Still working through my #swashbuckling TBR. Karen Savage is a fantastic narrator, look out for this free #Librivox #audio recording.
Still working through my #swashbuckling TBR. Karen Savage is a fantastic narrator, look out for this free #Librivox #audio recording.
Getting out of the back-to-school reading slump! I am so here for Kristen Bell's narration. #marshmallow
Hometown book haul! It's a too rare pleasure seeing the real Oakland celebrated by local authors. Throw some love at Laurel Bookstore if you're in #thetown
This is the earliest I've ever gotten to school 🙃 #firstday #eclipsolypse #librarylife
I finally picked this up... and didn't put it down until I'd finished at 3 am. I mean, THIS is what books are for. If you're a Starr or a Khalil and you haven't seen yourself in a book, here you are. If you don't already know and love a Khalil or a Starr, now you do. #blacklivesmatter #representationmatters
Catching up on a favorite author! #hoopla #audio #middlegrade
My five year old friend was a bit skeptical that her birthday present wasn't a toy, but after we spent some quality time with it I caught her paging through it on her own, taken in by those gorgeous illustrations! This book is such a winner. #adventuresinbabysitting
This book is so problematic even for #classicscifi. Maybe skip it if colonialist metaphors for humanity's future make you barf.
"Ultimately, the lesson from our twenty-three incredible individuals is that there is no wrong way to be queer. You can be low-key; you can be fabulous; you can exclusively wear shirts with unnecessarily convoluted Judith Butler quotes in very small fonts... the mere fact of you, living, makes the world more radiant." #imnotcryingyourecrying #queerlit
Getting schooled about my local #bayarea #queerhistory while riding BART!
Richard Peck is one of my favorite authors and I'm just tickled that he's written one of the most relevant and best reviewed lgbt books of late! Not bad for an octogenarian! I was thrown off by the modern suburb that reads suspiciously small town, like many of his previous books. But overall, great company on the Mass Pike. (Just don't tell my library I disassembled this copy pls!)
Sweet bookish story! Civics lessons can feel forced but the setting and perspective worked for me here. Did anyone else do the 'read a book a day' thing as a kid? I totally did.
Visiting friends and got storytime duty w their 5 yo! So fun! She's a crazy precocious reader who can read chapter books on her own. (This Neverland fairy nonsense she's into seems less annoying than the Rainbow Magic series at least?)
Read Georgette Heyer a decade ago (Arabella) and found the costume drama wasn't for me. This time I'm here for the gender bending and swordplay!!! #audio #hoopla #georgian #swashbuckler
One of the best narrators I've read in a while! This isn't a perfect book but it's also very much not written for me, so I'll leave the critiques to others. I'm 1000% on board for the author's forthcoming "latina punk band sci-fi epic"! #queerbooks