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Orwell's Roses
Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
A lush exploration of roses, pleasure, and politics, and a fresh take on George Orwell as an avid gardener whose political writing was grounded in his passion for the natural world In the year 1936 a writer planted roses. So begins Rebecca Solnits new book, a reflection on George Orwells passionate gardening and the way that his involvement with plants, particularly flowers, and the natural world illuminates his other commitments as a writer and antifascist, and the intertwined politics of nature and power. Sparked by her unexpected encounter with the surviving roses he planted in 1936, Solnits account of this understudied aspect of Orwells life explores his writing and his actionsfrom going deep into the coal mines of England, fighting in the Spanish Civil War, critiquing Stalin when much of the international left still supported him (and then critiquing that left), to his analysis of the relationship between lies and authoritarianism. Through Solnits celebrated ability to draw unexpected connections, readers encounter the photographer Tina Modottis roses and her Stalinism, Stalins obsession with forcing lemons to grow in impossibly cold conditions, Orwells slave-owning ancestors in Jamaica, Jamaica Kincaids critique of colonialism and imperialism in the flower garden, and the brutal rose industry in Colombia that supplies the American market. The book draws to a close with a rereading of Nineteen Eighty-Four that completes her portrait of a more hopeful Orwell, as well as a reflection on pleasure, beauty, and joy as acts of resistance.
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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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JuliaTheBookNerd Love your flowers 😍 2mo
Eggs Beautiful geraniums! 2mo
Cathythoughts The sunlight ☀️♥️ 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful ❤️ 2mo
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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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This author is brilliant. Somehow she makes a book that on the surface looks to be about gardening and turns it into a historical look at the socioeconomic situation in Europe (specifically mostly UK and Russia) during the author's lifetime and after. Like who has time and resources to pursue hobbies, for example.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheBookHippie I have to get to this one! I‘ve read all her other books! 3mo
Librarybelle I thought this was a really interesting read! 3mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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🌹 My first Solnit. I love Orwell and I'm interested in all the topics covered so I would have given it five stars but something about the way she wrote caused me to have to reread often just to understand what she meant. I'm not sure why. 🌹 This absolutely perfect bookmark was created to support the British Red Cross and came to me inside Paul Kingsnorth's Real England when I bought it a few years ago. 🌹

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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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p. 252 'He desires the life of the mind and the senses, beauty, history, nature, pleasure, and sex, and the privacy and freedom in which all things flourish.'

Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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Train is late but the sun is out and I have a book, so... 🤷

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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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p. 177: 'Britain - the mythical place bathed in an afterglow of empire, not the conflicted contemptorary reality - seemed to be a place in which all of us, even me growing up in California, had received too much instruction, and also a collage of innumerable pieces of elsewhere. It was the person in the room you were supposed to pay attention to and know all about, the one who was supposed to define what mattered and how things should be.' ⬇️

bibliothecarivs 'When I got older and learned more about class and imperialism and the British-ruled Ireland my mother's grandparents fled, I didn't exactly get over Anglophilia but I did get a dose of Anglophobia to counter it.' 🔚 3mo
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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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p. 21: 'At thirteen, [Orwell] won a scholarship to the most elite [public school] of all, Eton, where he spent another four years, acquiring an accent that marked him as an outsider among the poor without making him an inside among the rich.'

Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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"I have often thought that much of the beauty that moves us in the natural world is not the static visual splendour that can be captured in a picture, but time itself as patterns, recurrences, the rhythmic passage of days and seasons and years, the lunar cycle and the tides, birth and death."

My first book by Rebecca Solnit for this month's #Backlistreadathon @Clwojick @TheAromaofBooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great cover 🧡🤍 14mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 14mo
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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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I meant to read this before the Orwell prizes were announced but health hasn‘t been great so it‘s been lying beside my bed for many weeks. Started the first couple of chapters and so far really enjoying it! Nature and memoir together is a huge love of mine 🌹

Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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A lovely book! A amalgamation of biography, horticultural history, political genealogy, and a celebration of beauty. This is a book that nourishes the soul.

Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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I like to have an audiobook going at all times. Started this one today and it‘s great so far. After all, it is Rebecca Solnit!

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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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Two books are buddy reads by week- Lost Among the Living and This Life. The others I plan to read/listen as I can. Full weeks at work until we end in June- parent meetings, graduation activities, exams.

Cinfhen Can‘t believe the school year is winding down 2y
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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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Finished the 3 books in the top row this past week. In various stages with the books in the bottom row.

Cinfhen Gorgeous flowers 😍how‘s the tagged book??? 2y
kspenmoll @Cinfhen I am not very far but I am fascinated- RS went to find the site of Orwell‘s roses- one bush was left. 2y
Cinfhen That‘s so cool!!! 2y
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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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Spanish white made from Godello grapes, & two other local varieties.Perfect with a book & Yankees/Toronto game tonight. #dominiodobibeilapolariberiasacra #Spanishwine #Galicia

KathyWheeler Toronto was my mom‘s favorite team, so I always cheer for them. 😊 2y
BarbaraBB Great wine 😀 2y
kspenmoll @KathyWheeler So sorry for Guerrero! 2y
kspenmoll @BarbaraBB Delicious! We pared it with a scollop risotto. 2y
BarbaraBB That sounds delicious! 2y
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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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Taking this book slowly; so much to digest. Looking up vocab words as well! Loving it so far, especially the roses.🌷 🌷

