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Emma | Jane Austen
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Penguin Classics advertised this beauty in their recent email!


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Gorgeous 💛 1mo
CrowCAH @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it is a neat cover! 1mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💜💛💚 (edited) 2mo
Eggs Beautiful 🩵💜💚 2mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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"Emma's very good opinion of Frank Churchill was a little shaken the following day, by hearing that he was gone off to London, merely to have his hair cut... There was an air of foppery and nonsense in it which she could not approve." Reading Emma is always a mixed bag for me, as I detest her snobbery and conceit, but you have to hand it to her on this one! Frank Churchill, fuck alllllll the way off; foppery and nonsense indeed. #PemberLittens

BarkingMadRead 💯 emma is definitely a snob, and my least favorite heroine, but i think she means well (edited) 5mo
Andrea313 @BarkingMadRead I think she always means well for herself, and learns to mean well for others. 😉 But through so much of the book, damn, I want to throttle her! 5mo
BarkingMadRead For sure!! 5mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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This was the only Austen remaining that I hadn't read yet, although I've seen many adaptations so I knew the story. It is not my favorite of her books and it seems so long even though it is about average for her books. Emma annoys me and Frank Churchill is insufferable. Knightley is a redeeming factor, with his shy little love confession. And Miss Bates is a hoot throughout. She is by far my favorite character.
#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

TheAromaofBooks Emma is my least favorite of Austen... Emma herself annoys me to no end. And while I love Knightley, I also feel like Emma doesn't really have any other options. 6mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Jane Austen is the #AuthorAMonth for January. I actually started Emma last month and listened to a third of the audiobook. I haven‘t listened at all this month. I had decided before the #AuthorAMonth list was posted that I would listen to every Jane Austen book, hopefully in 2024. So, while I didn‘t finish Emma this month, I will finish it sooner rather than later. Wish me luck on My Jane Austen Journey.

julieclair What a fun idea! 6mo
CatLass007 @julieclair Well, I have to admit that the only other Jane Austen I‘ve ever read is the first half of Pride and Prejudice several years ago. I decided that if I was participating in the #PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent #BuddyRead I should read the source. I joined the #NoPlaceLikeHolmes buddy read for the same reason. There are many #HolmesAdjacent books out there that seem interesting and I should go to the source so I understand the (cont)⬇️ 6mo
CatLass007 references made to the original and to understand why the Holmes and Watson books are still so beloved, 6mo
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julieclair That makes a lot of sense. I have joined #RandomClassics, hosted by @TheAromaofBooks , for much the same reason. There are so many classics I have not read. 6mo
CatLass007 @julieclair I‘ve joined that also, and for the same reason. But I bailed on Don Quixote and wasn‘t really interested in Uncle Tom‘s Cabin. But I hope to pick back up with Evelina this month. 6mo
julieclair I didn‘t even try with Don Quixote. I‘m behind on Uncle Tom, but want to catch up and finish. 6mo
CatLass007 @julieclair I kept hearing the music for Man of La Mancha in my head so I thought I ought to try the source material. But it stopped being funny pretty quickly and turned into a big sad. I just couldn‘t put myself through that. If I want to cry I could watch Brian‘s Song again or read Of Mice and Men again. Or maybe some John Irving. 6mo
TheAromaofBooks I was doing the classics on my own, but then decided to start the reading group to help keep myself accountable 😂 @julieclair 6mo
julieclair @TheAromaofBooks Now you‘re tasked with keeping all the rest of us accountable, too! 😂😂 6mo
julieclair @CatLass007 Glad I skipped DQ. I didn‘t realize it was sad, but I generally try to avoid sad books. 6mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Jane Austen is an author I really want to love. I could watch movie adaptations of her novels all day. But I just can‘t capture the nuance in her writing when I read her books. I‘m going to keep on trying, though.

