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The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors
The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors | Drew Daywalt
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A laugh-out-loud funny new childrens book from the author of The Day the Crayons Quit. The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors reveals the epic tale behind everyones favourite playground game!
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“And it is said that this joyous struggle still rages on to this very day. That is why children around the world— in backyards, on playgrounds, and yes, even in classrooms— still honor the three great warriors by playing… Rock, Paper, Scissors!”


I think it‘s so cute how they really take the time to name the areas of this house like a kingdom. I think it really helps students immerse themselves in the world of the story.


I absolutely love this book! It‘s so silly and enables whoever‘s reading it to really act out each character. Kids are able to use what they already know about the game of Rock. Paper. Scissors, and apply it to what they think is going to happen as the story goes on.

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This was surprisingly funny. I laughed out loud several times. And bc I‘m a nerd I read it like a Battle Bots announcer😂 Wes was into it. Go check it out, you‘ll thank me!

mandarchy This won my state children's choice award. The kids were amped. We read it during March madness and had a rock paper scissors tournament. 3y
MaureenMc This book is such a great read-aloud. 😁 3y
BethM @mandarchy @MaureenMc hands down the funniest kids book I‘ve read so far 3y
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Not sure who enjoyed this more - me or my nephew. 😂🤣


Caroline2 Ohhh thanks for this! It looks hilarious. I‘ve just ordered it for my two boys. 😉 👍 3y
Sharpeipup @Caroline2 hope you enjoy it as much as we did! 3y
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I read this with a friend, and the story was so funny and enjoyable to read. I took the role of rock, using a deep and strong voice, while my friend played the role of narrator and other characters, using a variety of tones and voices. We had a lot fun reading this picture book.

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“But the Battle had been too easy. So Rock left the Kingdom of Backyard, still in search of a worthy foe.”

I love that they call the Backyard a Kingdom, all kids who play Rock, Paper, Scissors will love this fun and colorful book.

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This is F telling the story of how the game rock, paper, scissors came to be through each individual item never finding someone to beat until they meet each other and continuously defeat and get defeated. They never stop playing with each other from there on. It won the New York Times Best Seller and would be such a fun RT in which the children are able to stay engaged and get to run around a little bit. #ucflae3414f19

maciforster This can be pairs with UDL principle 1.1 and EL strategy #6 through asking questions while reading or performing. This website has great discussion questions to get that higher-order thinking put into place, even with such a fun book: https://www.floridamediaed.org/uploads/6/1/4/2/61420659/the_legend_of_rock_paper... (edited) 5y
DrSpalding This is such an awesome book! I can‘t imagine telling students to choose, rock, paper, or scissors prior to reading aloud and then having them play the game afterwards! This would enhance motivation for listening and comprehension. Excellent resource included! Continue using Florida media Ed. 5y
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Review: The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors by Drew Daywalt, 2017 is a picture book about how the game of rock paper scissors started! It is a very funny animated book with amazing illustrations.
Blurb: The book brings three different storylines together by the end and it flows very well throughout.
Quote: “Rock versus clothespin! Rock is victorious!“

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Loved this goofy tale, but the artwork really makes it fun. #bbrc #picturebooks @LibrarianRyan

LibrarianRyan ⭐️👍🤓 5y
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This book is an MF and would use it in my classroom as a RT to create props and have my students act it out. The story is about the rock, the paper, and the scissors trying to find competition in their battle to see who‘s the best in their quest the encounter other things like a computer printer, and dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets which are no match for them but a fight against each other will be the challenge they‘ve been waiting for!

Stephanie5 The ESOL strategy that I would be using would be #8 because it with tie in with the RT. The UDL that I would use 1.3 which would go ahead and be assisted by the lesson plan. https://d1xcdyhu7q1ws8.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2017/10/1018022... this site would give students ideas of what they want to answer before a RT and gives an insight on a puppet performance. #ucflae3414su19 5y
britt_brooke My sons love this one! The fuzzy little butt page tickles us every time. 🍑😆 5y
galacticbees What a great book!! It's so interactive and I know classrooms would eat it up. A puppet performance of this book would be such a fun activity. 5y
DrSpalding I would have loved to have read this book to our class. I like the idea of a readers theater as well however I think it would make for a wonderful interactive read aloud. You could split up the classroom and have some be rock, some be paper, and some be scissors. Anytime those characters came up they would play the game! So fun. Your principles and strategies need a bit more detail. 5y
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This MF read is author Drew Daywalt‘s twist on an old story of Rock, Paper, and Scissors. The pictures created by Adam Rex, make you feel like you are fighting beside each “warrior” as they take on the quest of finding someone who can beat them. There is no question as to why this was chosen for the Flicker Take Children‘s Book Award. This would be a great S approach for the classroom use. Teachers could really dig into the personalities of each..

Bshelton27 Character. There are many higher level vocabulary words that I think ESOL strategy 5( teach technical vocabulary supporting key concepts) would be useful. There is an online video of the author reading his story that I also think that UDL 5.1( use multiple media for communication) could be used. This site contains a math activity that would be great! #ucflae3414su19 5y
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#bookaday June 16, 2019

Hervela.L My favorite book to read!!! 5y
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MF / 2019 Colorado Children‘s book / RA or DR
• This book is about the legend of Rock, Paper and Scissors and their destiny to fight someone worthy! After countless attempts they find each other and have the battle of the centuries !
• UDL: 5.2
• EL: This book has excellent illustrations and dramatic word use easy for an EL to follow

Kayladvazquez This book is cute. The illustrations look great. I feel students would like this book because it is relating to something they know. It would be fun to read this and then have a class competition on whos the best Rock, paper, scissors champion. 5y
Lindseyraepalmx This book is definitely making me “to read” list. It looks like such a fun book to use in the classroom 5y
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This book describes the beginning epic battles of how rock, paper, scissors first became a game!

