's point of view.
I can only hope more people start opening up about these kinds of cases and justice is done.
As the first one, it is a book that is easily read!
I just kept getting frustrated with Mare during the whole book, but I was satisfied with the twist and cliffhanger at the end : I'm looking forward to the next one :)
[? Imagen de Amazon]
El mejor libro de historia precolombina que he leído!! ❤️ me permitió aprender muchas cosas sobre la historia de mi cultura, y descubrir cómo era la vida antes y después de la conquista!
Libro simplemente exquisito!
[?Imagen de resumiendolo.com]
Otro libro que leí en secundaria.
Ya sea la película ó el libro, la historia es apasionante y te atrapa fácilmente. Recuerdo haber buscado y leído el libro después de haber visto la película.
100% recomendado!
Recuerdo haberlo leído en secundaria: es un libro que se lee fácilmente, y la historia te captura.
Definitivamente hay que leerlo!
[?Imagen de Amazon]
I‘ve got to admit that I got hyped by my boyfriend to read this series: and I don‘t regret it! :)
I was expecting Ophélie to be a “Mary Sue” kind of character, but she stays true to who she is, as do the other characters! Thorn was specially a surprise, as I was expecting him to “soften out of nowhere” as it happens in other stories haha!
I will continue reading the series ;)