Solid buildup, shockingly quick read despite how emotional it all is. I will admit, the ending felt too abrupt…and dare I say too easy?
Like many have said, this felt less like a sequel and more like a coda/epilogue. But certainly a timely one. 🍊
Solid buildup, shockingly quick read despite how emotional it all is. I will admit, the ending felt too abrupt…and dare I say too easy?
Like many have said, this felt less like a sequel and more like a coda/epilogue. But certainly a timely one. 🍊
I‘ve been rearranging rooms in my house and purging stuff. I created a little reading nook and it makes my heart happy when I walk into the family room. I have not read a single book on this bookshelf 😂
Oh my goodness, this was soooo good! Haymitch‘s backstory is great, but it‘s so heartbreaking, and I‘m emotionally wrecked. I loved all the connections made to other characters in the series and thought they totally worked. Just a fabulous read and a great addition to the series!
#bookspinbingo - free space
#pop25 - a highly anticipated read of 2025
In John Scalzi‘s signature style, his latest is a wild, silly, and occasionally thought-provoking ride. Read my full review here:
Publication is expected March 25.
#NetGalley #TorPublishingGroup #TorBooks #WhentheMoonHitsYourEye
I DNF‘d this book back in…2015? 2014? My freshman year of HS, soon after it‘d come out, bc I was so mad at the characters. Well, I finally finished it! (Please clap 😭) Genuinely a 2⭐️ book that is getting a 3⭐️ rating from me just for Roth‘s decision about Tris in the end bc NO ONE was doing that back in the day. It‘s been done since and better (looking at you RF Kuang), but I have to respect it.
3 stars | #dystopia #ya
While any abridged adaptation is necessarily going to come with its share of deviations, I think the team at Marvel did an excellent job at adapting this epic story. They even included a cheeky King cameo, with “Rich Bachman“, drawn to resemble King, as one of Flagg's lieutenants. #constantreader #losersclub
Having read both the original edit and this adaptation, it'll be interesting to one day read the “complete and uncut“ version.
I tried I really did & maybe 🤔 I‘m missing something but sadly had to dnf it , maybe just bad timing and a huge TBR and limited time left in this planet 🌍 you realise your never gonna be able to read everything, so it‘s my first dnf of the year. My first time with a sanderson book but hadn‘t put me off I will try maybe a series this one just not for me too slow & couldn‘t engage with the characters