I adore reading this aloud to children and making up funny voices. The illustrations and wording are perfect for four through eight year olds, and children will forever know how rock came to fight paper, paper fight scissors!

Note: this is a photo I took at a recent home and garden expo in Philadelphia. Thought it fit here!

Lynnsoprano Love the photo. I want one of those fountains (not that I can afford one) 😂 6y
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Reading this #picturebook at the local elementary schools for the next two weeks, along with epic Rock Paper Scissors brackets. It‘s definitely one to practice “doing voices” when you read aloud. The first few pages include two underwear and butt jokes, so you know it‘s good. #raisingreaders #librarianlife #litsyloveslibraries

ravenlee I recommended this to my mom for my niece and nephew. They found it at an indie bookstore and my mom started reading it to the kids. By the end she had about a dozen listeners (not all kids) laughing along. 6y
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I can‘t believe we didn‘t have this book before now. Thanks for the suggestion @Lmstraubie ! We all loved it and laughed our pants off at this page. 😆#DrewDaywalt is an official #automaticbuy for us. Loved #AdamRex ‘s illustrations, too.

#bedtimebook #raisingreaders

britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola Add this to your kids‘ TBR if you haven‘t read it yet. So fun! 6y
Pamwurtzler HAHAHAHA! I think my nephews need that 6y
PenguinInFlight HAHAHA! My nephews need this, too. 🍑😂 6y
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smilingshelves I volunteer in our school library, and I read this to every class from kindergarten to fifth grade. They all loved it! 6y
Reviewsbylola Haha looks fun. I definitely will! 6y
Reviewsbylola Just requested it at my library. 😎 6y
Lmstraubie @britt_brooke I listened to a podcast with the author and he says he totally stole that line from his son 😂😂😂🍑 6y
britt_brooke @Lmstraubie That‘s too funny! 6y
britt_brooke @Pamwurtzler @PenguinInFlight @smilingshelves The whole book is very cute and funny! 6y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola 👍🏻👍🏻 6y
PenguinInFlight @britt_brooke When I read this page, I could just hear my younger nephew (Greydon) who is 3, telling his brother (Tristan), who is 4, “You, sir, look like a fuzzy little butt!” I sent the pic to my sister and asked her who it reminded her of. Her text back was “OMG it‘s Grey! 😂😂😂 What is this book?!” Nailed it. 🤣 6y
britt_brooke @PenguinInFlight Too funny!! 😆 6y
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Omg this made me laugh so hard!!

cj82487 😂 6y
ErinGoBragh1011 Hahahaha omg lol 6y
LazyDays 👍😀 6y
britt_brooke Haha! I just took a photo of the same page. So funny! 6y
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If kids picked the Caldecott, I‘m pretty sure this one would win. Fun, interactive, creative, and amazingly illustrated. My whole family enjoyed this one.

Ddzmini 😝🤣🤣🗿📃✂️ 7y
mandarchy This was my favorite page to read out loud! 4y
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This book is so cute, clever, and funny. As entertaining for me as for my five year old. It's the story of why we play the game we now know as Rock, Paper, Scissors.

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This book is a modern fantasy that tells the origin story of the game, rock, paper, scissors. Rock paper scissors is how i taught my after school program kids settle arguments. I've read this to them and when they disagree they instantly play and 95% of the time the loser accepts the loss. I found a great book trailer and activities to match the book. #UCFWalterslit https://m.harpercollins.com/childrens/rockpaperscissor

BLYTHE44 @BLYTHE44 #UCFWalterslit This will be one that I will put on my Must Read List. Sounds like a good one😊 (edited) 7y
lizzie0922 @Caitlin4 I really like how they turned this game into a story so modern that makes students think like wow I didn‘t know that‘s how the game started. #UCFWaltersLit 7y
Kirsten.Pacheco I love how you implemented this in your job and it was successful at solving issues between students. That is a great way to teach them to settle arguments easily! This is awesome & i‘ll have to read it soon. 7y
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Highlight of my day at #aasl17 was listening to, meeting, and getting the autographs of Drew Daywalt and Adam Rex!

EchoLogical 😮😮😮 7y
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This is one of the cutest books we‘ve read in a LONG TIME.

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This book is violent so parents should keep that in mind but I still recommend it. It's creative and hilarious.

Mommamanzi Ooooh Dino chicken nuggies! 7y
tpixie Lol. Funny name and great cover!! 7y
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This book = laugh-out-loud funny for kids AND moms. #raisingreaders #kidapproved #momapproved

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Drew Daywalt has done it again! This hilarious book tells the story of 3 fierce warriors who search far and wide to find worthy adversaries and finally find them in each other. Adults and children alike will enjoy this story so read it and love it!

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I had such a good time reading this today for story time! The parents enjoyed it just as much as the kids. Read aloud with super dramatic voices (especially for Rock) and prepare for laughter 😜 #daywalt #storytime #bookseller #kidsdept #funny #legendofrockpaperscissors

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Not as good as Day the Crayons Quit, but cute nonetheless.

BeckyWithTheGoodBooks We love "The Day the Crayons Quit!" Will have to check this out. 7y
Gina Hahaha that is great 7y
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