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This silly RF picture book by Josh Schneider is the recipient of the 2011 Geisel Award and is great to use for RA, S, DR, RT and AS. There are a few funny and absurd ‘tales‘ the father of the main character, James, tells James in order to get him to eat things he does not want to consume (broccoli, oatmeal, eggs, milk), as he is a very picky eater. This book is a fun book to read to students because everyone can relate to not wanting to eat

jvinas2 certain food. It also might make kids actually want to try to eat different foods they would not have tried before. I wish I had this book when my little sister was younger and she did not want to eat anything but rice! Providing different methods of visuals using ESOL strategies 4, 16, 22 and UDL guidelines 1.1-1.3 & 2.5 would be beneficial to use while reading the story so that students understand James and his father‘s method of thinking. 7y
jvinas2 This link has different discussion questions to ask before, during and after reading the story, as well as some activities one could do and more: https://www.islma.org/pdf/2014MonarchAwardMasterList/Tales_for_Very%20Picky%20Ea... ; #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
JocelynNolton If you work with kids or have kids of your own, this sounds like a book you NEED in your collection. This book sounds awesome for those stubborn children who are very selective when it comes to their food. 7y
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Rules | Cynthia Lord
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This RF novel written by Cynthia Lord has won the Newbery Honor and Schneider Family Book Awards among others, and is a great LC or IR book to have in the classroom. This novel is about a 12-year-old girl who has an autistic brother (David), and constantly has to create ‘rules‘ for David to follow. Meanwhile, she is attempting to find her own place in life as any other preteen is, but she also has an internal struggle while trying to

jvinas2 find out who her true friends are. This novel is very relatable and is excellent to make readers evaluate themselves to see if they are being their true selves and valuing the most important things in their lives, their family and true friends. I personally related to many parts of the text, as I have a little sister with ADHD among other mental disabilities. 7y
jvinas2 ESOL strategies 3, 4 & 7 and UDL guidelines 3.1-3.3 are great to use in conjunction with the reading to check comprehension of the narrative and to use the students‘ prior knowledge to help them make connections with the text. This link has many discussion questions to talk about throughout the reading, and extra teacher resources to use with the novel: http://www.cynthialord.com/pdf/rules_discuss.pdf ; #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
Beths You gave this book a very good description. It seems like it has a very important message in the story. I enjoyed the resource you provided. It gave great insight on how to guide the story with your students from beginning, middle, and end. 7y
DrSpalding Using the author‘s site is the best way to go. This is a relatable novel and one that I believe is valuable to use in today‘s classrooms. Your personal connection is one that many individuals currently have. Bringing to light the many facets of attention deficit hyper activity disorder through the use of a good book is an effective strategy. 7y
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This SF chapter book written by New York Times Bestselling author, Jon Scieszka, is the first of a bestselling series, and is a great literature option for LC, IR and GR. This book talks about a boy-genius named Frank who is trying to enter a science competition, and builds a robot that not only finishes self-assembling itself, but it also builds another mini robot. Frank goes through many hijinks trying to create his invention,

jvinas2 including having to fight off an evil enemy who tries to steal his ideas and win the competition. Throughout the book, there are references to actual scientists (the villain‘s name is T.Edison), and is not only informative, but also very funny. The illustrations also help bring the book to life, and makes reading about science fun! Because of the vocabulary and scientific information used within the text, 7y
jvinas2 ESOL strategies 5, 9, & 27 and UDL guidelines 2.1, 3.1 & 3.3 would be very beneficial to incorporate while students read this book. This link can further help with accomplishing just that, with a list of vocabulary words and questions to check comprehension throughout the reading: http://www.abramsbooks.com/pdfs/academic/FrankEinstein_TeachingGuide.pdf ; #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
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This NF Biography written by Andrea Warren has won the Robert F. Siebert Honor and William Allen White Award (decided by votes of Kansas school children) among other honors, and is a very beneficial book to use in LC, IR, SR, or GR. This book describes the harrowing experience a boy named Jack Mandelblaum went through for three years in concentration camps during the Holocaust, before being liberated at age 18.

