This is my next #audiobook listen. I‘ve enjoyed all the John McPhee books I‘ve read and the three that I‘ve listened to, so I hope this one is great too.
This is my next #audiobook listen. I‘ve enjoyed all the John McPhee books I‘ve read and the three that I‘ve listened to, so I hope this one is great too.
This is my current audio book read. I‘m trying to get used to all the names and the narrator.
This is my current audiobook listen. Unintentionally, it is a good follow up to the Isaac Newton/Royal Society book, because the author is the current president of the Royal Society (like Isaac Newton was). I am getting a bit lost on all the names of the people who‘ve helped him throughout the years though.
My new audio book listen— I go from not minding the narrator to wanting to proverbially throttle him.
New audio book! Going to start it tomorrow!
This is my current #audiobook listen. I really enjoyed his newest book, Atlas of a Lost World, so I thought I‘d like this one. I‘m only 10-15 percent in, but it‘s not quite the same. But it‘s early, and maybe my opinion will change.
This is my current #audiobook listen. I‘m really enjoying it. I actually bought the print copy to see if there was any pictures!
This is my current #audiobook listen. It‘s interesting, and I‘m enjoying both the narrator and the book. But it‘s a lot about motorcycles and cars, which isn‘t really my thing. It‘s almost a book about motorcycles and cars that has a philosophical bent.
My current #audiobook read/listen— it‘s kind of difficult to keep track of what he‘s saying I am while listening— it doesn‘t help that I‘m driving too. I‘m not exactly up on all the different parts of the brain, so that doesn‘t help either.
This is my current #audiobook listen via my library and #hoopla. I really like the narrator. Sometimes the book makes me feel slightly guilty for wanting company!
I‘m really enjoying this one. He‘s a very good narrator.
I‘m only two hours into it currently. I am really interested in the subject matter, but only moderately interested in the way the narrator tells it. I probably would actually enjoy reading the book in print more, but I can‘t do that and drive! Maybe the narrator will grow on me— it‘s 20 hours long, so he‘ll have plenty of time.
I am listening to this for my current #audiobook read. I‘m not very far, but I like it well enough. The narrator is the same guy from the fishing book. I have to get used to his voice again.
My current #audiobook listen— I decided I needed to give the more science-ish books a little break. I‘m enjoying this one well enough, I guess, but it‘s not exactly holding me in as much as Carlo Rovelli or Steve Brusatte did.
This is my current #audiobook read. I‘m enjoying it. I think it would be better in print and with pictures. I have no clue what any of the jellyfish look like, and I have to google things to get a better idea. I did get it through my local library and Overdrive‘s Libby app.
Two facts for you— an adult jellyfish is called a Medusa— and there are fossilized jellyfish! (That‘s with a google if you‘ve got some time!)
This is my current #audiobook read! I‘m enjoying it so far, but the narrator is slightly off for me. It may be merely because I‘ve listened to several British narrators lately!
I‘m almost done with this one. I‘m going to admit up front that the first reason I‘m listening to this is because of
Benedict Cumberbatch. I do like the book itself though, and I think it‘s pretty interesting. I‘m probably going to listen to it again. #audiobook
This is my new audio book read. I‘m not too far into it, but it‘s pretty interesting so far. The narrator has a slight accent, which I like!
This is a collection of essays. The jumping around is a bit weird, but they‘re still very interesting.
My current audio book— it‘s very interesting, and he‘s got a great voice!
My current audio book read— I really liked his Story of Maths documentary on Netflix. It dawned on me that he might narrate his new book, and voila— here we are! I like his accent and all the science words that the British pronounce differently, like laboratory. I‘m part way through the third topic, matter, and I‘m pretty sure I‘m still understanding everything. I( listen to it in my car on the way to work.)
My turn! I‘ll probably finish a couple more before the end of the month.
#Goodreads #yearinreview2017
A new book about Joseph Conrad!! I‘m so excited to read it!
I'm about 40% through this! It's excellent!
I finally remembered to upload a picture of a book here while I had it on my iPad! (I usually download them to my computer to edit them to post them on Instagram!)
I read about this book on Facebook in an ad of all places! I'm really looking forward to it!
My mom and sister found me these great editions of Mark Twain! They were printed while he was still alive! (Although Ms. Cowan received them after he passed!)
I'm going to read this next, but I had to share! Signed copy!
This is one of the two books I received in an anonymous Secret Santa. I'm actually currently reading her newest, Glass Universe, but this one is next!
This is my signed copy from BN's Black Friday sale!
I read the entire book in two hours at three in the morning! I thought it was excellent and incredibly well written!
I received this book from the Books for Bloggers website. I'm going to admit I read the title and then requested it, without reading the subtitle. I was hoping for more math and less politics, but we'll see. (I'm worried about the 'threatens democracy' part. I don't like politics in my books.)
I noticed the advanced reading copy pop up on my Twitter feed! It looks excellent! It's next up on my TBR list!
I'm greatly amused by all the ideas the author came up with!
Carlsen's Jungle of Stone is an excellent story about how two men in the early 1800s braved the Central American jungles to rediscover the Mayan civilization. They also helped place the ruins as the result of a new world civilization rather than an old world one.