I must say, I am really enjoying this one. Also, super great that there is a Mr. Dark and a Sheriff Bradbury in it.
I must say, I am really enjoying this one. Also, super great that there is a Mr. Dark and a Sheriff Bradbury in it.
Almost done with this one. I can't decide if I want to know the end NOW or if I want to keep reading for another week. Lol. Sucked in for sure.
Squee. Happy afternoon!
Got this today! Summer reading. I'm planning to go slow. Reading it for fun this time around.
May has been crazy busy. I have been reading Dark Queen for weeks. BUT, today I finished the May Bag of The Month. So happy.
The Voodoo queen. So glad she is included in this story.
Not sure I want to finish. Feel like I'm going to be crushed.
Ok. I read this one way too fast. I was not excited after how the last one ended (and I liked the last one alot). Shadow Hunt was great. I enjoy Olson's writing style. I have also noticed that her characters don't blend together. Sometimes authors make their characters too much alike. Not true in these Disrupted Magic books. Everyone has their own distinct personalty. I had so much fun reading about Scarlet Bernard. Thank you.
I'm only on chapter 14, but this one is hitting me right. I hope it stays this way. It seems like alot of the books I read have strong female leads, but they all want the same stereotypical girl things. Right now Scarlett is striking me as much more independent minded. I'm not sure exactly what it is. More reading today I hope.
Don't have any feels yet. Just started.
Excited to start this.
Craziest Nerd flavor ever. I hope it's good. I'm only a few chapters in...
I started Heir of Fire today. My mood is being altered by this story. Lol. I'm not functionality well when I am not reading.
Starting another October Daye book. It's cold enough in the house for me to use the quilt I made for this year's Denver County Fair, AND it just came out of the dryer.
Almost done. I'm so happy to be curled up with a cat and a quilt with this book in my hands today.
I am currently caught up in Bound in Silver by Josie Jaffrey. I had to force myself NOT to read so I would finish this outfit. Lol.
Chicanery is one of my favorite words. I'm so glad found it in this book.
Crazy. I came across this paragraph and I'm dumbfounded. My library is also my sewing room. Books and fabric belong together.
I listened to Hatful of Hollow by The Smiths a bunch today, and I finished reading Bitterblue. My emotions have sure taken a beating. Sigh. What a great album and what a great book.
I am so close to being done. I want to finish. I don't want to finish. Sheesh.
Book, sewing patterns, homework...mess. I like this book though. This series is getting better and better.
Not sure how I feel about this one yet. I'm not half way through. Anyone else read this one?
Just started. Looking to get lost. These books are usually good for that.
Finished last night. Glad I asked for the postcard too when she was offering.
Tranny came in the mail today. I'm so excited to read this. Against Me! has been an important sound
track to my life. I am looking forward to getting a glimpse into Laura Jane Grace's life.
I finally started reading Ten Thousand Saints. "crates and crates of vinyl"
"They had knowledge that was too dangerous," continued Toarsen, and Phoran pulled himself away from his daydream. Some men dream of fair women, he thought with self-directed humor; he dreamed of fabrics.
The bald man froze, and I patted Ben on the head. "Sorry, Ben," I murmured. "No eating the bad guys when they are tied up, and the police are on the other side of the door."