#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

JenReadsAlot I'm working on this one right now too.... 6mo
MrsV I have to agree. I‘m slogging through Persuasion right now. I love Austen books as movies. I think it‘s just her writing “wordy” for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ 6mo
Soubhiville @JenReadsAlot @MrsV @DHill me too. I‘m using Serial Reader for P&P, and while I like the characters, the writing itself can be a slog. I‘m going to finish it though! 6mo
AnnR I think Austen is absolute master of what is now considered to be a run-on-sentence. 6mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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And I‘m off! January #AuthorAMonth started.


Emma | Jane Austen
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But, in spite of these deficiencies, the wishes, the hopes, the confidence, the predictions of the small band of true friends who witnessed the ceremony, were fully answered in the perfect happiness of the union.
#Emma #JaneAusten #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookart #bookartist #bookattitude #bookaholic #bookaholics #bookshelf #bookshelves #Classics #Fiction #Romance #HistoricalFiction #Literature #Historical #Audiobook #19thCentury 💘💘

Emma | Jane Austen
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Im starting this today and was thinking about how I didn't remember where I got it. I flipped through to count the chapters and found this bookmark. Dutton's North Hollywood was my first bookstore job. It was heaven on earth. My coworkers were warm and hilarious, the building was funky (in a good way), and I discovered so many books there. I had worked there about a year when the owners announced they were closing the store. (Continued in comment)

lauraisntwilder I cried. I hid in the corner, where Drama butted up against Literature and sat on the floor and cried. The Jane Austen books were right beside me. I bought stack and stacks of books at a crazy reduced price and I wonder if this was one of the ones who watched over me while I cried. I hope so. ❤ 2y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her.
#Emma #JaneAusten #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookart #bookartist #bookattitude #bookaholic #bookaholics #Classics #Fiction #Romance #HistoricalFiction #Literature #Historical #ClassicLiterature 🧡🧡🧡

Emma | Jane Austen
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📩 July 5th, 2022
This book took me AGES to finish. I found it slow, dense, a bit monotone at times... and then the interesting bits come at the end of the book!
I pushed myself to finish it, since it's a classic, but I hesitated A LOT if it was worth my time and effort to go all the way.

Emma | Jane Austen
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Some very strong contenders for #LetterE but this was my ultimate choice. Probably my favourite Austen.


Emma | Jane Austen
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But, in spite of these deficiencies, the wishes, the hopes, the confidence, the predictions of the small band of true friends who witnessed the ceremony, were fully answered in the perfect happiness of the union.
#Emma #JaneAusten #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookart #bookartist #bookattitude #bookaholic #bookaholics #bookshelf #bookshelves #bookshelfie #bookshelfies #shelfie #shelfies #Classics #Fiction #Romance #HistoricalFiction ❤️❤️❤️

Emma | Jane Austen
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BooksNBowls Love Emma 😍 and that‘s a beautiful edition! 2y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Emma is an amazing story, it's funny, lighthearted, and an amazing friends to lovers slow burn.
I read this right after Mansfield Park and it felt like a breath of fresh air.
Mr. Knightley is the typical Jane Austen love interest that I hate to love because they‘re too good to be real, such a kind, mature, and compassionate soul.
Definitely on my top 2 Jane Austen novels.

Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4206683163

Emma | Jane Austen

“Yes, you see, you understand my feelings - and will return them if you can. At present, I ask only to hear - once to hear your voice?”

Emma | Jane Austen

“If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.”

Emma | Jane Austen

“My dearest Emma,' said he, 'for dearest you will always be, whatever the event of this hour's conversation, my dearest, most beloved Emma - tell me at once. Say "No," if it is to be said.
Emma was almost ready to sink under the agitation of this moment. The dread of being awakened from the happiest dream was perhaps the most prominent feeling.”

Emma | Jane Austen

“She saw that there never had been a time when she did not consider Mr Knightley as infinitely the superior, or when his regard for her had not been infinitely the most dear. She saw, that in persuading herself, in fancying, in acting to the contrary, she had been entirely under a delusion, totally ignorant of her own heart - and, in short, that she had never really cared for Frank Churchill at all!”

