“When not buried in [interesting sounding] books... she enjoys hiking, knitting, and re-creating unnecessarily complicated medieval meals”
Can we please be friends?
“When not buried in [interesting sounding] books... she enjoys hiking, knitting, and re-creating unnecessarily complicated medieval meals”
Can we please be friends?
This book came with soundtrack suggestions and someone already made into a Spotify playlist. More of this please!
I‘m rarely in to short stories but these ones are gripping.
Yes to being "intellectually curious" about how others spend their days, I agree it will get you far.
What a coincidence, the book ends in Phoenix (I was there last week), and there's a lot of familiar addiction to the news. My first but certainly not my last John Irving.
Loved loved loved this book! It's performative art that I reacted to in so many ways. I could see this image on someone's wall, but there's so many layers of meaning. It inspires a better understanding of ourselves and friends. A protest against big data. It resonates with me deciding how to structure metadata. And it's beautiful! Thank you to the authors for sharing yourselves and personal details.
#whereiread for #riotgrams
Also where I hope to spend all weekend, getting into Reamde.
If you feel like you don't have much in common with scientists, this book really humanizes their work - studying coral on remote islands, setting up real life experiments in South American forests, trekking through caves in winter... Reading it now adds meaning to the "alt" twitter accounts and demonstrates the necessity of funding and sharing data. #resist
Recipe for Friday night: Drambuie & apple cider plus Diana Gabaldon #booksandbooze
"I don't know that I have ever found any satisfactory answers on my own. But every time I ask it, the question is refined."
Margaret Atwood on historical cast iron signs: "Everything will be swept away, those signs declare, and a lot sooner than you think."
I don't usually read books that are so new, but I love how current the cultural references are! Will they be worth it though, for readers a couple years away?
This attitude about meat = A+
The silly voice throughout the book? Too much for one sitting.
The flow of reading a graphic novel is surprisingly challenging for me. Glad for the opportunity to widen my perspective, and a great way to start graphic novels for a freshly educated librarian. Very funny and geeky!
When your library holds come in at once AND you're really attracted to the New Canadian Library covers AND you can't renew them because you're graduating. #pressure #CanLit #librarylove
I'm always impressed how well Margaret Atwood writes about technology and young people's conversations. This might be my favourite Atwood out of the six I've read.