In my quest to DNF books I'm just not that into, I'm bailing on this one. The cover is lovely, I like the Stockholm syndrome aspect, but I don't feel like hanging with the main character as she grows into a more decent person.
In my quest to DNF books I'm just not that into, I'm bailing on this one. The cover is lovely, I like the Stockholm syndrome aspect, but I don't feel like hanging with the main character as she grows into a more decent person.
This book had a lot of good points, but it just was not a book I found interesting. It had some character discovery, politics, and magic. Our main character reminded me of Mother Nature which I did enjoy. It just did not turn out how I hoped it would.
#7covers7days #coverlove Day 1
I was tagged by both @erzascarletbookgasm and @MrsMalaprop to join in. Sorry it took me so long to start off! Life got in the way and it‘s been an extra busy week at work.
I‘m going to tag my most recent follower: @Easytiger would you like to join in? Post your favorite covers 7 days in a row with no explanation. Tag someone new each day (if you wish).
This book was just okay for me. I really liked the beginning, but after a while, the writing started to grate me a little bit. Not enough to not finish, but I found the last pages I skimmed more than actually read.
Today I visited Hydrain's Library in Athens, Greece. How could I not take my book out and get a nice picture with the library?
A whimsical, fantastical tale of a girl who feels lost and alone in the world, not fully understanding the power she holds. For lovers of nature and fantasy.
I finished this morning and frankly this was just...not good. The end was so rushed and Elanna‘s internal whining through the wholestory was so frustrating. The lore still doesn‘t make any sense to me. Certain things were talked about how they didn‘t know how worked but a few pages later she knew what to do, but it was never explained how. It was just frustrating and left me irritated. I‘m on the fence about reading the rest of the Trilogy.
Finally started The Waking Land and I‘m about half way through and I have mixed feelings about this book. On one hand I want to know the story and lore of the land and how it unfolds but on the other Elanna‘s insistent internal whining over choosing sides is annoying, and the love story portion picked up way to early and quickly for me. At this point I think I‘m reading it more for my interest in Jahan‘s character then anything else.
I enjoyed this story which I thought was good with the potential to be even better as the author hones her craft. Elanna is taken from her parents at gunpoint & held hostage by the king to guarantee her father‘s good behavior. Years later, the king is murdered & Elanna accused of the crime & forced to flee. Add in a handsome stranger, a wicked duke, an affinity for the natural world, & magic & you have quite a story. Sequel is out in June.
This is my next read—love the cover. Here‘s hoping the words inside are equally awesome!!! I hear good things...
I have book mail coming today—or at least I think I do—but why wait until I get home to start a new book if I‘m carrying one around with me right now?!? Besides, look at this cover—it practically demands you open the book and start reading. Right. This. Minute.
Sleep is proving stronger than Starbucks. Didn‘t get as much read as I‘d hoped, but I had a blast. Can‘t wait to get back to this book tomorrow!!
Good luck on the rest of the #readathon, Littens!
Starting this series for my first Dewey‘s #Readathon!
A PSA for anyone who might pass through O‘Hare Airport. It can be daunting & not fun but our family will actually come early for a few of our favorite things:
Rick Bayless‘ Tortas by Frontera is awesome breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Head over to Vosges for an after meal treat. Their chocolate is delicious.
And what is a meal without something to read? Barbara‘s Bookstore is one of the best airport bookstores anywhere. I even picked up another...
I like the complexity of it, as well as a good fantasy book for a theme of identity crisis. Lady Elanna is like a teenager's rite of passage.
Day 1 of the riotgrams, a shelfie! This is mostly just books I've amassed since graduation; my older books are in storage due to a lack of shelving. #shelfie #riotgrams #februaryreads
This is a debut novel and it reads like one. It's clunky and not very well executed and the main character is indecisive but the plot and the imagination behind it are pretty cool. The magic system is awesome and the lore is also interesting. The romance was boring and felt forced and totally unnecessary. I still think this had the potential to be really good and I'm curious to see where the story takes us in the sequel.
Not bad, a little rambling, but not great either. Intriguing world building. Rather frustrating lead character. Not bad.
“The knowingness in the deep silence of the forest...the trees are ancient, and legends claim that they hold great wisdom, for those who can understand their song.”
This was the #yachronicles August pick , and I thoroughly enjoyed it ! It took a while to wrap my head around the world building, but I love detailed and intricate fantasy ✨🌲
4 ⭐️
After a rough morning with appointments and my mental health , happy to finally sit down and have some me time !
Duke's obviously trying not to stare at the food 🙄
Only a few chapters in to this one , and it's a lot to wrap my head around. A lot of world building to be done but already the plot is kicking in so I'm interested 🌲
I absolutely loved this book! Elanna is a smart, strong, but imperfect heroine. She's struggles with the circumstances she is thrown into and choices she has to make, rather than just following what she is told by those on her side, which I found to be a breath of fresh air. Unlike many other series, this did not end with a massive cliffhanger which I prefer and I still can't wait for book 2 so I can be back in this world. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 #pagehabit
Nothing better than reading at the beach while my son and husband play in the water 💦
This book has completely captured my imagination!