jvinas2 This testimony is written with passion and makes the readers feel the pain Jack went through during this time. The book has many actual pictures that help the readers actually see events that occurred during the time this narrative takes place. I appreciate how in the back of the book, there are a few pages dedicated to how other children and even women were treated during the Holocaust as well. 7y
jvinas2 ESOL strategies 9, 17 & 29 and UDL guidelines 2.1 & 3.1-3.3 to help supply background knowledge and important information needed to comprehend the text better. This link has many comprehension questions for each chapter and some activities that can be done to further extend the reading: http://literacymalden.wikispaces.com/file/view/Surviving+Hitler+Teacher%3Bs+Guid... #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
kenyanellie This book sounds like a great read! I like that you found a resource that can help further students understanding about what is happening in this story. 7y
DrSpalding I have added this to my stack. I have read many books related to this horrific time in our history. It‘s fascinating to learn of how courageous and brave individuals were while facing such horrendous conditions. 7y
DrSpalding Due to the content, I am assuming that this would be more appropriate for the middle and high school level. (edited) 7y
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This Parent‘s Choice Silver Honor book is an excellent SF picture book to use in the classroom for a RA, PR or GR. The book is about a young boy who goes to the moon and back; the story describes to children what to expect if they are thinking about going to the moon with amazing illustrations to go along with the narrative. There are a few quotes that can make readers think, especially the final note

jvinas2 “Air and water are Earth‘s special blessings. We must guard them well.” I feel like this conscious message of environmental conservation is an important one to hear. ESOL strategies 4, 10, & 29 and UDL guidelines 2.2 & 3.1-3.3 are beneficial to utilize while reading the book because making sure students have prior knowledge of space and providing these materials to them will help readers understand what the author is trying to say. 7y
jvinas2 This link goes to a full lesson plan with discussion questions and activities from the website readthinkwrite that uses the book as a resource to teach students about the moon: http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/blast-vocabulary-... #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
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The One and Only Ivan | Katherine Applegate
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This F novel written by Katherine Applegate is a Newbery Award and Sunshine State Young Readers and is perfect for LC, IR and AS. This book, which is actually based on the story of a real gorilla, is about a silverback gorilla, Ivan, who spent years in a shopping mall, and has become kind of ‘humanized‘. But he goes through a whirlwind of questions and dealing with special circumstances that arise,

jvinas2 including having to ultimately be protective of a new member to the group, a young elephant, Ruby. Being that Ivan has never had to be protective because he has not had anyone to protect, the journey he goes through for Ruby is something he never imagined he would have done. This narrative is very interesting in its structure and syntax, so UDL guidelines 2.2, 3.2 & 3.3 would be important to highlight when having students read this novel. 7y
jvinas2 ESOL strategies 6 & 9 would also be beneficial to utilize when having students read the book to make sure students mark important information to better understanding what they are reading. This link has multiple resources to use in conjunction with the analysis of the book, including discussion guides, lesson plans and more information to further expand the knowledge of students on gorillas: http://www.flreads.org/Book_Award/extensions/Ivan.htm 7y
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Little Tortillas for Mama/Tortillitas Para Mama | Barbara Cooney, Margot Griego, Betsy L. Bucks, Laurel H. Kimball, Sharon S. Gilbert
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This bilingual P book filled with nursery rhymes of Spanish American origin would be perfect for S, RT, CR and DR. It brings light to a different culture in nursery rhymes that many Hispanics grew up with, including myself! This book not only has the translation in English on each page, but it also highlights the finger activities and other actions to do while singing along with these nursery rhymes, which is awesome.

