Excellent book. Definitely a must read.
Took me for freakin' ever, but so worth it.
(Audiobook highly recommended. Neville Jason is a fantastic narrator.)
Tolstoy, you win. Every time.
Excellent book. Definitely a must read.
Took me for freakin' ever, but so worth it.
(Audiobook highly recommended. Neville Jason is a fantastic narrator.)
Tolstoy, you win. Every time.
There were elements of this story that I really, really liked. The characters were great. The dialogue was wonderfully real. There were important, quotable moments...
Rating would have been higher, but it's such a shame the English translation is not better. I wish I could read Afrikaans, because I feel like there would be much more dimension to the narrative in the original language. I just feel the translation did a poor credit to it.
So... I didn't dive into this book because I am particularly interested in the Prythian world or Feyre's love life. Not at all. My primary motivation to even crack open the pages was honestly to see whether or not I would find out why Rhysand stumbled before vanishing at the end of the #ACOTAR.
And my curiosity was satisfied.
It's not often that a sequel outshines the first. But this one rises to the occasion. This is Rhys' story.
Listened to this mostly on audio book while packing and moving and cleaning. Such a wonderful way to pass the time doing those things. I loved it.
Great story. I laughed out loud several times at Dickens' absurdity humor. And yet on a serious tone, every detail was intentional - pointing at something, making a statement. So good. A must read. 👌
I thoroughly enjoying this whimsical, enchanting, monochromatic tale.
The descriptions were luxurious. Decadent. Leaving me wishing I could see and touch and taste... It gave that nostalgic feeling of child-like belief in the impossible.
It wasn't perfect, but it was certainly one of the best debut novels I've ever read. Definitely a fan.
I read this book using the Serial Reader App. I really enjoyed it! It was an amusing, humorous read. A #critique of imperialism. Written by Kipling when he was just 22! An interesting, short read. 🤘 #SerialReader
Alright, here I am to share my unpopular opinion about "the most haunting love story in the English language." Haunting, yes. Love? Not sure what they had was love so much as obsession...
The writing style? ?
The love story? Wellll, I guess I'm just not a fan. Kinda freaked me out.
Ok, I needed a little time to process before I reviewed this book - but I really did like it. I might not be raving fan, but I certainly enjoyed the majority of the content and I'm impressed that this is Gabaldon's 1st novel. (Love the author's note in this edition too. And the ribbon bookmark!)
I am giving this a 3.5 for now. Might revisit that rating later.
1940s + murder mystery? Sign me up.
I legitimately stayed up until 2:30am finishing this book. It had its long parts, but how cleverly and carefully woven! Passing it immediately along to my mom for her to enjoy.
Great summer read. #PageTurner. 👌
I liked it at first and related to Eilis a lot. Her manner of thinking and interactions... A nice story.
But then Eilis seemed to become flaky. She forgot anything that wasn't around her. "Out of sight, out of mind" if you will. And as the book came to a close, I just felt a little disappointed.
You guuuyyyys. This book was so great!
I loved the #narrative voice. It is a simple story highlighting the beauty in the ordinary, the mystery in the mundane, and celebrating a quiet triumph and faithful friendship.
I genuinely shed tears during the last two chapters.
Loved it.
*clears throat composedly* This book was a great read, giving deeper tones and nuance to the magical world in which it is set. I enjoyed the character development. Great follow up book. Looking forward to the third.
"Fate goes ever as fate must."
I DID IT! I finally read Beowulf.
I am so happy to own the #bilingual edition for future study. Still interested in comparing Tolkien's translation with this one.
It's a #classic, people!
#MustRead! ?
The gamer in me really liked the idea of solving puzzles along with the MC in an immersive virtual world.
I wasn't super impressed, but it was an interesting, quick read. *shrug* If you're an 80s child you'd probably really get a kick out of it. 😜
⭐️⭐️💫 2.5 from me.
"What are you?" he asked, amazed.
Lila only shrugged. "Stubborn."
This action-packed novel would make a fantastic anime. I honestly hope someone does it someday. It would be a shame for so much potential to go untapped.
Looking forward to "A Gathering of Shadows". #VESchwab
This bewilderingly-amazing book gets 5 stars from me. It's hilarious, sarcastic, brilliant, creative, eye-opening, accurate... and because of that, a little scary. I devoured this book. I will read it again. And make my loved ones read it. And strangers. Everyone. Seriously. Just read it.
This book will destroy you.
Really. I couldn't function normally for like three days. Extreme #bookhangover.
I will always recommend this book. So good. Soooooo good. 😭