Book 1 of 3 for my YA Bookclub. The MC got on my nerves in the first half and the book had some jumpy parts moving to quickly to one thing from the next but overall it was an ok read of a girl coming into her powers of the land and a rebellion in a fantasy setting. 3 stars.
Starting this one now for a bit of reading before I go to bed. Got this in my first #pagehabit box last month and I'm excited to read with the author's annotations! Can't go wrong with a lovely #map on the first page 🗺
Callie Bates' debut novel (the first in a trilogy) is a flawed and unsatisfying YA/crossover fantasy that incorporates interesting elements of Celtic mysticism and shades of the Jacobite risings but is hindered by an unconvincing political landscape, a main character with no grasp of courtly intrigue, unconvincing antagonists, a predictable and dull romance and magic that seems to exist for the convenience of the plot.
Despite the fact I feel the main character is rather unreliable, I actually enjoyed this one. My full review can be found here: http://theghastlygrimoire.com/2017/08/17/book-review-the-waking-land-the-waking-...
“This is why magic is dangerous. It lures you in. It makes you curious.” ― Callie Bates, The Waking Land
I'm feeling like stress is taking a toll on me again. I seriously need to sleep and get back much needed energy.
Review for The Waking Land by Callie Bates is up on my blog. Head on over to follow and leave comments.
I found The Waking Land slow to get into at first, and hadn't immediately connected with the characters, but then the book really picked up and I enjoyed it and was really rooting for El!
Just finished this beautiful book. It has a few flaws but overall, totally loved it. Review incoming... probably once I've actually slept.
After talking to these lovely ladies, I realized this might be a good idea for me to take part in! I've dumbed it down for me, since as it is I am often too sick to read. Instead of the traditional 5x5 square, I am doing a 3x3 and have filled it with arcs that I REALLY need to get read. This makes up half of what I am behind on. 🙀 When I complete a row (since that will keep it a steady three books) I'll allow myself a book of my choice. #tbrbingo
About 75% in and these twists... omg. >.> QQ
On another note, I only had a brief reprieve from my last flare up. This one is significantly worse. I cannot keep food or liquids in me and I'm dehydrating faster than I can hydrate. She's considering taking me to the hospital for IV fluids.
Another visit Thurs w/ pain doc. I'm doing badly enough that at 26, my mother had to shave my legs.
Here's a fatso. #gingerbrat #catsoflitsy #littenkitten
I did not know this was a thing before now and it is already 11:53PM out of my Aug. 9!! #celebrate #NationalBookLoversDay
Slow reading but it is an interesting concept... and it is beautiful so far... just slower, maybe it's because I'm reading a fast read and this on the side?
#fantasy #youngadult #arc #bookstagram #outdoorreads #bookishlife #booksavvy
Holy crap. I haven't posted in two weeks!? I honestly don't remember too much of the last two weeks. For those that have kept up with my health: I finally saw the pain management specialist. I'm on two pain meds and a back brace whenever I'm not just laying downing or sitting. I also had an MRI of my mid and lower back (results pending).
The meds take the edge off the pain and knock me out, so there's some silver lining there. 😽
#bookishemoji17 day two: 💪
Are there books you planned to read in a timely fashion that you just... haven't gotten to yet? With everything going on this year, for me, that's been most of them! But I'm still excited about so many of them, including THE WAKING LAND (whose main character is basically mimicking the 💪 pose on the cover). It looks totally beautiful and I need more gorgeous ethereal fantasy in my life.
LITTENS! I won a book from @penguinrandomhouse ! YaY!!!!!!! Now to finish my library book so I can read it next! Anyone read it yet??? #thewakingland #penguinrandomhouse #fantasybooks
Some writers have a innate talent for lyricism and some just the dogged determination to publish; this author falls in the later category. The repetition is painful at times. The present tense of the adventure story may be somewhat to blame but a more skillful writer could have avoided eye rolls at least. Diehard fans of YA fantasy will likely love this tale. Me, not so much. 🌲🦌🍄🔮🛡
Totally fun fantasy-romance with really excellent world building. Alanna starts off TSTL (too stupid to live) but grows up quickly into a likable strong heroine. The author does some really interesting things with secondary characters who end up neither clearly good nor clearly bad. #romantsy
#theyachronicles July "Revolution" box !
Really love this months box , and we also received a little book that has chapter samplers for 7 upcoming new #YA releases ??
#Booksubscription #Bookmail
Such a pretty and intricate cover. This one just jumped off of the shelf into my arms today. 😉