Waterfalls, fjords and trolls. Norway is fascinating. #backpackingEurope @JenP @BookwormM
Waterfalls, fjords and trolls. Norway is fascinating. #backpackingEurope @JenP @BookwormM
The salty old queen of the sea, Copenhagen, was where we were today.#backpackEurope @JenP @BookwormM
Rostock was deserted on a Sunday morning, compared to neighbouring Wärnemunde which was preparing for an ultraRight rally.
St. Petersburg is so different from the city I visited in 1990. Now there are shops and tourists everywhere.
Gdańz has become synonomous with Lech Walensa - hope following despair. #backpackEurope @JenP @BookwormM
Estonia: I loved my visit to Tallin this moning #backpackEurope @JenP @BookwormM
The Sibelius memorial in Helsinki, the charming capital of Finland. #backpackEurope @JenP @BookwormM
I have enjoyed a few days in Stockholm on my first visit to Sweden. No posts from Lithuania or Latvia because I couldnt find any authors on the 1001 list.#backpackEurope @JenP @bookwormM
I have only just started to read this book but it is just so appropriate after visiting Dresden yesterday. Many of the magnificent buildings were left blackened by the firestorm in 1945. I had also noticed the discreet brass plaques amongst the cobblestones of Salzburg commemorating Jewish people who had once lived there. #backpackEurope @JenP @BookwormM
Today we are in Salzburg and climbed Kapuzinerberg to look down on the castle. #backpackEurope @JenP @BookwormM
I found D.H.Lawrence while strolling through Trieste. I was surprised not to find James Joyce or Italo Svevo, no doubt they were there somewhere! #backpackEurope @JenP @BookwormM
#backpackEurope @JenP @bookwomM
I have forgotten how to use Litsy, so I hope this is correct. I am not in competition but thought it would be fun to post from my actual trip to Europe. My rule is that I have to post a book I have read from the country I am in. This post show my dragonboat team from Tauranga, New Zealand paddling under the Ponte Vecchio in Florence. We are competing in an international regatta of 130 teams and 4000 paddlers.
#blindassassinbuddyread I am investigating Reenie. She acted as a mother figure to Iris and Laura growing up, but she would make enigmatic remarks without explanation which just confused the girls. She was fond of proverbs " a stitch in time saves nine" was frugal, could not resist anything Laura wanted, admonished Iris constantly to look after her sister, or speak to her about Alex Thomas, and had very strong views about behavior.
#theblindassassinbuddyread @JenP
I am home from Australia and just opened my copy to find I had not only read this book before, but had noted where and when! The worry is that I have NO recollection of having read it before.
It's finished and I don't know what to think! Thanks, Jen, and everyone else who has been in the buddy group. I very much would like another buddy read sometime, but first I have to collect my thoughts about this book!
Back onboard after Life Distractions got in the way. I see some people have finished and I am only halfway through Week 12. But I am making a big effort to catch up - starting NOW!
I am so enjoying DFW's mangling of words. Malapropisms such as sterebolic anoids, purportaged and recesstacle or neologisms like Eliotical (referring to The Wasteland).
A recent development is all the mentions of skull-less or soft-skulled individuals. Anyone have s theory why?
#infinitejestbuddyread This is my excuse for spending the day catching up!
My WTF moment, #infinitejestbuddyread, the family dying in sequence having already been noted, is the throwaway about Marathe's brothers.
#buddyread I have spent the day with Mario. He has filmed every minute of our time together and hasn't had much to say, but I was impressed that he anticipated my needs and had a red wine ready almost before I had realised I wanted one.
#infinitejestbuddyread#readinglocation . This is my preferred reading location, but it is in the same room as the television, so when my husband is around I am out on the deck! Unfortunately I don't like background noise when I read so I will pass on the music question.
#infinitejestbuddyread Infinite Snack. Actually a late lunch of homegrown Nashi pear, stinky Stilton and balsamic cream with a glass of my kombucha. Usually I need red wine to tackle DFW, but I am in training for National Dragonboat competitions, so am off the plonk! Note no book, only Kindle, which is cumbersome for footnotes and wallacewiki on the iPad.
#infinitejestbuddyread I started to notice "cages" in reference to Joelle. I think that DFW was using the image in reference to her addiction.
Slow going in the bits describing the pseudo-Aztec cult, but good on Lawrence's themes of colonialism and gender politics and great descriptive passages.
#infinitejestbuddyread word of the week: mythopoeia, the making of a myth.
#infinitejestbuddyread Quote of the week "I have seldom felt less nurtured than I did impaled on that table I have to say".
So the handbag snatcher sounds a lot like Poor Tony. The list of anti-ONAN groups starts with Les Assassins Des Fauteuils Rolents, a group that Marath belongs to. There are multiple mentions of black widow spiders, annular references, many references to optics, often surprising, such as Hal's tennis containing an aperture, and dumpsters are everywhere!
People, places and connections: there are so many now. There is the tripod in the forest, was it Jim's? Steeply and Morath discuss The Entertainment in Boston (but we don't go back to the medical attaché). Hal and Orin's phone conversation mentions Separatism in passing, "Helen" Steeply writes an article on Orin; a 46 year old accountant has the same condition as Morath's mother. She dies when her hand bag (with her heart in it) is snatched.
Just saw this photo and it reminded me of the spy scene in the desert.#infinitejestbuddyread#weektwo
#infinitejestbuddyread#week2. My primary emotional response was laughter. My favourite was when Michael Pemulis was lecturing his group of younger kids on drug use. They were bored. It reminded me of John Cleese trying to demonstrate sexual intercourse to a group of unruly and disinterested schoolboys in a Monty Python skit.
#infinitejestbuddyread#week2 It is Tuesday morning in New Zealand and I have finally got to page 121! New words? So many, but I have chosen the architectural terms bolection, reflects and guilloche. I am wondering why DFW was so keen on using obscure terms for decorative mouldings. Was he just showing off?
A wonderful description, I thought, for my quote of the week, so far. Did anyone else notice a Hamlet reference in the list of movies in Note 24 to a production company called Poor Yorrick Entertainment Unlimited?
Loved this description of battling the day.