This book was super weird. Read it a long time ago
This book was super weird. Read it a long time ago
⭐⭐⭐⭐ loved being in Cathy's mind and the character development in this book. Wouldn't reread but enjoyed being in this world
Books I read in June! (Plus Flowers forAlgernon). See any you've read?
Current read👀 on page 220 and loving it so far. Psychopath Cathy is one of the most interesting characters I've ever read
I found the first half of this book a little boring but overall this was a wonderful end to an amazing series❤️
I'm just under half way done this one and I'm not sure what I think so far🤔
Today's little book haul. I got Cutting for Stone, The Hate U Give and In a Dark, Dark Wood (as well as a pristine copy of HP7 to replace my one with someone's name written in it) for a total of 6$!
Listening to the audiobook and loving it so far. I've discovered non-fiction audiobooks work best for me #sapiens #audiobook
In January, I started reading the HP series from where I left off when I was about 12,at book 4. I watched the movies but couldn't get through the thick books as a kid. I'm sad that I missed out on so many years of Harry Potter love and midnight releases but glad I get to experience it late rather than never😊
When George gets his ear shot off and this is his response😂
These are a few of my faaaavourite things🎶. Seriously though, breakfast sandwiches and books❤️. I read this in January or February and it's still my favourite read of the year so far
Finished this gem last week and loved it! Highly recommend for everyone, sci-fi lover or not. It's such a feel good book and the characters are lovely.
5⭐It was so interesting to read the perspective of a man who had a child like understanding of the world come to terms with how cruel the world can be. This teaches you about compassion, understanding, patience, as well as utter cruelty. I love books that effectively show the reader two completely different sides of the world and make the reader feel happiness and joy at some parts, but utter heartbreak, anger and sadness at others.
I just finished this and cried my little heart out. I have so much to say about this book that I can't put into words right now. But if you haven't read this yet, pleeease do.