such a great, insightful book
such a great, insightful book
I'm embarrassingly behind on my #bookofthemonthclub books, but I'm so excited to finally be digging into this one!
I've spent all morning eagerly devouring the first half of this book ... probably going to blow off all my plans to keep reading! 📖 😍
went to hear the lovely Jessie Chaffee read this afternoon at Politics and Prose, am now diving into her book (and loving it!)
Loved this one! This was my favorite of Ruth Ware's books, which is saying something because I've loved her others as well. It hit all the right notes for me: the intense, exclusive teenage friendship; the spooky setting of the crumbling Mill and all that water; the secrets and lies. I pretty much wanted to start reading it again as soon as I had finished, that's how much I enjoyed it.
starting a new read tonight! 🤗
couldn't bear to put this book down even while cooking, it was that good!
Loved this one so much! Great layered mystery that kept me guessing, and I loved Roxane, our broken but tenacious narrator.
Loved the complicated dynamics between the two sets of characters & how we were never sure who to trust. The POV switched btw several characters, but even though you‘re in these different characters‘ heads, you still get the sense that you might only be hearing the stories they tell themselves. Add in some strange falling birds, a creepy abandoned paper mill, & an alleged witch, and you‘ve got an engrossing mystery that I couldn‘t put down.
I feel so lucky to be reading this ARC right now, it's FANTASTIC!
when it rains, it pours! another great #bookmail day! thanks for letting me read an arc @kmlwrites and thanks for sharing it with me @KellyeGarrett
"... time doesn't belong to you. All you have is what you remember. A fraction; less."
I'm way behind on my #bookofthemonth books, so I'm just now starting Marlena ... so into it already, the writing is just gorgeous.
I'm still trying to get the hang of this Litsy sticker thing, but I thought this Hell Yeah sticker was more than appropriate! This book was such a mindf*ck, and I absolutely LOVED it!
so excited to read this! 🙌 I *loved* All the Missing Girls!
I really enjoyed this! Really gripping! (Plus I loved the behind-the-scenes look at the D.C. journalism scene!)
ha! this is a great line. I mean, I love a Blue Moon with an orange slice, but this guy has it right.
started this for book club today! I've heard such good things about it!
A celebration of female friendship, it was also at times romantic, humorous, and poignant. Loved it! (Also, just discovered how to add stickers! 👍)
so delighted to be reading this! a perfect book to curl up with on a lazy Saturday 😍
It has been a long, long time since a book made me cry, but The Salt House had me in tears. The characters are so richly drawn that I couldn‘t help hurting with the Kelly family as they struggled in the wake of the unexpected death of the youngest daughter. I wanted to reach through the pages and hug all of them. Lovely and heart-wrenching! (Also, I learned a lot about lobster fishing.)
Hooray! Finally got an advance copy of The Salt House! This cover just kills me.
This was such a fun (and sexy!) read, and I definitely recommend it to anyone who has ever fantasized about chucking it all to follow their dreams (and isn't that everyone?).
As evinced by this screengrab my Instagram story, I loved HOLLYWOOD HOMICIDE so much that I took it to the gym with me ... and then stayed on the cardio equipment for longer than I had planned, unable to tear myself away for even a second. This book is a great mix of mystery and humor, and I definitely recommend it!
This gorgeous ARC arrived yesterday and I dove right in! I'm halfway through and loving the mix of humor and mystery!
stayed up all night reading this ... remind me never to go white water rafting again 💦 😬
Girls in White Dresses is one of my faves, and I've been looking forward to reading this one from the same author. Seems appropriate to be reading it now that I'm here in DC!
Loved this #bookofthemonthclub selection! An unflinching story about some reckless high school students and their teacher.
Such a fun book! Definitely recommend for fans of reality television. So much drama can happen when a group of strangers are picked to live in a house ... and, in this case, a house with glass walls! What could go wrong?
pretty much required reading in this era of "alternative facts"
I just have to say that the ARCs for my book are here, and I am dying of excitement! 🙌
I forgot to review this one! I really enjoyed it, such a fun read, full of twists and dark secrets.
It‘s a rare book that can make me sympathize with someone like Finn (esp. how he first appears, with his kidnapped child in tow & slinging blackmail threats), but Strawser has constructed such complex, three-dimensional characters that I couldn‘t help but hope things worked out for all of them, Finn included. I stayed up way later than I should have, turning pages as the secrets behind the characters‘ motivations (& misconceptions) were revealed.
So excited to be digging into this ARC! I've heard such fantastic things about it!
I'm definitely supposed to be working, but I can't stop listening to this book! 🎧💁
Solid advice from a 17th century legal guide, as relayed in The Witches: "in the presence of such symptoms [as might be witchcraft], consult your physician before blaming your neighbor."
I'm super-excited to begin digging into this ARC! I was a Classics major in college, so Ancient Rome is totally my jam.
Starting something new this morning with #SerialReader! 📚 cc: @SerialReader
It's so slushy outside! ❄️ I'm over being outdoors today, and am now preparing to spend the rest of the day curled up on the couch with this book.