jvinas2 ESOL strategies 14 & 15 and UDL guidelines 1.1-1.3 are beneficial and very easy to implement because the short rhymes can be repeated, reiterated and it's methods of delivery can be personalized to fit the presenter. This link is actually to a video of one of the rhymes in the book I used to sing growing up: https://youtu.be/yW9zLWBkkqk #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
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We're All Wonders | R. J. Palacio
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"...people can change the way they see. If they do, they'll see that I'm a wonder." This RF picture book is a much shorter version of the New York Times Bestseller and highly awarded novel, Wonder, written by R. J. Palacio, and is a perfect RA, S, RT and AS book. This picture book brings the original novel to life for younger children who are not ready to read chapter books just yet, and it still highlights the lesson that we should always

jvinas2 try to see people for who they truly are, not what they look like. Also, because the novel has been made into a movie,this book can reach a much bigger demographic, especially to those who see the movie and again, cannot read novels just yet. ESOL strategies 10, 16 & 17 and UDL guidelines 2.2, 2.5 and 3.2 would be very beneficial to incorporate before, during and after reading this picture book because clarifying syntax, 7y
jvinas2 illustrating through different media and highlighting big ideas can promote better comprehension and encourage discussions within the class. This link leads you to a pdf file that has discussion questions and activities you can utilize when reading the book: 7y
Beths This is awesome. I read the novel and really enjoyed it. I didn‘t know there was a picture book so thanks for sharing! This book provides such a great message that all grade levels should get to hear this story. 7y
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Chains | Laurie Halse Anderson
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This incredible HF novel that won the Scott O'Dell Award the same year it was released and was a National Book Finalist, is the first of the 'Seeds of America' series written by Laurie Halse Anderson, and is an amazing novel to use for LC, IR and AS. This novel is about what 13-year-old Isabel goes through to finally be freed from slavery, just as the Revolutionary War began.

jvinas2 The struggles endured after becoming property of a ruthless couple in New York City following her owner's death led her to make some decisions that leads to her life changing forever. This novel illustrates the main character's passion and determination for freedom; I literally could not put the book down. The cliffhanger ending made me want to get the second book 'Forge' that same day. 7y
jvinas2 ESOL strategies 29, 30 & 36 and UDL guidelines 3.1, 4.1 & 4.2 would be very useful to give students background information and resources they would need to better understand the novel. This link has many beneficial teacher resources to utilize such as a word wall, different activities and questions to check in on student comprehension: https://worksheets.edhelper.com/books/Chains.htm #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
AshleyAA I am enthralled!! I will definitely be adding this to my classroom library. I love books that connect multiple subjects. Students will advance their knowledge and skills in both Language Arts and Social Studies/History. (edited) 7y
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This classic story written by Bill Martin Jr. is a great book for RA, S, DR, CR, and RT. Throughout this little book, illustrations and immediate translations to each excerpt provide clarification and eases comprehension for children learning about colors, animals, English or Spanish. Because it is very easy to read, UDL guidelines 1.1-1.3, & 2.4 could be utilized to offer different ways to display the story to promote

jvinas2 understanding across both English and Spanish. ESOL strategies 12 &14 would be important to use throughout the reading because it is beneficial to integrate speaking, listening, reading and writing im order to maximize the effectiveness of teaching the language and it's content. This link has different activity ideas and free printouts that can be used to follow through with these strategies: 7y
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The Pearl | John Steinbeck
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This fictional but TL was based on a Mexican folk tale, and has a strong underlying moral that plays on American culture and values, making it a great short book for LC, IR and AS. Written by John Steinbeck (recipient of the 1962 Nobel Prize in Literature and a United States Medal of Freedom in 1964) and originally published in 1947, this novella focuses on how the lives of a poor man (Kino) and his family (wife and son) changed after

jvinas2 finding a "priceless" pearl. Throughout the story, the struggle endured when dealing with the evil of greed is very apparent. Steinbeck seems to illustrate the lesson that greed will ultimately lead to corruption and destruction of our lives. "For it is said that humans are never satisfied, that you give them one thing and they want something more." ESOL strategies 5, 6, & 29 and UDL guidelines 2.2, 3.1 & 3.3 would be very beneficial 7y
jvinas2 to implement while students read this book, as some of the text would be harder for some ELs to comprehend without having a guide to important information and syntax within the story. This link has great discussion questions to ask throughout the reading, as well as useful teaching ideas and activities: http://www.brighthubeducation.com/middle-school-english-lessons/103378-the-pearl... #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
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Each Kindness | Jacqueline Woodson
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This RF book by Jacqueline Woodson has won the Charlotte Zolotow Award and Jane Adams Peace award and is an amazing book for RA, SR, PR, and DR. Although this book is longer than a typical DR, I think it would be beneficial for students to act out the narrative of this book so that the rest of the class will visualize what the author is trying to portray. This book is an amazing resource to teach children to be kind,

