Brilliant end to this series. Book 4 was really the set up to this conclusion. Thoroughly enjoyed this series and the world Maas has built.
Brilliant end to this series. Book 4 was really the set up to this conclusion. Thoroughly enjoyed this series and the world Maas has built.
How I have loved both Amor‘s novels I have read to this point. This is just as enjoyable as ‘A Gentleman in Moscow‘. I found myself wanting to read it all over again. Highly recommend.
She was wonderful! So enjoyed this read. Well paced. Great characters. Loved it.
I love this from Sean. Some beautiful lessons from the teapot to the twins. His honesty and humour come through so beautifully. Recommend!
So good! I‘ve heard people say long?! But I disagree. Enjoyed it all. Fascinating about all the games and I loved the flash forwards etc. Very enjoyable book I would highly recommend.
Great book. Really enjoyed it. Loved the shifting perspectives as the story rolls around the little town. An easy and enjoyable read.
Didn‘t love it, didn‘t hate it. It rolled along fine. Interesting perspectives and I liked the back and forth between the two main characters‘ viewpoints.
Great book. You wouldn‘t have thought reading about a guy living under house arrest in a hotel would be terribly interesting, but it was great. Full of little wisdoms. Might need to go back and jot some of them down...
Woah. She‘s a big one. Interesting, at times. But dense. Soooo dense. I wonder if it was more succinct, would I have wished for more? Is this like the director‘s cut? I did want to know what happened to Theo and see his story play out. But I do think that I finished it just to not leave it unread.
“But sometimes, unexpectedly, grief pounded over me in waves that left me gasping; and when the waves washed back, I found myself looking out over a brackish wreck which was illumined in a light so lucid, so heartsick and empty, that I could hardly remember that the world had ever been anything but dead.”
What a joy this little play is! So fun. A lovely, quick read.
I absolutely consumed these books upon their release. Seems like a very long time ago now. Reading them so fast, I was completely shattered by the ending. Like. What. I revisited the story arc recently, and I think I was too young to understand. The trauma, the PTSD, the idea that the hero doesn‘t always shine. Reading it again with fresh eyes now, I appreciate it more. I‘m looking forward to tapping in again with the prequel.
This was an easy and enjoyable read. The characters are fun and it‘s gets straight into ‘the incident‘. I enjoyed the perspective, especially in light of the world as it is at the moment. I really don‘t think the title captures the essence of the book - but maybe I‘m just fussy with my titles? I would happily read other books by Kiley Reid.
While this book isn‘t the happiest of subject matters, it was still very enjoyable. I found it was well paced and kept me interested. The circumstances of these two sisters is awful, and brought me to tears at times. I‘ve found myself thinking back to this novel, even after reading it a few years ago.
This one was an intense read, but I found the descriptions to be very rich and beautiful. In the end I really enjoyed it, despite its heavy content.
A little girl on a quest to retrieve her mother‘s last hug, which she promised to give back. This picture book is so sweet and beautifully illustrated. Highly recommend as an addition to little people‘s libraries.
This is an amazing book. Moving and intense, yet very matter of fact in its point of view. I think it‘s that point of view which let me enjoy the read so much. When I watched the movie later, it was soooooo intense and devastating! Something the book kind of protected me from? Whilst reading, I never saw the concept from an outsiders point of view, as you do in the film. It‘s beautifully written. A great book.
Well, it‘s a classic for a reason. I‘d watched adaptations before, but couldn‘t recall if I‘d actually read it. I could never understand when my mother said she didn‘t recall reading something. In my youth this seemed ridiculous. Not so much anymore. I enjoyed this very much! My sister was reading it at the same time, and said to me she recalled Jane ending up with St John. And I thought, surely not! So that certainly sped along my read!
Having read and enjoyed Jojo‘s books before, liking this novel was no surprise. I really enjoyed it. Loved the story and it was well paced and engaging. I‘ve thought of it often since finishing reading it, which in my opinion, is always a good sign. Do not understand the title at all - could of thought of a million other titles that would have suited it better. I had to double check what it was called numerous times. But that might just be me.
