This book would be a great book in the classroom to teach multiculturalism and have an open disscussion after to talk about who is from where and what there cultural is like. This book is NF and would read in the classroom as a SR would be a great opportunity to teach other students where they come from and how it is there. UDL 8.3 and ESOL 6 #ucflae3414su19
This book is an RF and I would read it in class as a RA. It‘s about an adventure that a child and his grandma that take an adventure on a bus and go to many places and meet people along the way that may change their perspective. #ucflae3414su19
This book is an MF and RA. This book is a funny great book to read to children it makes you want to get up and dance and would be great for integrating the arts during language arts. #ucflae3414su19
This book is a B and would read as a RA. It is a wonderful story about how a child who grew in poverty grew to become someone who is looked upon as a role model and has children which is named the rainbow tribe. #ucflae3414su19
This book is a MF and I would read as a RT. Love Pete the cat books but this one has a supspensful finish in finding out who stole the cupcakes that Pete and Gus have made for the cupcake party. They find clues but will that help Pete and his friends who took the cupcakes before the party starts? #ucflae3414su19
This book is a P and I would use in my classroom as a PR. This book gives various examples of poetry through the life of fairies. Has many pictures and describe what fairies do and how they live in a forest but for humans it‘s just grass and leaves. They paint all the flowers and apples too. It‘s a great book for understanding the way poetry can have rhythm and rhyme. #ucflae3414su19
This book written by Carol Jones is a TL and would read it in a S. The book is about a little old lady and old man that make a gingerbread man but as soon as they leave the oven door open the gingerbread man runs away so he doesn‘t get eaten. He runs away from Humpty Dumpty, the little boy blue, the little old woman that lived in a shoe, Little Miss Muffet and the old Grand Duke of York but does he get away from the the wolf? #ucflae3414su19
This is a fun book that gives a twist and different look on the sleeping beauty this book is TL and I would use as a RA. This book is about a princess born to a queen and king who have a baby named Marge for short and when born many fairies from the land came to witness her. The fairy named Beebo came to cast a spell that only prince Quince can break and so he does break the spell and free the princess from the dragon body into a human body.
This book written by Kwame Alexander is RF and should be used in the classroom as a LC. The book is about young 12 year old Josh which happens to go through trials and tribulations with growing up. Seeing that he plays basketball and his twin brother too fights through difficult times with the heart attacks his father encounters as well as going through middle school feeling alone. #ucflae3414su19
This book is award winning Orbis Pictus. The book is an B and would be best read as an AS project. This is a great story that talks about a young many named Robert where his journey through life start off hard but gets through the difficulties when he imagined himself on stage right then is where he began to dance. This true story can relate to students that may be going through hard times and see it as an inspiration. #ucflae3414su19
This book is a SF and I would read as a RT. It‘s about a boy named Niko,his dog Tag, and copilot Radar that travel through space and get to planet ice which then encounter snow monster which has an evil bunny spy and they end up loosing radar which is captive by the spy bunny. Then they manage to escape and get home but is it over or will the snow monster and killer bunny be back?! #ucflae3414su19
This book written by Skila Brown and Illustrated by Jamey Christopher is a P and would be great to read in a classroom as a PR. The reason is every page you turn there‘s a new poem about a specific type of train and that the author gives ideas and clues on how each one works. Great for when learning transportation in classrooms. #ucflae3414su19
This book written by Carol McCloud and illustrated by David Messings award winning like New York‘s best seller. I would say this book is MF and would be a great RA in the classroom. This book is about teaching students to be kind and filling peoples bucket with happiness. #ucflae3414su19
This book is a NF and could be used in a classroom as a LC and/or DR. This story is about thirteen great Americans that have made a huge impact on the USA and the story is being dedicated by Barack Obama to his daughters. He slides back into time to talk about Jackie Robinson, Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez and many more. #ucflae3414su19
This book is a RF and can be read IR in a classroom. I can really make a connection with this book so I can only imagine how many young girls can relate too. This book is about a young girl who gives her hair a sense of personality in essence but her father tries to help her accomplish getting a look that she might like for a special day. #ucflae3414su19
This book is RF and could be read in a SR. No, David! Is about a child who acts like a child and gets time out but like every mother and their child they come back together and after all the craziness David makes. In classrooms its a good book to ask for prior knowledge on and if they‘ve ever done anything like David has. Caldecott award winner. #ucflae3414su19
This book a New York Times Best Seller is an MF and would be a great PR just because of their reactions. It‘s a silly story that makes the reader say wacky things and definitely made me giggle. It will definitely be one of the favorites in a classroom. #ucflae3414su19
This book is written by Chelsea Clinton and Illustrated by Alexandra Boiger. This book is a B and talks about many women through their different times where they fought for equality with education, freedom, creating medical tools and becoming a reporter this book entails girls and show women to not think anything is impossible. So these thirteen women that the book goes over have persisted. #ucflae3414su19
This book is an MF and would use it in my classroom as a RT to create props and have my students act it out. The story is about the rock, the paper, and the scissors trying to find competition in their battle to see who‘s the best in their quest the encounter other things like a computer printer, and dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets which are no match for them but a fight against each other will be the challenge they‘ve been waiting for!