Lindy I loved this too. Definitely a book to savour slowly. 2y
kspenmoll @Lindy 🌷🌷💕 2y
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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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#deadphilosopherssociety #MartinHaagund #ThisLife #trees

Apologies for being a.w.o.l this month. I hope to rejoin Sunday. This passage is so #ThisLife

ravenlee I‘m working on catching up, too. The past month or so has been really busy! I really like this passage. (edited) 2y
TheBookHippie This is lovely. I think we‘re all in catch up mode. I hope you feel better now! 2y
LiteraryinLawrence Just wanted to check, but did the #lmpbc arrive? 2y
kspenmoll @LiteraryinLawrence Sorry, it did just before I left for the Cape. 2y
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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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Finished The Dead Shall Not Rest, The Midnight Hour. At various stages with the others. #sundaybuddyread

Cinfhen I‘ve heard good things about tagged book & this one 👉🏽 2y
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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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Rebecca Solnit kept me enthralled with ideas & interesting facts in this far-reaching, contemplative examination of Orwell‘s writings, integrity & passion for gardening. From Tina Modotti‘s famous photo of roses to her later revolutionary activism, to bread & roses, to Stalin‘s lemon trees, to the current appalling working conditions in the rose-growing industry… appreciation of nature is complicated by politics, class & social justice issues.

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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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Clarity, honesty, accuracy and truth are beautiful because in them representation is true to its subject, knowledge is democratized, people are empowered, doors are opened, information moves freely, contracts are honoured. That is, such writing is beautiful in itself and beautiful in what flows from it.

Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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Orwell‘s signal achievement was to name and describe, as no one else had, the way that totalitarianism was a threat, not just to liberty and human rights, but to language and consciousness. And he did it in such a compelling way that his last book casts a shadow, or a beacon‘s light, into the present.

Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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Rereading a significant book is like revisiting an old friend. You find out how you‘ve changed when you encounter them again. You see differently because you‘re different. Some books grow, some wither on reacquaintance. Or, because you‘re asking different questions, you find different answers.

Cathythoughts Very true 👍❤️ 3y
Lindy @Cathythoughts 😊🌻 3y
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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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“February,” Orwell admitted, “Is a particularly detestable month, with no virtue except its shortness.”

marleed I love this! 3y
Lindy @marleed Orwell had positive things to say about every other month. 😜 3y
Cathythoughts Poor February! I like Feb , we have some family birthdays ( and January is over 😁 (edited) 3y
Lindy @Cathythoughts In general, I think November is the month that gets more complaints than February (in the northern hemisphere). (edited) 3y
Cathythoughts Yes ! Definitely there is something about November that doesn‘t work 🤷🏼‍♀️ ( now I feel bad for November… it‘s like a middle child.. 3y
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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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Solnit examines Orwell, his writings, and the influence gardening (especially roses) and nature in general had on his writings. She also takes her examination a step further by generally viewing current and historical politics and situations through the lens of nature and roses. Very interesting read! #19822022 #2021

Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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If war has an opposite, gardens might sometimes be it…

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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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The term Orwellian has became pervasive in our lives, reflecting one writer's fears and warnings about fascism and power. In this extremely well-researched, timely, & smart book, she looks for what George Orwell loved, what drove him to write so powerfully, and ultimately his optimism. In the midst of horror, Orwell always sought beauty & hope. A great examination one of the greatest writers in the English language. Highly recommended.

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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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Musings on Orwell, his life, his roses, other roses, the themes he tackled in his writings, and what feels like related marginalia. Each essay is fascinating in its own right. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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I love Rebecca Solnits writing - she pulls diverse threads together and challenges the brain in a very gentle way! Her new one - she‘s used George Orwell‘s love of roses to talk about nature, power, politics and Stalin‘s obsession with growing lemons! Can wait to dive into this one and go on this journey with her #newbookday

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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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Solnit is an amazing essayist, and this doesn‘t disappoint. I‘ve nominated her for next year‘s #AuthorAMonth 👍🏻

Orwell was a plant lover, and Solnit draws on parts of his life and shows how they tie back to his gardening pursuits. While several essays are devoted to him, she also broadened it to commercial rose farming, Scottish peat and the climate crisis, and other bits of nature writing. A great mix of science and biography. #CoverLove

Megabooks Caught up on reviews and it feels great!! 😁😁😁 3y
Cinfhen Great review🙌🏻well done 🥰 3y
Kayla.Adriena I just read a review of this in an email, I want to read it now! 3y
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TrishB I was interested in this for the Orwell connection but have no interest in gardening! 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen thank friend! #1 review booster! 😁💕💕 (edited) 3y
Megabooks @Kayla.Adriena it was very well done! 3y
Megabooks @TrishB this probably isn‘t for you then. 3y
Centique This sounds fabulous. I have a weird relationship to gardening. My parents were great at it so I‘ve absorbed a lot of information over the years and I love flowers and trees and visiting gardens - but I have done very little myself and feel guilty! 3y
Megabooks @Centique I hope you enjoy it! My mother is an excellent gardener, but I can kill anything. 😂 I, too, love being around plants, but I don‘t have that knack. 3y
Chelsea.Poole Stacked! 🌹 3y
Megabooks @Chelsea.Poole enjoy! 3y
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