A wonderful little novel, perfect for a young teen reader. I read this to my middle school aged children. It‘s complex enough in language to suit an older audience but simple enough in story for the younger ones to follow along. They loved this book, as did I and I. Certainly a new perspective on everlasting life.
The perfect book for a 10 year old boy that doesn‘t like to read. I would read this aloud to my class and they would beg for the next chapter. Beg. It‘s enjoyable over and over. All the clues you missed the first time. Wonderful book.
I love to read this aloud - perfect for 10 year olds. Even though the computer game is dated, concept still works beautifully.
I found this in the library as a teen and consumed it. I‘ve thought of it often afterwards. Concept was soooo good. Sell your body to the classes above and live in a robot one! The rich just upgrade to a younger model. Ending was a bit cliche, but overall I seriously just loved it.
This novel was sooo loved when I was a teen. I just adored it and wondered how you would say any of those words in Welsh! I‘d love to hear it read with the pronunciation in tact. A fantastic novel from the genius that is Brian Caswell.
Had to read this as a teen for school, and loved it so much a read it over and over. The ending left me wanting a bit, but the premise and idea of trying to keep the world safe from themselves was wonderful. I loved the rituals of each age and trying to explain a world without colour.
Myself and my friends all passed this one around and we‘re completely obsessed. Loved the Russian setting - the sisters with the same love. It was epic and beautiful. I went on to read the sequel, but never continued to the third. I wasn‘t in the mood for more drama when my beloved characters were finally happy. 🤣 2/3 ain‘t bad.
Gosh, this book was brilliant. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Quite unlike anything else I have read. Loved it.
Oh gosh I loved this book. It‘s so wonderful and well written. Delightful story.
Went down the rabbit hole of depressing teen fiction with this one. Too far.
This was a chore to read. Very dense. I struggled through it but was pretty confused in the end. Beyond me I think!
Now this is a series. Don‘t be put off by the failed attempts to turn this into a movie franchise in the past. This is a wonderful set of novels. Books 2 and 3 won‘t follow the same story as book 1, so be prepared for that. But this series is interesting, rich and unique. Such a great read. Highly recommend.
Bit of fun. Like watching a reality TV show. Now no one is handing out prizes for finishing this box set, but sometimes you just want a nice solid teen novel. In this case you get 4.
Now that. Was. Hilarious. Put aside a day kids, and knock this one off from start to finish. Every chapter is a cliff hanger and you won‘t want to stop. Thoroughly enjoyable and I could not recommend this more.
Like all novels that get turned into successful TV shows, some things are lost and others expanded. This novel is brilliant on its own. The show has done a wonderful job of taking the core and changing it to suit its format. But I tell you, those northern beaches Mums are up there in the crazy stakes. And it‘s a very honest perspective on how he said she said works with little kids and their teachers. Poor Miss Barnes! Well worth a read.
Eleanor is wonderfully different. I really enjoyed this book.
This is a best seller for a reason. I loved it being written only in letters and the main character of Juliet is a delight. I also enjoyed the setting and learning more about the occupation of Guernsey during WW11. A wonderful book.
Originally ‘Women in Black‘ this is a nostalgic look at Sydney from the perspective of the department store floor after WWII. It is simple, beautifully written and makes me appreciate just how far we have come.
A series like no other, this brilliant set of novels is worth all their praise and popularity. I regularly start them all over again. The world Rowling has created has permeated into all of our lives, and she is a true master.
I did enjoy this book. The change of narrator was unexpected, and of course right at a crucial moment for the characters. I enjoyed the perspective.
This was a great read. Really easy and a storyline that kept me interested. If you enjoy a female perspective in the male dominated world that is rural Australia in the 50s, this one for you. Especially relevant after the fires of 2020. Very enjoyable.
Really enjoyed this read. It‘s come with lots of high recommendations from heaps of places, so it was no surprise that I also found it enjoyable and a bit of a page turner.
Always a classic. I pick up this book regularly and read it from start to finish like it‘s the first time. If you‘ve never read a classic, this is the one to start with. Could not adore more.