Decided to reread Book 1 for the first time in over a decade. So much changed! 🐲🐉💚
A liiittle disappointed by the end, which was thematically very similar to Imaginary Girls. Still a twisty, suspenseful read with interesting characters. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I cannot BELIEVE that after TEN YEARS I finally finished the entire Temeraire series!!
Book rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Series rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ - uneven in the earlier books, but overall very enjoyable.
So, so good. And I don't even like WWII stories, normally. Do this one on audiobook, if you can. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
This wasn't offensively bad, but it was chock full of overused tropes and flat characterization. At least I had fun filling out my Bingo card?
This is such a cute romance!! Fake dating in the West End with fully developed characters and some nice humor. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
UGH IT'S SO GOOD. My bosses are out today so I'm listening to the audiobook instead of working.
Book 1 FUCKED ME UP (in a good way). Time to see what Book 2 will do!
Wow. WOW. Beautiful and sad and hopeful all at once. The audiobook is also wonderful, full of dynamic character voices and accents without being over the top. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
More book mail!! 💕📚💕 I love the new covers on these.
A little uneven in places, but also a really moving account of growing up despite some...fairly steep odds.⭐️⭐️⭐️
Less than an hour into the audiobook and I'm pretty sure I already know what's happening? Not sure I was supposed to get it that fast?
A few days late, but here's Part 1 of A Character I'd Dress Up As for the #booktober photo challenge!
"Holtzmann. I've heard terrible things about you." ?
After a fair amount of scrolling, I found my very first Litsy post for today's #booktober challenge! Have really loved getting to talk about books with fellow book nerds these last five months! 📚💖
HAHAHA oh my god Wylan's voice for Kaz sounds like a villain from the Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged Series
My #mostaticipatedreads for Day 1 of #booktober! Particularly excited for Crooked Kingdoms and Labyrinth Lost.
Today's #somethingforsept is short stories! I swear I used to have more collections, but here are some of my favorites. 😀
Say what you will about Dickens (I can say a lot) but describing King Louis' court as suffering from "the leprosy of unreality"? The man can turn a phrase.
I at least finished this one, which is better than I did with the Throne of Glass series. I don't think I've found my new author soul mate though. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I thought the Grisha trilogy was...fine, but I REALLY enjoyed this one. It helps that I just love heist stories, but I also cared a lot about all their faces. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I failed out of Throne of Glass almost immediately but I'm giving the author another shot. I'm about 1/4 in, which is way further than the last time I tried. We'll see.
L o v i n g this. Truly urban fantasy, the landscape and character of the city is coming through really well.
Enjoying it so far, though I keep getting distracted that the voice of Inej sounds almost exactly like Kristen Bell doing the Veronica Mars audiobook?
I wanted to like this, but I kept getting distracted by clumsy details that the rest of the book wasn't good enough to smooth over.
If you've read the Newsflesh trilogy, you should definitely read this short story/novella collection. If you haven't read the Newsflesh trilogy, what are you waiting for??
Thanks for that lovely stigmatization of people that seek help from medical professionals, guys. I know the character is from the 40s, but come on.
Well, turns out "San Diego 2014: The Last Stand of the California Browncoats" can still make my cry. Cool. (Good thing Smudge doesn't care.)
Not a fan. Gonna keep watching the show though, see if it turns out better.