Emma | Jane Austen

“Whom are you going to dance with?' asked Mr Knightley.
She hesitated a moment, and then replied, 'With you, if you will ask me!
Will you?" said he, offering his hand.”

Emma | Jane Austen

“Emma felt must draw everybody's eyes and, excepting her own partner, there was not one among the whole row of young men who could be compared with him. (…) Whenever she caught his eye, she forced him to smile but in general he was looking grave.”

Emma | Jane Austen

“A woman is not to marry a man merely because she is asked, or because he is attached to her, and can write a tolerable letter.”

Emma | Jane Austen
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So I actually loved a lot of this - Emma is quite the character, and I found the film to really bring it all to life for me! The reason I've rated it so-so is that the pacing was a bit slow for me and I found it to drag at points. That said, I am putting some of this down to this being my 4th Jane Austen in a row, so I'm going to read something else for a bit before reading the last 2 of her books!💫

Next up: Purple Prose: Bisexuality In Britain!

KathyWheeler I‘m reading Emma right now and it is a little slow. What I‘ve done though is read until I‘m not in the mood, put it down (sometimes for months), and pick it back up again when I‘m in the mood. It‘s taken me about two years to get half way through, but I don‘t get bored and I don‘t forget what‘s happened. 3y
Moll I like that; good approach! 3y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her.
#Emma #JaneAusten #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookaddict #bookaddicts #bookaddiction #bookaholic #bookaholics #bookshelf #bookshelves #bookshelfie #bookshelfies #Classics #Fiction #Romance #Historical

Emma | Jane Austen
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It‘s been a lifetime since I‘ve read any Jane Austen.. I loved the development of Emma‘s character , all the gossip & intrigue. I enjoyed the formality of the writing , the language being so proper… a nice change from all our modern slang & a pleasure to read. Thankyou @sprainedbrain for the daily updates , they were perfect & kept the reading moving along nicely. Looking forward to reading Persuasion with you #Pemberlittens

TrishB Lovely pic ❤️ 3y
Cathythoughts @TrishB Thanks Trish, that pink is a dress I got for my nieces wedding , at the beginning of 2020 … still no wedding .. covid 😭… 3y
TrishB @Cathythoughts I know that story! Bloody Covid, my niece rearranged 3 times. Eventually got married with 15 people. All supposed to have a party beginning of July, but that‘s cancelled now too. I hope your niece has hers soon 🤞🏻🤞🏻 3y
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Cathythoughts @TrishB it‘s now planned for this September… but all is so uncertain again (edited) 3y
DivineDiana I enjoyed Emma for all of the reasons you mentioned! It is refreshing to read beautiful,formal language. ❤️ 3y
Cathythoughts @DivineDiana It‘s my first #pemberlitten read & I was blown away ( more slang 😂) by the language… I was back in school when I read a book this old time … and such a great read 3y
sprainedbrain I‘m so glad you joined us! ❤️ 3y
Centique And what a gorgeous cover too! 3y
Cathythoughts @Centique It‘s a beauty alright 3y
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Emma | Jane Austen

Ironic that I just read this line:

"It was the middle of June, & the weather fine..."

Emma | Jane Austen
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"Have you anything to send or say, besides the 'love,' which nobody carries?" I love Mr. Knightley's occasional quips like this. Really, why do we all feel compelled to "send our love" or even "tell her hello" when it doesn't really mean anything? Chapter 45. #pemberlittens

SamAnne I know! This might be my favorite Austen. 3y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Emma is the best. She is so self-absorb through most of the book and then she‘s comes out with lines like these! Favorite chapter yet! 😂😂#pemberlittens

