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The Rainbow
The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
The story of three generations of a Nottingham family whose love affairs move backward and forward across the years.
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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I wanted to show one of those cute bookstore stickers from the old days with an object people would recognize for size comparison. Just a reminder of the store you bought it from. Or maybe attract new business if it was a gift. I love finding these and bookplates.🥰

underground_bks We call them bookseller tickets in the trade! 4mo
charl08 Love this! 4mo
Leftcoastzen @underground_bks found this a treasure trove. Though an article in fine books said binders call it a ticket bookstores , it‘s a label 🤷‍♀️ http://sevenroads.org/Bookish.html 4mo
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LeahBergen That‘s very “deco” shaped! 4mo
Leftcoastzen @LeahBergen the book was originally published in the teens , this is a later printing 1924 , so right timing 4mo
batsy That's very cute. Love the unobtrusive personalised touch. So different from the stickers of today that ruin covers and seem to almost shout at you 🙃 4mo
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The Rainbow | David Herbert Lawrence
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... It was a sort of romantic situation that she knew so well in fiction she hardly understood it in fact.

BarbaraBB That‘s what people in Ukraine are probably thinking right now too 💔 (edited) 1y
tpixie Wow I do seem to recall how was World War I and World War II? There seemed to be romance about it. TV & Vietnam stopped all that. 1y
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The Rainbow | David Herbert Lawrence
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Weekly Report

Continuing on with these three biggish books. Nana continues to entertain, #Clarissa to rile up, and The Rainbow to expound.

Graywacke A picture that makes me want to read old books 1y
Daisey I‘m looking forward to reading Nana at some point. I read L‘Assommoir, very much about her mother, last year and really enjoyed Zola‘s attention to detail. 1y
Liz_M @Graywacke But, you do read old books! Books written in old English and ancient Greek! 1y
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Liz_M @Daisey Unfortunately, I am reading this as a stand-alone. It's been way too long since I read L‘Assommoir and had forgotten the connection. @sisilia's post reminded me that there was a connection at all. So, I guess I'll have to read La Bête Humaine sooner rather than later! 1y
Graywacke @Liz_M yes, true that. Well, it‘s strong reinforcement. 🙂 1y
Lcsmcat I‘ve had Nana on my TBR forever. I think I need to bump it up. 1y
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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I finished She-Devil in the Mirror, which was delightful; Diverse Spines for which I need to go back through and add all the books to my TBR; and Endless Nights.

I am, of course, still reading Clarissa. This is my weekly reminder that I need to continue on with Celestial Harmonies and The Rainbow and I want to start Future Home of the Living Good.

BarbaraBB Glad you enjoyed she-Devil too! 1y
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The Rainbow | David Herbert Lawrence
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What a good description of what it feels like when you're drunk!

The Rainbow | David Herbert Lawrence
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The Rainbow | David Herbert Lawrence
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Fun #ThisorThat! Though I've cheated and selected both for so many!

tpixie Me Too! 2y
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The Rainbow | David Herbert Lawrence
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This is writing that is modern and progressive by today's standards

The Rainbow | David Herbert Lawrence
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The Rainbow | David Herbert Lawrence
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The absolute genius of DH Lawrence, writing about incels way back in the early 20th Century

The Rainbow | David Herbert Lawrence
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#WeekendReading @Andrew65
AS Byatt 's Frederica Quartet- fierce, immediate,still relevant
The Moon of Gomrath -delightful and thrilling
Tagged book-incredible writing,Lawrence paints a picture with language
Our share of night-way too much woo woo magic for me

Andrew65 A true classic! 2y
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence

There‘s no denying the rainbow 🌈 is a classic apparently no 48 of 100 books you should read before you die . In parts it is beautifully written the characterisation a marvel , the angst of first love 💕the rush of longing the hurt of rejection the passion of longing but in other parts it is so so wordy so descriptive so desperate to portray the longing it becomes dull and tedious.

The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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So here we go two Lawrence‘s in a month for bookclub the rainbow 🌈 started today and then lady chatterleys lover , never read any Lawrence before so very ambitious to do two in a month & apparently some readers loath him ! 😆

