I loved this book so much and discovered that in this year alone, I'd read three books with similar themes and al three were fantastic in their own way. Lots of geeky love!
#bookstagram #bookworm #geekylove
I loved this book so much and discovered that in this year alone, I'd read three books with similar themes and al three were fantastic in their own way. Lots of geeky love!
#bookstagram #bookworm #geekylove
"Not all those who wander are lost."
This will always be my favourite series, books and movies. #LordoftheRings #bookstagram
Re-reading books is something I truly enjoy and spending an entire day focused on re-reading ACOTAR was just what the doctor ordered.
#bookstagram #bookworm #acotar #sarahjmaas
Laini Taylor has never disappointed me and this time is no different. What a world I was immersed in all through this book!
#bookstagram #bookworm
Just when you think you've figured the story out, they throw something else at you!
#bookstagram #bookworm #mustread
It was a good book and the concept and general plot were so great, but it was too complicated for me to process. I took so long to read it because I was struggling to piece it all together. Maybe it's just me, but it's definitely worth a read.
#bookstagram #booksandtea #bookworm
If you like cutesy predictable books about young love, this is a good one. As an Indian, I loved all the familiar touches and things that I have grown up hearing from parents and family as well.
#bookstagram #bookworm
This book is going to be explosive, so if you don't have it yet, get it. #kaylaolson #thesandcastleempire #bookstagram
I can already tell that this book will change my life. It's a nice break from the YA lit I seem to be reading of late and while it's not easy reading, I could finish it in a day. If you haven't picked this one up yet, get it now! #undergroundrailroad #colsonwhitehead
as a nerd, as someone who gets up in arms when her childhood classics are rebooted and the wrong people are cast, i related to this book so much. it is absolutely a fantastic read. every pop culture reference made me smile, every bit of detail about 'starfield' made my life and the characters were so diverse and so unique. plus, it's a combination of everyone's favourite fairytale with a big dose of nerdism & you can't ask for a more fun book.
I didn't know what to expect with this book because my only interaction with Norse anything is either Vikings or Marvel Comics. So to get a different side of things, to explore a slightly more intriguing version was good. Plus, Neil Gaiman is a master of writing so obviously I was going to be blown away. #norsemythology #neilgaiman #bookworm #bookstagram
#nowreading The gorgeous ARC for "The Waking Land" by Callie Bates. This was included in the last Illumicrate and it is absolutely amazing so far.
While I did struggle a little with the book at first, I grew to enjoy this world that was created. On the second book now and I've been so distracted I've been unable to fully enjoy or process what I'm reading, but it's really interesting so far. Totally a duology that is unlike any other. #bookstagram #magonia #aerie
I didn't hate it, but there were moments when I was ready to quit it and move onto the next book. It was an interesting concept, but I think halfway through it changed and became far too complicated. The flashback bits were incredibly distracting and I think that could have been avoided and I might have enjoyed it more. #bookstagram #bonewitch
#ACOWAR was totally worth the wait and so beautiful. Granted, I'm still a fan of #ACOMAF, but this book is taking this series to a whole new level. I just hope that there will be more books told from the point of view of the other characters. #bookstagram #bookworm