Emma | Jane Austen
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Today's Chapter @sprainedbrain reminded me of this prompt from 4 years ago from @RealLifeReading Challenge. I always think #smugmarrieds when I read it. 😆
#Pemberlittens #emmaeveryday

sprainedbrain 🤣🤣🤣 3y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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How I am celebrating 🎉 #graduationday @KVanRead I‘m so glad you put this wine on my radar! My mom searched until she found it my graduation gift and I love it! #pemberlittens I ordered this version of Emma today because I can always celebrate by getting a book and Emmas a favorite ❤️

mabell Congratulations!!!! 🎊🍾🎉 You deserve every bit of that wine! And all the books! 😁 3y
Librarybelle Yay! Congratulations on graduating!! 3y
Gissy Congratulations 🎉🎊🍾 👏👏👏👏 3y
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Palimpsest Congratulations! 🎉🍾 📚 3y
ishan0986 Congratulations 🎉🎊🎊🎉🎉💐 3y
Nute Way to go!🙌🏽 Congratulations on your achievement!🎊 3y
LeahBergen Congratulations to you! 📚 🍷 3y
mrp27 🎉🎉🎉 3y
eeclayton Congrats 👏🥳🎉 3y
alisiakae Congrats!! @KVanRead I also just had the BGM Riesling and it is so good! (edited) 3y
TheBookHippie YAY!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼how wonderful 🤍🤍🤍 3y
Avanders I‘m behind on responding to *this* post, but 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾CONGRATS!!! 3y
Chrissyreadit @TheBookHippie @Avanders Thankyou! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 3y
KVanRead Oh how fab!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!🍾🎉🎊🎈🙌🏽👩🏻‍🎓❤️ And so glad you got the wine and enjoyed it! So sorry I haven‘t commented sooner but things have been crazy with end of high school for my daughter (I survived! She graduated Friday! Yay!) and now they‘re about to crazier as I‘ve decided to go back to school 😜 Just one course to start but it‘s a compressed 1 month summer one so yup, crazy time! But so so proud of you and happy for you! 🥳 3y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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#MayCharacters - Meddles: How could such a word be used to describe this fabulous individual? Much better served by words like caring, curious and clever. Yes, she gets it all wrong on Harriet‘s behalf thus ‘meddling‘ gets the upper hand. But she means well. She hopes to find an upgrade husband for Harriet thus sweet ‘matchmaker‘ is to my liking (although her selection skills need some drastic improvement🥴). I like her as she is...endearing Emma!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚❤️🙌🏻 3y
ChaoticMissAdventures I absolutely love this version of it. 🥰 3y
Eggs Great post ❤️💕💖 3y
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rubyslippersreads “Upgrade husband!” 🤣 3y
Nute @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs Thanks ladies for a very fun photo book challenge this month. I really enjoyed myself!💕 3y
Nute @ChaoticMissAdventures I like this version as well, but my mind‘s eye always sees Gwyneth Paltrow as Emma! Have you watched that version? 3y
Nute @rubyslippersreads Sometimes I don‘t even know what my own mouth is saying!!!😆🤣 3y
ChaoticMissAdventures @Nute I have a completely irrational dislike of Paltrow. So much so the only movies I have seen with her in them are the Marvel movies where she barely appears 😆 3y
Nute @ChaoticMissAdventures I have read about other folks feeling the same way about her. I wonder what it is? Is it acting related? Oh, Shawna, I am laughing at how you described it...”a completely irrational dislike.”😂 If you can ever get passed it...this version is well worth a watch. 3y
ChaoticMissAdventures @Nute for me it is a visceral reaction to her smug white face. 😆 And the more she does her Goop stuff the more annoyed I get with her whole person. But yes it would be nice to get over it to watch her Emma. I am so glad you enjoyed it! 3y
Eggs @Nute You are so welcome 🙏🏻 and thanks so much for playing 🥰 3y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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In the battle between Knightley and Mrs. Weston over Emma's faults and virtues, he makes one concession: he has "seldom seen a face or figure more pleasing." Or as Josh in Clueless might say, "You know you're gorgeous, alright?" #PemberLittens