DrexEdit I remember reading this in college and hating it. I want to give it another chance one day. 2y
Bookbuyingaddict @DrexEdit it started well but oh my goodness by page 📄 106 I‘m finding it painful 😓 so wordy , characters so full of anxiety, repressed feelings . Why on earth it was banned I have no idea ! A joke compared to modern literature & the world we live in now , And certainly no rude passionate bits yet ! 2y
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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Eggs Oh stunning!! 5y
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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#AyUpAugust #ChasingRainbows this book came to mind , but I‘m chasing memories because I can‘t remember if I read this or not. 😳🤷🏻‍♀️.... maybe years ago, must have a look & see

jenniferw88 I almost used this one! 💕💕💕 5y
Lcsmcat I‘m in the same boat! It‘s been on my shelf for years, and I think I read it in the 80s, but I remember nothing. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
Cinfhen It‘s such a beautiful cover 🌈💕 5y
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squirrelbrain Don‘t be silly @jenniferw88 - you were never going to go with a rainbow when there‘s also the word ‘chasing‘ in the prompt! 🤣 Great pick @Cathythoughts ! 5y
Cathythoughts @jenniferw88 great minds 👍🏻♥️ 5y
Cathythoughts @Lcsmcat Oh stop ! It‘s mad , I definitely remember Lady Chatterleys Lover ... I read a lot of classics back then & really loved them 5y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen I took from the internet & all the covers are amazing ✨ 5y
Lcsmcat @Cathythoughts I remember Lady Chatterly too, but I was younger when I read that. It‘s just like Billy Collins said https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/37695/forgetfulness 5y
andrew61 I read several of lawrences books in my teenage/twenties cathy. I think it's time for a reread. I think I'll make it a plan for 2020! 5y
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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Tagged book is the closest I could get to #rain, but the lyrics made me realise that I could do a collage of different weather phenomena! #ayupaugust @Cinfhen @squirrelbrain

squirrelbrain Great collage! I‘ve only read The Snow Child... 5y
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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This has mixed reviews but I adored it. It took me a while to see what all the length was in service of but once I did I loved the slow burn and build of Ursula‘s character. I love how Lawrence writes strong intense emotions, and the ending is probably gonna go down as one of the best endings of a book I‘ve read.

BarbaraBB Great review! Now I am looking forward to it! 5y
SW-T Ages since I read this, but I recall liking it. Might have to reread this one. 5y
youneverarrived I loved it too. 5y
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The Rainbow | David Herbert Lawrence
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The Rainbow by D.H. Lawerence was banned because of charges of obscenity. It remained unavailable in England for 11 years. Is it really obscene? Check out my review at https://jyotiarora.com/review-the-rainbow/

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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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Andrew65 A great rainbow with some great books. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Gotta get to these! 5y
Andrew65 The woods is my favourite Harlan Coben stand-alone. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Haven‘t read it yet! But I need to! 5y
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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I found D.H.Lawrence while strolling through Trieste. I was surprised not to find James Joyce or Italo Svevo, no doubt they were there somewhere! #backpackEurope @JenP @BookwormM

The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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There were a number of required reading books that I understood why they would be "required reading." They convey a powerful message or expand young forming minds.

Then you have these. (Mind you, I have others. I just picked two.) These just made me think - what was the point?!? And oh my goodness, The Rainbow was so long! Excruciating.

Day 3 - Least Favorite(S) #requiredreadingredo

sprainedbrain Oh, The Rainbow was soooooo hard to finish. 😴 6y
ElishaLovesBooks My least favorite required reading ever was the tagged book. So much description of the heath/moor 🙄 So boring!!! (edited) 6y
Erinsuereads Poisonwood bible has been on my list forever and I just can‘t bring myself to do it!!! 6y
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Erinsuereads @ElishaLovesBooks that sounds like a terrible book! You should come play on our tag #requiredreadingredo. We are having allllll the fun 6y
ElishaLovesBooks @ErinSueG I just found it! Looks like fun! 😊 6y
mabell @sprainedbrain Oh yes! Especially in high school! 😂 6y
mabell @ElishaLovesBooks I never read that one! But, I can imagine - gotta love the 1880s gratuitous descriptions 😆 6y
mabell @ErinSueG I'm having all the fun! I'm going off memory, and I wish my school binders weren't in permanent storage at my parents! I feel like I could really harangue if I had more of the details! 🤣🤣 6y
mabell @ErinSueG A lot of people seem to love Poisonwood - as in they read it for fun 😱- so it may be just me 6y
night_shift I had no idea Poisonwood was a required reading somewhere. It's been on my TBR forever! Huh! And the other one? Sounds terrible lol 6y
mabell @UnidragonFrag Yeah, we had VERY different selections. Not many "classics"... But apparently The Rainbow is a classic, so there you go ? 6y
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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A #male writer I want to read more of. #litsyclassics #maylovesclassics

Cathythoughts Oh I read his books many moons ago. I love him. 😍. I think a reread is in order ... I can‘t really remember anything, only that he was a favorite. I look forward to your thoughts. ❤️ 6y
youneverarrived @Cathythoughts same as you I remember reading and loving this but can‘t remember too much about it! Have you read this one? It‘s the only one of his I‘ve read. Need to read more ❤️ (edited) 6y
merelybookish I gobbled up his books when I was in my early 20s. Loved The Rainbow and Women in Love especially. 6y
youneverarrived @merelybookish that‘s when I read this one... think I was maybe 20. I‘ll put Women in Love as my next one to read! 6y
Cathythoughts I did read it ... but I can‘t remember it ... 💫 6y
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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I‘m reusing an old pic. Saw these books at a bookstore, couldn‘t resist to take a photo. Now I regret not buying them. 😁
#magicalmarch #rainbow 🌈

