So excited to start this...
“Monsters, monsters, big and small,
They're gonna come and eat you all.
Corsai, Corsai, tooth and claw,
Shadow and bone will eat you raw.
Malchai, Malchai, sharp and sly,
Smile and bite and drink you dry.
Sunai, Sunai, eyes like coal,
Sing you a song and steal your soul.
Monsters, monsters, big and small,
They're gonna come and eat you all!”
“See, I am an introvert. Deep. To the bone. My marrow is introvert marrow. My snot is introvert snot...”
My daughter was given the Amulet series for her bday so I felt compelled to read them. Loved them!
“Plenty of humans are monstrous, and plenty of monsters know how to play at being human.”
I‘ve put it on the shelf for my daughter. I‘m curious what her thoughts will be.
I love the way she writes and I love her brutal honesty.
Time for a reread...one of my favourites.
Be the adult you want your children to become.
“Reader, I murdered him.”