Reading my very first cozy mystery!
Reading my very first cozy mystery!
So excited to finally read this. Also I love the Libby app.
I love when a book tells me about the type it is printed in. It gives me a little bit of joy to know this information.
Soooo I just started this. Eeeek. Wee bit freaked out already. I've never really read horror before. 😨
Spending the day in Harry Potter world!
I really enjoyed this story. But definitely if you are going to read it don't listen to it.
Oops. I meant to post this the other day. I love this so much.
I'm about halfway through. Loving the story, not loving the narration. Sorry Donna. I will struggle on though, because the story is so goooood.
In honor of @Liberty recommendation this week on All The Books I present me as a young child dressed as Bunnicula for Halloween.
Well... I'm not sure how I feel about it. I guess I was excepting to be scared or creeped out, but mostly I wasn't. (Also the kid on this cover I feel is creepier than the book was.)
I got this cute little bookend today! Though technically a Halloween decoration it shall have a place year round next to Harry.
I'm not surprised at all that it's a cat. 🐱
I inhaled this book. I didn't want it to end. I laughed and cried. Seriously why did I wait so long to read it? Also Sherman Alexis narrating made it even better. 😍 #
Part of me didn't want this series to end. This series is totally binge worthy.
I really enjoyed this one. The first one was good, but this one sucked me into that crazy world. I totally binge listened this and the next.
My life is crazy right now. But this book got me not thinking about my life, which was a relief. I think may binge listen to the next 2!
Didn't get much reading in today seeing as I was kicking ass in the Spartan Sprint in Fort Bragg!
Didn't get much reading in to day seeing as I was kicking ass in the Spartan Sprint in Fort Bragg!
I'm 10 hours into a little life. And I'm enjoying the characters, and I just want to hug Jude. However I need to stop for a little while. My personal life is a roller coaster of emotions at the moment. I just need to set the boys down for a little while until my head clears up again. I can only handle one sad at a time. So I listen to Pines instead.
I am just going to pretend this doesn't exist now. 😒
Also I got a lot out of audibles 3 year daily deal anniversary. The only one I used a credit on was a little life.
I bought this on audio today. I've been wanting to read this for a while. I haven't felt up for it, but are you ever really ready to start something that may destroy you?
Drinking my very first pretty latte. Oh just and started Act II.
So I'm on Act 1 scene 17 I'm finally falling in to the groove of this and I'm starting to enjoy it. Also it's overcast and chilly this morning so inside reading under a cosy blanket, and of course coffee.
West coast vacation read. I hate flying and I figured a little Harry Potter world would distract me from the fact that I was in a plane. It helped a little. So now I'm having a relaxing morning reading more. I'm not sure how I feel yet.
Went to the beach by myself this weekend. No distractions, and I finally got started on this one.
So excited for my new mug! I read this years ago. It's time for a reread.
Hand walking Pie. Trying to stay in the shade while listening to Gilead. 🐴
"Salves. Guns. It's the same issue, just different times."
I can't even begin to grasp this person's rational.?
I loved this so, so much! I listened to it on audio, but needed a copy for my bookshelves.
Yes! It's on audio too!!
"Do you get seasick? People who don't get seasick have no idea what it's like. It's not just nausea. It's nausea plus losing the will to live."
This is the most accurate thing I've ever read.
Oooooo I just picked my BOTM book!! Can't wait to read this. As a child of Miami, and the Keys, now living in NC, I look forward to reading this!
This makes me want to live in Brooklyn, (Not that I could afford it.) but at least for one summer.
With only knowing what pop culture had taught me, I really did enjoy this much more than I thought I would.
Everything I didn't know, I needed to know about worms.
I bought this in hard back recently because I thought I'd never read it. Then I was strolling through my audible account and apparently I listened to it 4 YEARS ago. I do not recall at all. 😳 I am enjoying I though.