Holy crap! This book is so good! I honestly wasn‘t sure how I‘d like it, but it‘s just so beautiful and relatable. The characters and the story are so amazing. Go read this😍😍
Holy crap! This book is so good! I honestly wasn‘t sure how I‘d like it, but it‘s just so beautiful and relatable. The characters and the story are so amazing. Go read this😍😍
“Disrupt stability. Petition for gold. Provoke the greatest empire on the face of the earth.” He paused. “This is going to be fun.”
Why yes I think it is 😏
WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG TO READ THIS?! I can‘t wait to read the rest of the series. While this didn‘t necessarily blow me away I can see the development beginning and only imagine it just gets better.
These two were by far my favorites that I‘ve read this month! They‘re both just so so good! Twists I didn‘t see coming, character development, plot just so on point! Read them!
Guys I wanted so badly to love this book! There are aspects that I do love. I love that the MC is a female who wants to take down the patriarchy through movies, and that she‘s Indian-American. I love Sahil! I want a Sahil, everyone should have one! What I didn‘t like is that Twinkle was so obnoxious in the beginning that I felt like I was reading a 13yr olds diary! She got slightly better but still, way more immature than I was expecting.
Ok I really enjoyed this book. With all the hype and the “omg my feels” I kinda expected....more. I honestly wasn‘t really distraught at the end. It all made sense to me why things happened like they did. I liked the character twist to the Nightbringer and Elias....just why 😩 4.5/5 🌟
I‘d go like 3.5 stars for this one. I honestly enjoyed it and through it was a good origin story for Batman. However because it‘s short I feel like a lot of things fell kinda flat. The other characters weren‘t fleshed out really and there could have been more action. It‘s a fun fast read if you like Batman.
This is what I would like to read this month....just a touch daunting!
While there where some things lacking in this book I found it to be enjoyable. I feel like the whole “danger” could have been more of the plot it‘s a fun read. Like 3.5/5⭐️
Holy crap!! I have a new favorite morally gray character and that is Jacks!! 🖤 This book is just amazing!! I loved it more than Caraval,which I love but it took me longer to get into than this one. I loved all the twists and turns in this book and I can‘t wait for the next one!
This is a partial pile of TBR for this month! What‘s your month looking like?!
This is so cute so far!
Idk this is somewhere between the so-so and pan for me. I didn‘t hate it, it was a nice fluff book and short super quick read. The style was just weird mainly cuz it was the perspective of a teen runaway h.s drop out.
I can‘t say enough good things about this book! It‘s such a beautiful look at relationships and identity through generations. You connect with the characters quickly even though it reads like short stories. Highly recommend checking this out!
Finally starting this one! It‘s only been on my TBR since December or something lol 😆
Just finished this. This book is so cute and fun! I am honestly looking forward to this series!
This was a nice change up from all the fantasy I‘ve been reading lately. I didn‘t love the main character but I didn‘t hate her. It was good if you like mysteries along the lines of the cat who books.
This little short story was so adorable! Such a happy-sad read. I now want to reread The Raven Cycle and seriously can‘t wait for the dreamer series!!
Started this one 😍 40 pages in and so far really enjoying it!
This is what I read this past week or so! Not having a day job anymore is doing wonders for my reading time! Anyway to keep this brief..I loved all of these Cress and Beasts made of night probably the most.
Shatter Me-⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Beasts Made of Night -⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Hazel Wood-⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Guys I just found the plot reveal for the last TOG book....this will literally kill me! 😵😱😭 but also super excited. And of course half of it gets cut off!!
Just finished this behemoth of a book. Honestly like 3.5⭐️? Idk how I feel about this... I liked it but I feel like it was 200 pages too long? Not as much action as I expected and lots of explanation that felt unnecessary. I am glad it had a happy ending though!
I didn‘t enjoy this as much at the first. I felt there was some pacing issues. Definitely a slow start, but it did pick up towards the end. Also the indecisiveness of the characters, while understandable, got to be a bit trying. But I did enjoy it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
First try at an audio book.... it‘s different but I like the story so far
I read this awhile ago and omg I love it!! The world building and unique magic/blood system was so well done! Love the characters and the plot twists! Go read this!!
This is my least favorite of the series so far. This book was honestly kind of a mess and all stupid relationship angst. There was barely a plot half the time.
AAGGHLSKDBEJ!!! *scream for 5 mins* IT FINALLY ARRIVED!! I can‘t wait to start this!!
Help!!! I‘m addicted and can‘t put this down!!😍😍😂
Ok unpopular opinion coming through! I wanted so much to love love love this book...but no. Solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️ almost 2. The last hundred pages kinda saved it. I didn‘t even care for the first 200 pages and then I only cared enough to make sure Jude didn‘t do anything stupid to kill Cardan. I don‘t think I‘ve liked a MC less than Jude. I‘ll read the next one more than likely, cuz apparently I like pain.
Went and bought some books for my birthday 🎂 lol this is how my dog likes to sit while I try and read 🙄
“..let me give you a piece of advice. The handsome young fellow who‘s trying to rescue you from a hideous fate is never wrong. Not even if he says the sky is purple and made of hedgehogs.”
I absolutely love Will Herondale! 😍 I can‘t wait to read the rest of this series. There‘s definitely more than meets the eye to him. How have I gone so long without reading these!
Starting this one! So far it‘s pretty funny and a nice fun read!
I really really hope this lives up to the hype cuz I own 3 copies!!
Ok so like 3.5⭐️⭐️⭐️ I liked this book. The writing is beautiful! The characters I really enjoyed and connected with. However it‘s very slow and little to no action, not that I was expecting a lot, and the plot was just....different. Another one of those books where I feel you either love it or DNF it.
It‘s not in the database but I want to bring attention to this book. I love me some Alice in Wonderland retellings and I‘m so so so excited for this book!!! It sounds so amazing and a very unique take on the original.
It cut off the full title which is: A Blade so Black by L.L Kinney.
Guys this series is honestly torturing me! I‘m finishing the third book and then bailing on the rest. I want to like it but damn the world building is shoddy, not much character development and just so trope-y.
This book is so sweet!! I honestly didn‘t think I‘d like it but I got so hooked! It was a nice quick read about relationships and growing up and learning about yourself. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The blood, the gore, the slight smut!! It‘s like a George RR Martin book, as in get attached to no one cuz everyone‘s gonna die! I love it! The structure is different and I‘m not gonna lie it took me awhile to read this but the last half or so just flew. WARNING- if squeamish about blood and graphic death do not read this
ASKGHRFH!! MY FEELINGS!! This book is so so beautiful 😍 the descriptions are so vivid and so well written. The writing and flow burns like a wildfire, slow to start and then just an inferno at the end. I need the sequel immediately
I‘d say like a 3.5-4 ⭐️. I liked this book. The setting is unique and the writing is gorgeous and descriptive. You definitely feel like you‘re on the mountain. The story was good, maybe a little on the slow side. BUT THE PLOT TWIST!!! I need the sequel!!! Definitely recommend checking this one out!
And on to the next!!
My book haul 📚from #bookoutlet!! Couldn‘t pass up the Boxing Day sale! That website is going to be the death of my bank account 😳🤩 Now what to read...