jvinas2 not just by saying "Be kind to one another", but by portraying the personal effects of when you choose not to be kind; "Each kindness I had never shown." is such a powerful quote to acknowledge. Beneficial ESOL strategies and UDL guidelines to use with this book would be 3, 4 & 24 (ESOL) and 2.4 & 3.1 (UDL) to use prior knowledge to encourage positive thinking while incorporating cultures/languages of these ELs. 7y
jvinas2 This link leads to a lesson plan that can be used when reading this book to further deliver the message of kindness in and out of the classroom: https://thinkkindness.org/rocking-kindness-classroom-beyond/ #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
DrSpalding The quotes here are truly powerful. I made text to text connections with of course, Wonder. Excellent EL/UDL alignment. You are right that these books can be used in multiple ways and will meet the needs of ALL students. 7y
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This NF picture book about the daring actions of an aerialist named Philippe Petit won the Caldecott Medal for it's illustrations, and is perfect for RA, GR, and SR. Philippe went on a journey to walk between the twin towers on a tightrope while it was still under construction in 1974, and this book illustrates his journey of completing his mission. Gerstein's amazing illustrations aren't the only features of the book that are worth noticing,

jvinas2 as there are some mathematical references made throughout the book can also be discussed while analyzing the story (which can be used with UDL guideline 2.3). ESOL strategies 4 & 17 and UDL guidelines 3.1 & 3.3 are also great to utilize, as using background knowledge and visuals are very beneficial to understanding the text. 7y
jvinas2 This link has multiple teacher resources for the book as well as resources for the author and illustrator, Mordicai Gerstein: https://www.teachingbooks.net/tb.cgi?tid=4345&a=1 #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
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Princesa Y El Guisante | Francesc Boada
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This bilingual book is a classic fairy tale retold (in both English and Spanish) and illustrated by Francesc Boada that can be used in RA, S, RT and DR. Every excerpt in this book is transcribed in English and Spanish on the same page, which is great for both English, and Spanish learners, as they can immediately see the literal translation of what they are reading.

jvinas2 The illustrations also showcase the story in a different light, using characters that seem to be of a different culture from the classic European story. ESOL strategies 1 & 6 and UDL guidelines 1.1 & 2.4 can be very beneficial to further the understanding of language acquisition. The link is a great resource to use for children learning their number sequence, phase 2 phonemes and more: http://m.twinkl.co.uk/resources/the-princess-and-the-pea 7y
Dbenford I actually got to perform "The Princess and The Pea" for the school play in my middle school. This is such a great book. I didn't know that it was written from different cultures point of view, very cool? nice job☺ 7y
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I Am Gandhi | Brad Meltzer
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"In a gentle way, I will shake the world." This easy-to-read but powerful Biographical picture book is a part of the New York Times bestselling biographical series, and is perfect for RA and S, especially when teaching children about famous peaceful influencers. Ghandi is a great person to talk about when discussing non-violent resistance and civil disobedience to protest discrimination, a topic that is still relevant in today's society.

jvinas2 ESOL strategies 3 & 28 are perfect while use multiple biographies of people similar to Ghandi (MLK) to help encourage positive thinking; UDL guidelines 3.1-3.3 help readers learn more about Ghandi as well. This link is an amazing resource for the book, as it has activities and worksheets that touch on Ghandi's most influential moments and actions: 7y
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This NF picture book is great for RA, GR and SR, as it is informational as well as very engaging. It informs readers of many different nocturnal animals, while separating each group of animals by location (In the Neighborhood, In the Forest, By the Beach, etc). The best part, the entire book is Glow in the Dark!

