Settling into hour 8 of the #reversereadathon and it‘s snack time! I‘ve got my favourite late night treat... a mug brownie to go along with Philippa Gregory‘s The Kingmaker‘s Daughter! #deweyaug #readathonhourlyphoto #readathon
Settling into hour 8 of the #reversereadathon and it‘s snack time! I‘ve got my favourite late night treat... a mug brownie to go along with Philippa Gregory‘s The Kingmaker‘s Daughter! #deweyaug #readathonhourlyphoto #readathon
I‘m starting out my #reversereadathon picks with a childhood favourite, Surprise Island from the Boxcar Children‘s series. It‘s probably been at least 15 years since I last read this, but in my head it is a quintessentially summer story which seemed appropriate for this #readathon. As with many book aimed at early elementary readers, it‘s got lots of corny and unbelievable plot points, but still an enjoyable nostalgia read for me!
Hit my 12 hour goal (12 hours and 45 minutes to be exact) for #24in48 and my fourth finish is “Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen... this was my first time re-reading an Austen novel and I am thrilled that it was even better the second time around. Witty, romantic, and atmospheric!
Third finish of #24in48 is Phoebe by Paula Gooder. This book is a fascinating fictional account (well-sourced with historical notes) of the life of Phoebe, a leader in the early church who was trusted by Paul to deliver the Letter to the Romans to the church in Rome. I‘ve been reading it alongside an in-depth study of Romans and it has brought so much life into what it would have been like for Christians living in Rome in the 1st century.
I got this miniature metal street sign at the Sherlock Holmes museum in London, and it marks my classics collection on my bookshelf! Definitely my favourite bit of literary loot! #24in48
Ending day one of #24in48 with 7.5 hours of reading on the clock! Snuggled in bed with the fourth book in Philippa Gregory‘s Plantagenet/Tudor series... it‘s been a few years since I read the first three, so I‘m enjoying being back immersed in the royal intrigue of the 1400s!
This is my second finish for #24in48! Literally everyone has been recommending this book since I got married last year, and now that I‘ve read it I know why... very insightful yet practical at the same time!
My audiobook for this #24in48 is “Sense and Sensibility” by Jane Austen (also fulfilling my #JaneAustenJuly challenge). This is my second time reading S&S but my first time listening to it as an audiobook. I love how many classics I can find as audiobooks on YouTube thanks to Librevox!
First finish of #24in48 was Love Her Wild... I keep trying to like poetry collections, but I didn‘t really enjoy this. There were a few poems that resonated but overall fairly meaningless and corny.
These are my picks for the #24in48 readathon Hour 42 challenge which is the best and worst covers on your shelves. Although they are both good reads, I think the “Lady of the Rivers” cover is absolutely breathtaking... The vintage “Little Women” on the other hand is pretty atrocious and somehow has them wearing Victorian rather than Civil War era clothes??
For the Hour 30 #24in48 readathon challenge, we are supposed to share the unread book that we have read the longest. In my case that is definitely The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver which my best friend has being trying to convince me to read for almost a decade. From the synopsis, this book has all the elements that interest me so I‘m sure I‘ll love it when I get around to it... just not yet!
Most of my childhood books are still in storage waiting to be moved into my new apartment, but I have this collection of page-long daily bedtime stories set in the neighborhood of What A Jolly Street that I used to have read to me every single night! #24in48 #childhood
My first finish of the #24in48 readathon was Coffin Island! Another excellent and atmospheric Peter May mystery set on the Outer Hebrides... fascinating plot told from two perspectives that left me guessing up until the last few pages who I could really trust. Having the plot centre around neonics and the controversy about bee colony collapse was an interesting current affairs angle.
My #24in48 #tbr stack! I‘m about halfway through Coffin Road already so hopefully that will be a quick finish. Elizabeth‘s Rival is a big non-fiction biography so I‘m planning on trying to read 4 chapters from that. Then I have Sailing to Sarantium, Tears of the Girraffe, The Sun and Her Flowers, Diary of a Young Girl, and The Black Tulip (audiobook) to round off the weekend! Can‘t wait to start reading with @24in48 tomorrow night!
A snowing morning in bed with a festive cross stitch and an excellent audiobook!
Pad Thai takeout and historical fiction = #weekendreads This novel describes life for the Chinese diaspora living in Saigon during the Vietnam War.
Time for another #readathon! Looking forward to spending a cozy autumn day with this stack of books! 📚