Getting hyped for Andy Weir's new book, ARTEMIS! 🤗
Only 134 more Sols to go. 🚀
#andyweir #artemis #themartian #scifi #sciencefiction @Crownpublishing
Getting hyped for Andy Weir's new book, ARTEMIS! 🤗
Only 134 more Sols to go. 🚀
#andyweir #artemis #themartian #scifi #sciencefiction @Crownpublishing
The latest #glombox is packed full of Summer Reading fun! Including one of my most anticipated reads, The History of Bees 🐝
To WIN the entire box pictured here, enter the sweepstakes at glommable.com. ☀️
#summerreading #reading #thehistoryofbees #majalunde #reader #bookstack
Birthday Spoils...including the new posthumously released Dragon Teeth from Michael Crichton. Rawr! 😜
Anyone else excited to read this one?! 🍃
#dragonteeth #michaelcrichton #fiction #birthdaypresents #rawr #eatcakeforbreakfast
#currentlyreading thanks to @crownpublishing ✨
WHITE FUR is not a straightforward R&J retelling, so don't let me accidentally lead you astray. I'm only a few chapters into this tale set in the 1980s NYC (not Verona), but so far, it's gritty and raw. Sort of feels like Baz Luhrman's R&J meets La Boheme-esque RENT (less AIDS though and more cocaine) with a touch of Chuck Palahniuk frankness. It's a pretty crazy mix. 😜
#whitefur #jardinelibaire
Current TBR stack!
New book reviews and choices coming soon. 😁
#books #tbr #whitefur #jardinelibaire #reading #booklover #bookstack
3.5 Stars!
As a quick comparison, I liken the book to the film LOVE, ACTUALLY...in that it has interweaving stories with flawed and not always likable, yet relatable characters, in turns charming and bittersweet. But my full review goes into more detail. 🌸
Visit theliteraryllama.com for full review! 😁
#thechalkartist #allegragoodman #bookreview #bookart #booksandart