Emma | Jane Austen
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I love Emma - the novel and the character! I'm so happy to dive into this reread! The characters in this one are so vivid, and flawed, and I adore them. Mr. and Mrs. Elton are fabulously cringe-worthy(2nd only to Mr. Collins), and Mr. Knightly and Emma's banter is everything. Emma has always been one of my favorite Austens. #pemberlittens

Crinoline_Laphroaig I have the Pink and Blue Editions! 3y
MaureenMc Yeeesss, Mr. and Mrs. Elton are the best at being the worst! 😆 3y
Nute Such a pretty post! I love Emma too!💕 3y
Palimpsest Yes, more people who love Emma! 3y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her.
The real evils, indeed, of Emma‘s situation were the power of having rather too much her own way, and a disposition to think a little too well of herself


Emma | Jane Austen
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Happy to be starting this with the #pemberlittens! I've missed my daily dose of Jane. Opinions are so divided on this one and I don't remember feeling strongly either way, so it will be fun to see where I fall this time around.

rubyslippersreads Cute cover! 3y
MaureenMc Beautiful copy! 😍 3y
batsy Lovely edition! 3y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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So excited to start this one tonight. I will be doing a chapter a day! I really need some Austen right now! #pemberlittens

Emma | Jane Austen
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Taking a break from work to read the first chapter! #pemberlittens

Gissy Lovely edition!👌 3y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Finished two books in one day! Feeling accomplished☺️ What a wonderful book Emma is, and such character development! An absolute classic Jane Austen novel that absolutely gives you secondhand embarrassment and all the happy feels in the end!

mylifeisbooks Congratulations! I am reading Emma right now! Great book so far! 3y
451Degrees @lmill4156 hope you‘re enjoying it!!☺️ 3y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Emma | Jane Austen
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I had a FANTASTIC time tonight watching Austenland with friends, and now I‘m very excited to watch Emma tomorrow! 😍

Zoom invites have been sent to all who have signed up so far... there is still time to join us if you wanna!😉

KVanRead 👏👏👏👏 3y
zezeki Hi, I'd love to join, but I'm in GMT+1 timezone, so it depends at what time the watch party is happening? 3y
Catherine_Willoughby Loved this cute Emma Adaptation . Her brother-in-law is a bit younger than other adaptation but still can't resist. Have a soft spot of the actor due to the tv show Genius! 3y
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sprainedbrain @zezeki hi! It‘s a 3:00 CST, and I think you‘re 7 hours ahead of me. So 10 pm your time? 3y
OriginalCyn620 Yay! Can‘t wait! I haven‘t seen this one yet. 3y
zezeki @sprainedbrain That sutis me well, count me in then! Is that today or tomorrow? My email is: hydrargryum@gmail.com 3y
sprainedbrain @zezeki yay!! It‘s today. I will forward the zoom link to you now. 😉 3y
MicrobeMom I am not going to be able to make it. The kids asked for a game night tonight! Thank you for all you do and I will miss it. 3y
SamAnne @sprainedbrain I think I can make it today. Can you send me a Zoom link? samannemace@gmail.com 3y
sprainedbrain @SamAnne yay! I just forwarded to you. 😃 3y
sprainedbrain @MicrobeMom we missed you, but yay for game night!! 3y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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#quotsyJan21 @TK-421
Day 2 #Resolution

“There is one thing, Emma, which a man can always do if he chooses, and that is his duty; not by manoeuvring and finessing, but by vigour and resolution.”
Mr. Knightley 💕💕

MayJasper Fabulous! Jane Austen what a star! 4y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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I am so very much enjoying this! It‘s the Audible Original version, an audio drama with Emma Thompson as narrator. Listening while making cookies (here‘s the beginning of gingerbread). This will be the final book of my #booked2020 challenge!!

slategreyskies I made gingerbread today too! I love the way the house smells when it‘s baking. :) 4y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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I may start this next, I started reading the first page and it very nearly absorbed me

Emma | Jane Austen
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