Simone_Gibson These are perfect 6y
vkois88 How interesting! 6y
ephemeralwaltz I love these!😍 6y
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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My first Lawrence... the #1001books Goodreads group is reading Women in Love this month, and I wanted to read this one first. Lawrence‘s writing is beautiful - very descriptive and poetic, whether talking about sexual desire or the scenery. It‘s not really racy, but I can see why it was shocking at the time it was written. I‘m looking forward to the next book and more Ursula.

Narration is excellent for the audiobook, too!


Reggie So I tried to read this as a teenager and gave up after 200 pgs. I feel like in all that time the only thing that happened was that the son grew up and walked out to the gate in the yard. Lol I only picked it up because Lawrence lives out his end of days in Santa Fe. Maybe I‘ll try it again. 6y
batsy @Reggie I had the exact same experience with this book! ? I've heard so many good things about Lawrence that I want to give him a try again, now that I'm "mature" lol 6y
jhod @Reggie @batsy same! Would love to think it would be different now I'm mature batsy, 😂😂😂 6y
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sprainedbrain @Reggie @batsy @jhod I definitely think this book is not for everyone... it reminded me of some other ‘classic‘ novels, like Middlemarch for example, that are long and slow. I didn‘t have the patience for them when I was younger either, but now find that I like to settle in and live in these sprawling books for a while. By the end of The Rainbow, he‘s taken us through 3 generations of the Brangwen family, but no majorly exciting events. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
batsy I love Middlemarch, so now I'm sold! 😊 You're so right, timing is key in appreciating certain books and the way we read also changes with time. 6y
Liz_M Oh, she is a good narrator! She also works under the name Nadia May, which she's used for some G. Eliot and J. Austen novels. 6y
sprainedbrain @Liz_M good to know! I am definitely in favor of listening to more narrated by her. 👍🏻 6y
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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Day 2 back at work after my looong holiday vacation. No audiowalk again today, since my trails are covered with snow and it‘s ridiculously cold outside (today is actually warmer than the last few days)... so spending my lunch listening to my audiobook and staring at the walls. What a boring corner that is when I have the door closed!

I am really enjoying this book. 👍🏻

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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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MayJasper Ooh I say! 7y
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The Rainbow | David Herbert Lawrence
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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I could've sworn I had a third copy of The Rainbow, but maybe I got rid of it. #aprilbookshowers Day 8: #samebookdifferentcover

I'm a sucker for classic literature and long, "boring" books. ;)

GatheringBooks i also have a copy of the rainbow, a different cover from the ones you have here! :) 7y
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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Driving through rural Washington state and found this charming bookstore in Pomeroy.

MyNamesParadise Looks really cute! 8y
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence

I thought this book would never end.

The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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"She would see Miss Inger in her bathing dress."

This book is so frustrating. Endless boredom and then these amazingly-naughty-for-1915 bits.

The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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Read ten pages and then slept for an hour. This one is a slog. #ModernLibraryTop100

The Rainbow | David Herbert Lawrence
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Everything old is new again.

Soubhiville Oooooo, I like them! Putting on mental shopping list... 📚 8y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders Oh! My son wants The Good Soldier Svejk! I hope this means it will become more available. ? Maybe turning back to Classics since they are original stories and not churned out plots like "Lost, Dead, Gone, Missing, Girl" books that are becoming too prevalent? ???? 8y
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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"The novel is a perfect medium for revealing to us the changing rainbow of our living relationships." DH Lawrence. #somethingforseptember #septphotochallenge #bookrainbow

RealLifeReading That's a great quote! 8y
ValerieAndBooks Very clever choice, @Hobbinol ! 8y
Hobbinol @RealLifeReading Thanks.. and may I quote you on that?😉 8y
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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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Partly because I'm lazy, but mainly because I love this book, I'm putting up The Rainbow for my #rainbowbooks. As with many of DH Lawrence's books this one was banned in the UK when it was first published. It looks at sexual mores within a family and prominently features a lesbian character, so I always think of it as early LGBTQ literature as well. It's long, but it's a fascinating book. #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge #bookrainbow

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The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence
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"If I were the moon, I know where I would fall down. "
I just started The Rainbow as an audio book. It's impossible for me to choose just one favorite author, but D.H. Lawrence is definitely a favorite of mine. His words are so beautiful - like music.

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