IT'S HERE!!! 😁🤣🙃😄
IT'S HERE!!! 😁🤣🙃😄
Well. Pretty, nice to read, totally impractical unless you are rich and have a personal chef
Loved this! I'm a vegetarian so won't use all of this but I'm pretty excited about the recipes I can use.
This is a paper sculpture my friend's daughter made for my birthday last year
I'm still figuring out what I thought of this one, but it was a wild and weird ride!
Fun, although I kind of miss the "real" St Mary's
This book is so beautiful even the end papers are pretty. It makes me want to sink in a giant tub of buttercream. 🍰🍰🍰
Seriously loved this. All the young women in our lives need this book!
This was well done and compelling. I liked the story as it developed out of the four different viewpoints.
Wow. Very thought - provoking. I keep thinking about it even though I finished it the other day.
I have just been tearing through these and forgetting to take pictures or enter them in. I think I need a twelve step program 😯 She kind of wrote herself into a corner here. What happens next??? (don't tell me)
I think I found a new yoga home 💞💞💞
Loved this! With personal stories, interviews and actually traveling with refugees, the author explores our current crisis and calls for us to do better.
Not what I thought it would be like, but I liked it very much anyway. Great relationship - examining story.
My usual classic preference is a 19th century woman writer. Tried this for a challenge and am glad I did! #backtotheclassicschallenge
Took me a bit to get through this but I think it was worth it - - fascinating history.
Well. A little sappy, but it was a book-book and a quick read.
Wow. Intense and brutal and brilliant.
This was fun! A little slow to start, but I like Rabbi Small.
I'm in transports of delight over this! This was nearly perfect. I try to pace myself with Ishiguro novels so I don't read them all at once and then get depressed that there are no more. Sigh. This was just exquisite. 😍
Ok as a survival story, not so great science though!
How is it that I have not read this until now???
My little guilty pleasure
Had to rush right out and read this as soon as I finished Illuminae. Loved it!
Too. Many. Library. Books. Send help. 😯😯😯
Pretty cool. I think I wanted more detail. You know--I wanted him to "science the s@#$ out of it." ??????
I think I liked this although I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED after the end. My first Philip K. Dick. Not going to be my last.
A very bookish Christmas. Hoping other Littens also had happy holidays.
Where has Octavia Butler been all my life? I could not put this down. I still feel like I'm there. This was amazing and feels. . . Necessary, somehow. Wow.
New Dava Sobel, and about awesome women astronomers. ✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️
This. Book. Women writers have to read this. Women have to. And writers. Heck, just read it. 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Loved some of these, didn't get some. Especially liked the one the movie Arrival was based on. Even better than the movie, and I loved the movie.
I had a hard time with this one. Took me forever to finish. I'm not sure I understand the recent election any better though 😢