La animalidad nos produce asco y por eso la queremos huir. Sin embargo, no aceptamos ser simples animales también.
La animalidad nos produce asco y por eso la queremos huir. Sin embargo, no aceptamos ser simples animales también.
Derechos del cuidador. Dos clubes y desde que uno se va morir ya te niegan el futuro. Los consejos no sirven. El fantasma que ya es y el no disfrutar lo que nos queda de esa persona. Herirnos para sentir que estamos vivos. No tener a quien recriminar nuestros traumas. Qué hacemos con nuestros muertos si no hay lugar para ellos, ellos van con nosotros mismos a todas partes. Ensimismarse de forma diferente. Ensimismarse y salir a pasear y balancear
Every passage deserves a screnshot but here is a pinch of it. I love Virginia Woolf.
La historia de las civilizaciones, Diana Uribe
"He describes how, as individuals in this project society, we 'book' ourselves with appointments and projects in an attempt to use our capacity fully — much like airlines do. Since our duties in life have become mere 'projects', they are, of course, temporary, and we just jettison them if something more interesting pops up on our radar." The project society.
Silence isn‘t neutrality; it is supporting the status-quo.
The greatest crimes in modern history resulted not just from hatred and greed, but even more so from ignorance and indifference.
One of the greatest fictions of all is to deny the complexity of the world and think in absolute terms.
"No llores. Todo es mentira. Cómo los caleidoscopios y los estereogramas, todo esto son sólo cositas superpuestas..."
"This is the paradox of historical knowledge. Knowledge that does not change behaviour is useless. But knowledge that changes behaviour quickly loses its relevance. The more data we have and the better we understand history, the faster history alters its course, and the faster our knowledge becomes outdated." Censorship now is flooding people with info. Knowing what to ignore is the new power"
"Consistency is the playground of dull minds." "How do you cause people to believe in an imagined order such as Christianity, democracy or capitalism? First, you never admit that the order is imagined"
"Most effective altruists are not saints but ordinary people like you and me, so very few effective altruists claim to live a fully ethical life. Most of them are somewhere on the continuum between a minimally acceptable ethical life and a fully ethical life." Peter Singer, The most good you can do
J‘en ai marre des poétesses, des à moitié mortes, marre de toutes ces filles juste bonnes pour les clochards et les Nègres. Je veux une fille normale avec un père conservateur et une mère bourgeoise (tous deux racistes), une vraie de vraie de jeune fille, pas une poupée gonflable gorgée de bière ; merde, j‘ai soif, moi aussi, d‘une vie décente. J‘ai soif. Les Dieux ont soif. Les Femmes ont soif. Ben, pourquoi pas les Nègres. LES NÈGRES ONT SOIF.
This book presents theories first stated by Jean Piaget and Daniel Khaneman to the light of brain science and how decisions and logic thoughts happen and how it might hold the key to intelligence. It just opens the doors to a world of possible and practical ways to use these insightful discoveries.
Simply perfect ?. "It was like being awake twice" "La fatalidad nos hace invisibles" "Fatality makes us invisible"
If adults commit adultery, do infants commit infantry? If olive oil is made from olives, what do they make baby oil from? a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian consume? A writer is someone who writes. But fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce, hammers don't ham...If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn't the plural of booth be beeth? If they wrote a letter, perhaps they also bote their tongue.
"Lo esencial es valorar positivamente el respeto y la diferencia, no como un mal menor y un hecho inevitable, sino como lo que enriquece la vida e impulsa la creación y el pensamiento, como aquello sin lo cuál una imaginaria comunidad de los justos cantaría el eterno hosanna del aburrimiento satisfecho" Etanislao Zuleta
La imaginación es el amor : el vínculo entre lo visible y lo realmente existente. Imaginar es estar atento a lo que hay, buscar el lazo entre las cosas, reconocer y desbrozar los caminos que llevan de una a otra, y abrir caminos diferentes, que lleven de otra a otra. Es moverse a través de las cosas y con ellas: vinculandolas, vinculándose.
"living fire begets cold, impotent ash" - Chinua Achebe
Un acercamiento a los libros a través de su textualidad, su historia y entorno biográfico, su moralidad y filosofía, psicológico, social y natural.
"Il reste, bien sûr, quelques menus faits qui résistent. Savoir l'invention de l'arithmétique et de la géométrie par les Egyptiens. Savoir la dëcouverte de l'astronomie par les Assyriennes. Savoir la naissance de la chimie chez les Arabes. Savoir l'apparition du rationalisme au sein de l'islam a une époque où la pensée occidentale avait l'allure furieusemet pré logique." Aimé Césaire
Desde un alfiler a un elefante, cambio de esposas, regalo para una novia desde un circo.
“If you don't understand, ask questions. If you're uncomfortable about asking questions, say you are uncomfortable about asking questions and then ask anyway. It's easy to tell when a question is coming from a good place. Then listen some more. Sometimes people just want to feel heard. Here's to possibilities of friendship and connection and understanding.”
― Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Americanah
“Racism should never have happened and so you don't get a cookie for reducing it.”
“Academics were not intellectuals; they were not curious, they built their stolid tents of specialized knowledge and stayed securely in them.”
― Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Americanah