jvinas2 ESOL strategies 4 & 30 and UDL guidelines 3.1-3.3 would be beneficial, especially because of the use of background knowledge and organizing the information learned in the text. Although there is no teacher resource direct from the text, this link about nocturnal animals will further engage students in learning about nocturnal animals https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/nocturnal-animals-6202992 #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
juliek1 Oh my goodness, this looks amazing. Adding to stack! 7y
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El Deafo | Cece Bell
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This Newbery award winning memoir is written and Illustrated by Cece Bell about the experience and struggle she went through having to deal with being partially deaf after having meningitis at age 4. Although she is just trying to fit in with everyone else, a special hearing aid (Phonic Ear) she is given to use in school, always seems to have her stand out. However, she discovers a neat advantage to having the Phonic Ear, thus coming up with a

jvinas2 superhero version of herself, "El Deafo"! This book is a very great book for young readers transitioning from picture books to novels, or readers who love comic-style books. It can be used for LC, IR, & for an AS as well (since it is a memoir). ESOL strategies 3 & 44 and UDL guidelines 3.2 & 9.2 would be very beneficial to utilize while students read this novel. 7y
jvinas2 https://worksheets.edhelper.com/books/El_Deafo.htm this link has worksheets and activities to use after certain chapters to create a better understanding while the students read. #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
DrSpalding I have seen the phonic ear in person! This memoir took her eight years to complete due to the complexity of the images in the graphic novel. It's amazing! 7y
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This Poetry book is a compilation of Robert Frost's most beloved poems edited by Gary Schmidt and Illustrated by Henri Sorensen. This book is sectioned by theme (such as Poems of Autumn) with illustrations and a short description relating to each poem. This is a great book to use when introducing famously accredited poets to young readers. Robert Frost has won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry multiple years, was the United States Poet Laureate

jvinas2 (official poet of the United States) in 1958, and even received a Congressional Gold Medal in 1960, among many other awards throughout his life. Frost also has an award given in his name (Robert Frost Medal) for "distinguished lifetime service to American poetry". This book of poems can be read for an AS and through GR, RT, & S. 7y
jvinas2 ESOL strategies 5, 6 & 36 as well as UDL guidelines 3.1-3.1 & 7.2 would be useful while analyzing the poems in this book. This link http://www.robertfrostfarm.org/teachers.html contains many teacher resources to use for each appropriate grade level while reading Frost's poems within the book. #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
DrSpalding This is a wonderful series that helps students truly understand the meanings of these renowned poems. You provided valuable information about Robert Frost! Way to go. 7y
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Ada Twist, Scientist | Andrea Beaty
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This RF book is a #1 New York Times bestseller about a little second grader named Ada who has always been very curious about the world. She uses science to try to answer her countless questions by creating hypotheses and experimenting as much as she could, even if her curiosity leads trouble sometimes. This book is great to encourage students to follow their curiosity and passion, and persevere even if they hit roadblocks.

jvinas2 RA, SR and PR could be used to read this book, while including EL strategies 6 & 32 and UDL guidelines 2.1 and 3.2. https://www.scribd.com/mobile/document/318737501/ADA-TWIST-SCIENTIST-Teaching-Gu... this link has many resources including HOT questions and activities to use during and after the book reading. #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
DrSpalding This "realistic fiction" book has many classroom applications. Excellent read aloud for any STEAM classroom. 7y
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Holes | Louis Sachar
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This Mystery/Adventure Fiction book is about a boy named Stanley Yelnats who was found guilty for a crime he didn't commit; which is something he could blame on his family's curse brought upon them from his great-great-grandfather. He was sent to a detention camp to dig holes all day (supposedly to build character), but instead he builds friendships and discovers many things that could change the course of his future forever! This is a LC or an IR

jvinas2 book that can be read in grades 3-8. This book has won the 1998 John Newbery Medal and was transformed into a movie in 2003. The movie can be used in conjunction with the book to follow through with ESOL strategy 17 and UDL guidelines 1.1-1.3. https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/unit-plans/teaching-content/holes-teachers-g... this link also has great teacher resources to use while students read the book. 7y
DrSpalding Did you know that Yelnats is Stanley backwards? It's an anagram. What a great addition to your classroom library being that it could be useful for so many great levels. Classic story with a movie accompaniment. 7y
MorganH Great novel even for younger grade levels! Would make a perfect compare and contrast with the movie 7y
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